
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1.3) of this package.

0.1.3 2015-04-17 15:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 10:26:33 UTC


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Laravel stored procedures

This package allow you to work with PostgreSQL stored procedures with Laravel 5. It allows you to generate models to simply use your procedures in your PHP code.


Package installation

With Composer

Require this package by adding following dependency on your composer.json

"3ie/laravel-storedprocedures": "0.1.*"

Then update composer with composer update or composer install.

With Laravel bundle

If you do not want to use Composer, you can install it by using Laravel Bundle by typing this command

php artisan bundle:install StoredProcedure

Registering service provider

Once the package is installed, add the ServiceProvider in providers array on app/config/app.php :

'providers' => array(


You can generate model for your stored procedures (aka functions) by typing this command

php artisan generate-sp

Only stored procedures which name start with sp_ will have a model generated, other ones will be ignored. Models will be written in app/store_procedures directory (or the one defined in configuration file). Do not edit these models ! They will be overwritten at next generation.


You have to run the vendor:publish method to copy the configuration file into you app directory

php artisan vendor:publish

You can change the database schema to read and the directory where models for stored procedures are written. You can also modify the namespace used for your sp_models

return array(
    'schema'         	=> 'public',
    'model_save_dir' 	=> 'stored_procedures/',
	'model_namespace'   => 'App'


Generated models have an execute() methods that allow you to execute stored procedure and get result (if the procedure returns one) from it.

If procedure have IN or INOUT parameter, the execute() method will have the same parameter in the same order.

If it has OUT or INOUT parameter, model will have an attribute with getter/setter for every OUT parameters.

Setters will not modify data, they are only present to allow you to format data if you want to use it on views by uysing whole model instead of simple variables.


Giving the following stored procedure, that retrieve all friends of a user giving its id...

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_getfriends(IN id integer, OUT id integer, OUT username character varying, OUT firstname character varying, OUT lastname character varying, OUT facebook_id character varying)
$BODY$SELECT id, username, firstname, lastname, facebook_id
FROM users
LEFT JOIN friends ON users.id = friends.friend_with_id
WHERE friends.user_id = $1$BODY$
  COST 100
  ROWS 1000;

...we will have a SP_Getfriends class generated. We can use it like this :

$userId = 20;
$friends = SP_Getfriends::execute($userId);

$firstFriend = $friends[0];