Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Symfony AMQP extension Messenger Bridge
39 908 691 285
Provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system
54 778 640 1 033
Trait to allow support of different psr/log versions.
14 219 756 43
DNS protocol implementation written in pure PHP
12 077 871 136
Async DNS resolution for Amp.
12 059 190 157
A fiber-aware cache API based on Amp and Revolt.
11 996 973 103
Non-blocking socket connection / server implementations based on Amp and Revolt.
11 991 431 235
Windows Registry Reader.
11 938 446 97
Factory-Driven Dependency Injection Container
38 874 792 154
Access certificate details and transform between different formats.
11 408 799 85
The Illuminate Filesystem package.
46 739 636 158
The Pest Laravel Plugin
15 353 265 183
Provides backwards compatibility for helpers in the latest Laravel release.
43 231 308 775
A suite of utility functions for use with PHP_CodeSniffer
12 746 338 54
A flexible Composer project scaffold builder.
28 754 226 50