5dmatweb / streamlab
RealTime messages services streamlab.io
Installs: 3 118
Dependents: 1
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 13
Watchers: 4
Forks: 8
Open Issues: 2
- php: >=5.4.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-15 22:40:34 UTC
RealTime messages services streamlab.io
run this command form composer
composer require 5dmatweb/streamlab:dev-master
add service provider
open config/app add this line to provider array
and then publish this vendor
php artisan vendor:publish
this command will add to files
1-stream-lab.php on config file
2-StreamLab.js on public/StreamLab/StreamLab-soket.js
3-test.blade.php on resources/views/test.blade.php
How to Use
1-add account to https://streamlab.io
get app_id and key then add to config/stream-lab.php
2- go to this route
yourserver /sl
this will load test view in your first thing you must
create user go to this link in our web site Apps
choose your app then go to users tab add new user then add this id in your link
connect to socket
you can listen to channels by this way frist make new object form our lib StreamLabSocket
the add this objec to this class
var sls = new StreamLabSocket({ appId:"", channelName:"", channelSecret:"", event:"*", user_id:"", user_secret:"" });
appId = the app you connect we get htis value from config file
channelName = the name of channel you want to listen
channelSecret = if the channel is secret you must add the secret code here
event = if you want to listn on specific evnet you can * for listen to all event or just add event name 'event'or
you can listen to more than one like this event1,event2,event3
user_id = you make user add user id here
user_secret = if you make user add user_seceret here
look to user section from here user section
var sls = new StreamLabSocket({ appId:"{{ config('stream_lab.app_id') }}", channelName:"test", channelSecret:"", event:"*", user_id:1000, user_secret:"asdasdlkkjkleke040e_sdsdklekj" });
if you want to allow to any one to subscribe this channel just add the id and the channel name
var sls = new StreamLabSocket({ appId:"{{ config('stream_lab.app_id') }}", channelName:"test", });
get data
after this step to connect to soket now you can recive data from our api
now you must get this data with this funciton
var slh = new StreamLabHtml() sls.socket.onmessage = function(res){ ///res is data send from our api ///set this data to our class so you can use our helper function slh.setData(res); }
after you get data from our api now you must make new object from our html handel class this
class will allow you to make alot of things easy
get messages
you can get message now from our class StreamLabHtml by this function
get online
you can get number of online on this channel from StreamLabHtml by this function
show data to user
ther are two ways to show data to user frist one
by this funcitons from StreamLabHtml class
first way
slh.setMessages(id); slh.setOnline(id);
this functions take the id of the tag that you will show the messages or the online number
second way
slh.setOnlineAndMessages(onlineID , messagesID);
onlineID = the online number will show in this id
messagesID = the message will show in this id
you can make tamplate to show message
slh.msgTemplate = ['li' , 'id' , 'calss']
li = the tag we will put the message in this tag each message will push inside this tag
id = id attribute
calss = class attribute
send message to channel
now you must know how you can push message to channel we make function to make it easy to you
url = the url will get all users do not worry we set this routes for you
data = it must be object contain _token , message property
callback = the function will call when you get users
sls.sendMessage("{{ url('streamLab/post/message') }}", { _token:"{{ csrf_token()}}" ,message:slh.getVal('messageText'), channelName:"public", eventName:"SendMessages" } ,function(){ slh.setVal('messageText' , ' '); });
the slh.setVal and the slh.getVal functions are helper function we build to make easy access to data
and we can make it more usable by add listner function like this
slh.addEventListener('sendMessage' , 'click' , function(){ sls.sendMessage("{{ url('streamLab/post/message') }}", { _token:"{{ csrf_token()}}", message:slh.getVal('messageText') }, function(){ slh.setVal('messageText' , ' '); }); });
addEventListener is helper function we bulid for you see how to use
source of data
when we send you data will have property that show you the type of data so you can get this source
by this fucntion
this will return
1- messages = this mean that someone on this channel send message
2- user.offline = this mean that one user left your channel
3- user.online = this mean that one user login your channel
4- channels = this will come if user or vistor subscribe or left the channel
show online users
you can use this function to get all users we make it easy to extract this info for you you can use this function
slh.showOnlineUsers(id , data , [property]);
id = the tag id will show user inside it
data = user online data for this function
[property] = array of property that you want to show we will by default show users status
slu.getAllUser("{{ url('streamLab/app/user') }}" ,function(online){ slh.showOnlineUsers('onlineusers' , online , ['name']); }, 10 ,0 , 'test');
you can add users inside specific by this property
slh.onlineTemplate = ['div' , 'id' , 'well']
li = the tag we will put the user in this tag each user will push inside this tag
id = id attribute
calss = class attribute
append login user
after you show online user you must update if user log out or another user login you must update
user list with the new data so you can use this function in this action after user set data to our lib you can now updat the list of online user this function will
append new user to list and update if user logout this function will update his status
slh.updateUserList(online , offline)
online = function call if user come online offline = function call if user come offline
slh.updateUserList(function(id){ ///here where user online ///check if user exist slu.userExist("{{ url('streamLab/app/checkuser') }}" , id , function(response){ if(response.status){ ///append user to user list slh.showOnlineUsers('onlineusers' , response , ['name']); sln.makeNotification('User ' , 'User Login'); } }) } , function(id){ ///what you will do if user ofline here sln.makeNotification('User ' , 'User Logout'); });
makeNotification is class that handel browser notfication look more form here
get all channel
we make this function to help you to get all channel you have on you app
slh.getAllChannel(id , callback , url);
id = the id we will show channel in
callback = optional if you not set we will show the channel name and how many online on it
url = do not worry abot that we set it for you but you can change if if you want
//show channels on channels id slh.getAllChannel('channels');
you can make this more usable bys set channelTemplate by this code
slh.channelTemplate = ['div' , 'id' , 'class'];
now each channel you show in div this div will have data-channel attribute and we show online on span
this span will have attribute call data-channel-online that is aviable if you not set the callback function
create new channel
we make it easy to create channel you can use this funciton
slh.createChannel(channelName , callback , secret , url);
channelName = Channe name must be unique in the same app
callback = is function return what the api say
type = ture you will make private channel do not add this if his channel will be public
url = the url to add channel do not worry about this we set it for you
Example for private channel
slh.createChannel('private' , function(response){ alert(response.status); }, 'true');
Example for public channel
slh.createChannel('public' , function(response){ alert(response.status); });
delete channel
you can delete exist channel like this
slh.deleteChannel(channelName , callback , url)
channelName = Channe name must be unique in the same app
callback = is function return what the api say
url = the url to add channel do not worry about this we set it for you
slh.deleteChannel('private' , function(response){ alert(response.status); });
#update channel online user
now after you show all channel maybe you want to update online user
if user login or log out
use this function inside message action
this code will update the cahnnel test when user login or logout
get channel info
if you want to get channel info you can use this funciton
slh.getChannel(channelName , channelSecret , callback , url)
channelName = the channel name
channelSecret = if it was private you must have secret
callback = what happen when you have response this call back will have the return data
url = the route do not worry about that we set it for you but you still can change it
slh.getChannel('test' , null , function(response){ /// here will get the channel info you /// can extract the channel info console.log(response); });
this will return with public channel info call test
user controll
we support to save your users info in our api this cool thing to check if users online or not
and where are they connect or in any channel they subscribe
#create user
first make object form our lib call StreamLabUser
then make data object data object must have id ,secret , _token properties
then call createUser function
slu = new StreamLabUser(); var data = { id:100, secret:123, _token:"{{ csrf_token() }}", name:"hassan", age:20 }; slu.createUser("{{ url('streamLab/create/user') }}" , data , function(response){ console.log(response); });
you can add any number of property to save in our api
update user
first make object form our lib call StreamLabUser
then make data object data object must have id ,secret , _token properties
then call updateUser function
slu = new StreamLabUser(); var data = { id:100, secret:123, _token:"{{ csrf_token() }}", name:"hassan", age:20 }; slu.updateUser("{{ url('streamLab/create/user') }}" , data , function(response){ console.log(response); });
#get all user
this option you can get all user register in your app with thier status if they online or offline,
or you can get online users on channels
slu.getAllUser(url , callback , limit , offset , channel);
url = the url will get all users do not worry we set this routes for you
callback = the function will call when you get users
limit = the user limit
offset = get form recorecd number
channel = if you put this prams this funciton will return with online user on this cahnnel if you leave it
empty will return with all users on this app
note :: if you put channel name you will get the online users only put if leave it empty will return with online
offline users
slu.getAllUser("{{ url('streamLab/app/user') }}" ,function(response){ /// online users on channel test console.log(response); }, 10 ,1 , 'test');
another example
slu.getAllUser("{{ url('streamLab/app/user') }}" ,function(response){ /// all users on this app console.log(response); }, 10 ,1);
delete users
you can delete users from our service with this function
slu.userExist(url , userID ,callback)
url = the url will get all users do not worry we set this routes for you
userID = user id
callback = this will call when get response
slu.deleteUser("{{ url('streamLab/app/user/delete') }}" , userId , function(response){ /// user deleted console.log(response) });
check if user exist
you can check if user exist in our api or not just call this function
slu.userExist(url , userID ,callback)
url = the url will get all users do not worry we set this routes for you
userID = user id
callback = this will call when get response
slu.userExist("{{ url('streamLab/app/checkuser') }}" , 30 , function(response){ if(response.status){ ///user found var json = slu.json(response).data.data; alert("Hi " + json.name); }else{ //user not found alert('Error login') } });
browser notification
we make class that handel browser notification
#allow to use browser notification
when you make object form browser notification the browserNotification will be true that mean you can use it turn it to
false if you need to not use it
sln = new StreamLabNotification();
sln.browserNotification = false
this lib allow to add icon to your notification so the default icon you will find it on public/streamlab/fb-pro.png
you can replace it or you can add new path or new url like this
sln.icon = "/StreamLab/fb-pro.png"; ///or icon = "https://streamlab.io/";
you can add how many time you need to show this notification the default is 500
sln.time = 1000
add notifiction
now after this option you can add new notifiction by this fucntion
sln.makeNotification(title , message);
helper function
we add a lot of helper function to make it easy to show or set or get data we use StreamLabHtml class for this
get data form input by id
this function return with data form the id you set
set data to input by id
this function set data to input by id
slh.setVal(id , value);
get data from html tag
this function return with tag innerhtml
append data to html tag
this function will append data to html tag
slh.append(id , data);
hide html element by id
this function will hide html tag by add style display none
show html element by id
this function will show html tag by remove style display none
set attribute to tag by id
this function will add custome attribute to tag
slh.setAttr(id , attrName , attrValue);
get attribute to tag by id
this function will get attribute value
slh.getAttr(id , attrName);
remove attribute to tag by id
this function will remove attribute
slh.removeAttr(id , attrName);
#addEventListener you can decet user behavior and add some action depend on this behaviorby this function
slh.addEventListener(id , action , callback)
slh.addEventListener('login' , 'submit' , function(){ alert('Hi you press login btn'); })