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Http foundation component of Aatis

1.0.0 2024-10-28 11:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 10:47:37 UTC



Http foundation package is an additionnal layer that replaces the use of the global variables.


composer require aatis/http-foundation



The File class is a representation of a file with it stream resource and the basic methods of the SplFileInfo class.

It implements the FileInterface interface that contains the additionnal following methods:

  • detach() to detach the stream resource
  • close() to close the stream
  • tell() to get the current position into the stream
  • eof() to check if the end of the stream has been reached
  • seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) to move the position into the stream
  • rewind() to move the position to the beginning of the stream
  • read($length) to read a part of the stream
  • getStream() to get the stream resource
  • setOverrideName($fileName) to override the name of the file into the class
  • write($string) to write a string into the stream at the current position
  • append($string) to write a string at the end of the stream
  • save($path) to save the content of the stream into a file at the given path
  • getContents() to get the content of the stream as a string


UploadedFile is a File but with the full name of the file into the constructor.


Useful to handle $_FILES and tmp files for example.


The ParameterBag class is a custom array with the following methods:

  • has($key) to check if a key exists
  • get($key) to get a value
  • all() to get all values as an array
  • set($key, $value) to set a value
  • add($key, $value) to add a value to an existing or non existing key
  • remove($key) to remove a key


HeaderBag is a ParameterBag with case insensitive keys.


ServerBag is a ParameterBag with an additionnal method getHeaders() that returns an array of all the headers beginning with HTTP_ (exepct HTTP_COOKIE).


CookieBag is a ParameterBag with an additionnal method getInline() that returns a string of all the cookies in a format that can be used in a Set-Cookie header.


UploadedFileBag is a ParameterBag that only contains UploadedFile objects.


The Message principle is the base class for the Request and Response classes.

It contains the following properties:

  • headers that is an HeaderBag of headers.
  • content that is a string.
  • protocolVersion that is the version of HTTP used by the server.


To create a request, you can use the static createFromGlobals() method of the Request class.

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();


To create a response, you must precise a content which must be a string. You can also precise optionals status code and/or headers.


By default, the status code is 200 and the headers are empty.

$response = new Response('Hello, World!');

It is possible to model the response on a request by using the prepare() method, which will copy the protocol version and the headers of the Request that are not already defined.

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = new Response('Hello, World!')->prepare($request);


The JsonResponse class is a Response with a JSON content. It will automatically set the Content-Type header to application/json and encode the content given to json.

$response = new JsonResponse(['message' => 'Hello, World!']);


The RedirectResponse class is a Response with a redirection. It will automatically set the Location header to the given URL.


The status code is 301 by default.

$response = new RedirectResponse('https://github.com/BatMaxou/aatis-http-foundation');


The FileResponse class is a Response wich take a FileInterface or the path of a file as content. It will automatically set:

  • the Content-Type header to the mime type of the file
  • the Content-Lenght header to the size of the file
  • the Content-Disposition header with the filename of the file
$response = new FileResponse('path/to/file');

// OR

$file = new File('path/to/file');
$response = new FileResponse($file);