
This package will help you sync posts from popular blogs on the Internet.

dev-master 2021-12-31 08:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:37 UTC


This package will help you sync posts from popular blogs on the Internet.

­ Logo


1 ) Installation

1) Install package

Run bellow command in terminal for base path of laravel project

composer require abdelrahmanmedhat/blogsscraper

2) Add Service Provider

Open config/app.php then add below line into providers array


3) Publish package in project

Run bellow command in terminal for base path of laravel project

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\BlogsScraperServiceProvider"

4) Connect to database

Make sure you are connect laravel project with database

5) Publish package tables to database

Run bellow command in terminal for base path of project

php artisan migrate

2 ) Parser

1) Parsers folder

In this folder app/Parsers we will put any parser here that you will create from artisan command.

2) Create your first parser

• Open terminal on base path of project.

• Copy bellow command and paste it on terminal.

• Replace : blog-name from command with blog name you will scrape data from it.

• Run bellow command.

• You will see new parser in Parsers folder at this path app/Parsers.

php artisan create:parser blog-name

3) Parser architecture

• Go to this path : app/Parsers .

• Open this parser scitechdailyParser.php .

In this variable you need define blog name.

public static $blogName = 'SciTechDaily';



In this variable you need define home blog url.

public static $blogUrl = 'https://scitechdaily.com';



In this variable you need define blog logo.

public static $blogLogo = 'https://scitechdaily.com/images/cropped-scitechdaily-amp60.png';


In bellow variable you need define blog query that we will scrape data from it

And you need to put : {{tag}} instead of tag name and put : {{page}} instead of page number.

Before : https://scitechdaily.com/news/technology/amp/page/2/

After : https://scitechdaily.com/news/{{tag}}/amp/page/{{page}}/

    public static $blogQuery = 'https://scitechdaily.com/news/{{tag}}/amp/page/{{page}}/';



In this function you need to define all posts html nodes from class of post html div .

    public function posts($html){
        return $html->filter('.listing-item');

| Notice | => $html this will return html of posts page.

| Notice | => you can use ->filter('selector here') to extract another nodes or text or ...etc from $html or from $node. ­


In this function you need to define post link .

    public function postLink($node){
        return $node->filter('.post-title a')->attr('href');

| Notice | => $node this will return html of post node in posts page.

| Notice | => you can use ->attr('attribute here') to get value from attribute like we do above on href. ­


In this function you need to define post excerpt .

    public function postExcerpt($node){
        return $node->filter('.post-excerpt p')->text();

| Notice | => you can use ->text() to get text from html element like we do above. ­


In this function you need to define post title .

    public function postTitle($node){
        return $node->filter('.post-title a')->text();



In this function you need to define post image .

    public function postImage($node){
        return $node->filter('.post-thumbnail amp-img')->attr('src');



In this function you need to define post category .

    public function postCategory($node){
        return $node->filter('.post-categories li a')->text();



In this function you need to define post author .

    public function postAuthor($post){
        return $post->filter('.post-author')->text();

| Notice | => $post this will return html of post inner page. ­


In this function you need to define post content .

we replace any amp-img with img in post content because blog we scrape from it , replace img tag with amp-img and if we use it with amp-img the image will not load on your blog we need to change it to img tag to browser can load it .

    public function postContent($post){
        return str_replace('amp-img', 'img', $post->filter('.post-content')->html());

| Notice | => you can use ->html() to get html value of node. ­


In this function you need to define post tags .

    public function postTags($post){
        $GLOBALS['postTags'] = [];

        $post->filter('.tags a')->each(function ($tagsNodes) {
            $GLOBALS['postTags'] []= $tagsNodes->text() ;

        return $GLOBALS['postTags'];

| Notice | => you can use below method to loop on all element : <a> inside element have class : .tags like what we do on above function

    $nodes->each(function ($node) {
        // use $node here

­| Notice | => you need return all tags in array.



3 ) Scraping

Sync all posts from specific blog.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\BlogsScraper;

    $blog_name = 'scitechdaily';
    $tag_name = 'technology';
    $pages = [1,2,3];

    $BlogsScraper =  new BlogsScraper;

­| Notice | => you also can use this script to corn job on server With a specific schedule.


4 ) Database Relationships


Logo ­

Get all posts with relationships.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\Models\Post;

    $posts = Post::with(['category','blog','author','tags'])



Get all blogs with relationships.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\Models\Blog;

    $blogs = Blog::with(['posts'])



Get all authors with relationships.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\Models\Author;

    $authors = Author::with(['posts'])



Get all categories with relationships.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\Models\Category;

    $categories = Category::with(['posts'])



Get all tags with relationships.

    use AbdelrahmanMedhat\BlogsScraper\Models\Tag;

    $tags = Tag::with(['posts'])

