abishekrsrikaanth / mailto
Laravel 4 Package to integrate with multiple Cloud Email Providers
- php: >=5.3.0
- guzzle/guzzle: 3.8.*@dev
- illuminate/support: 4.x
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-14 07:23:39 UTC
####Email Providers Supported
###Installation Add abishekrsrikaanth/mailto as a requirement to composer.json:
"require": {
"abishekrsrikaanth/mailto": "1.*"
Update composer:
$ php composer.phar update
Add the provider to your app/config/app.php:
'providers' => array(
and the Facade info on app/config/app.php
'aliases' => array(
'MailTo' => 'Abishekrsrikaanth\Mailto\Facades\Mailto',
Publish the Configuration and setup the config with the credentials of the different email providers
php artisan config:publish abishekrsrikaanth/mailto
###Mandrill #####Sending Email using Mandrill
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill();
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Queuing Email using Mandrill
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill();
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Sending Email at a given Time
$timestamp = new DateTime('+1 hour');
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill();
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Sending Email to a Batch of recipients
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill();
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Sending Email to a Batch of recipients at a given time
$timestamp = new DateTime('+1 hour');
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill();
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Passing the credentials dynamically for Mandrill
$mandrill = MailTo::Mandrill(array('apikey'=>'MADRILL_API_KEY'));
$mandrill->addRecipient($email, $name)
->setFrom($email, $name)
#####Example Response from Mandrill - Success
"email": "recipient.email@example.com",
"status": "sent",
"reject_reason": "hard-bounce",
"_id": "abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123"
#####Example Response from Mandrill - Error
"status": "error",
"code": 10,
"name": "PaymentRequired",
"message": "This feature is only available for accounts with a positive balance."
#####Managing Webhooks The configuration of this package allows you to configure the webhooks that have been created on the mandrill control panel. When enabled and configured, the necessary routes for the web hooks are automatically created and is ready to implement. The details of enabling and configuring the web hooks are mentioned below.
'mandrill' => array(
'apikey' => 'MANDRILL_API_TOKEN',
'web_hooks' => array(
'enabled' => false,
'routes' => array(
'route_url' => '/mandrill/send',
'route_types' => array('send'),
'webhook_key' => 'API_WEBHOOK_KEY',
'listener' => array(
'type' => 'event',
'name' => ''
'verify_hook' => false
'route_url' => '/mandrill/bounce',
'route_types' => array(''),
'webhook_key' => '',
'listener' => array(
'type' => 'queue',
'name' => ''
'verify_hook' => false
- web_hooks.enabled
- Indicates whether to enable or disable the configuration of web hooks
- web_hooks.routes
- An array of route configurations that you wish to define for various event types of mandrill
Lets look at detail the route configurations.
- routes.route_url
- The route URL of the webhook. On the example above it is configured as /mandrill/send, the route will be configured to http://base_url/mandrill/send
- routes.route_types
- An array object that contains the list of events that have been configured for this web hook. You would have done this when setting up the web hook on the Mandrill Control Panel. The different event types are listed on http://help.mandrill.com/entries/21738186-Introduction-to-Webhooks. This configuration will only be used if verify_hook is set to true
- routes.webhook_key
- A key that is automatically generated when a webhook is created. This can be found on the Webhook Control panel of mandrill. Every Webhook has a different key generated. Again, this configuration will only be used if verify_hook is set to true
- routes.listener
- The listener is used to configure a hook on the application to listen to when the webhook is called. There are 2 listeners that you can configure. Event, Queue. The type takes the type of listener that you want to configure it to [event, queue]. The name takes the name of the listener that should be called. A look at the Laravel docs on how to setup an Event Listener or Queue will help understand.
- routes.verify_hook
- It takes a boolean value and notifies the route to verify the web hook call.
There are 2 verfications that are done here
a. Mandrill sends an encrypted signature based on the data and the key of the webhook that can be used to verify if the web hook call is actually coming from Mandrill.
b. It checks if the event type matches the web_hook call.
Setting the configuration to true will automatically start validating the web hook calls if the calls are from Mandrill or not. No additional coding required
Method | Explanation | ||||||||||||
Mandrill($credentials) | Constructor will initialize the API Key. If no credentials is passed, the credentials will be picked from the config file
addRecipient($email,$name) | Adds a Recipient for the Email. Multiple Recipients can be added by calling this function again
setHtml($html) | Sets the HTML Content for the Email
setText($text) | Sets the Text Content for the Email
setSubject($subject) | Sets the Subject of the Email
setFrom($email, $name) | Set the Information of the Sender. Calling this function again will override the information if already called
setGlobalMergeVariables($key, $value) | Set the Global merge variables to use for all recipients. Call this function multiple times to add multiple items.
setMergeVariables($recipient, $key, $value) | Set per-recipient merge variables, which override global merge variables with the same name.
Call this function multiple times to add multiple items.
setGlobalMetadata($key, $value) | Set user metadata. Mandrill will store this metadata and make it available for retrieval.
In addition, you can select up to 10 metadata fields to index and make searchable using the Mandrill search api.
setMetadata($recipient, $key, $value) | Set Per-recipient metadata that will override the global values specified in the metadata parameter.
setReplyTo($email) | Sets the Reply To Email Address
addAttachment($fileName, $mime, $content) | Adds an Attachment to the Email. Can be called multiple times to add multiple attachments. The content has to be base64encoded
addImage($fileName, $mime, $content) | Adds an Image to the Email. Can be called multiple times to add multiple images.
isImportant($value) | Marking the Email whether or not this message is important, and should be delivered
head of non-important messages. false by default
shouldTrackOpens($value) | Sets whether or not to turn on open tracking for the message. false by default
shouldTrackClicks($value) | Sets whether or not to turn on click tracking for the message. false by default
shouldAutoText($value) | Sets whether or not to automatically generate a text part for messages that are not given text.
false by default
shouldAutoHtml($value) | Sets whether or not to automatically generate an HTML part for messages that are not given HTML.
false by default
shouldStripUrlQS($value) | Sets whether or not to strip the query string from URLs when aggregating tracked URL data.
false by default
setInlineCSS($value) | Sets whether or not to automatically inline all CSS styles provided in the message HTML
- only for HTML documents less than 256KB in size. false by default
setBccAddress($value) | Sets an optional address to receive an exact copy of each recipient's email
setTrackingDomain($value) | Sets a custom domain to use for tracking opens and clicks instead of mandrillapp.com
setSigningDomain($value) | Sets a custom domain to use for SPF/DKIM signing instead of mandrill (for "via" or "on behalf of" in email clients)
addTags($value) | Sets a Tag to the Email. Can be called repeatedly to add multiple tags
send($timestamp) | Send a new transactional message through Mandrill. If multiple recipients have been added, they will be show on the `To` field of the Email
If parameter timestamp is specified, then it marks a message to be sent later. If you specify a time in the past, the message will be sent immediately.
An additional fee applies on Mandrill for scheduled email, and this feature is only available to accounts with a positive balance.
queue() | Enables background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, messages/send will immediately return a status of "queued" for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set up a webhook for the 'reject' event. Defaults to false for messages with no more than 10 recipients; messages with more than 10 recipients are always sent asynchronously, regardless of the value of async. | ||||||||||||
sendBatch($timestamp) | Sends the email as a batch to Multiple Recipients.
If parameter timestamp is specified, then it marks a message to be sent later.
If you specify a time in the past, the message will be sent immediately.
An additional fee applies on Mandrill for scheduled email, and this feature is only available to accounts with a positive balance.
$postMark = MailTo::PostMark();
$message = $postMark->getMessageInstance();
->setFrom("FROM_EMAIL", "FROM_NAME")
#####Example Response from Postmark for Send Method if Message sent successfully
"ErrorCode" : 0,
"Message" : "OK",
"MessageID" : "b7bc2f4a-e38e-4336-af7d-e6c392c2f817",
"SubmittedAt" : "2010-11-26T12:01:05.1794748-05:00",
"To" : "receiver@example.com"
$postMark = MailTo::PostMark();
$message = $postMark->getMessageInstance();
->setFrom("FROM_EMAIL", "FROM_NAME")
#####Example Response from Postmark for Send Method if Message sent successfully
"ErrorCode" : 0,
"Message" : "OK",
"MessageID" : "b7bc2f4a-e38e-4336-af7d-e6c392c2f817",
"SubmittedAt" : "2010-11-26T12:01:05.1794748-05:00",
"To" : "receiver1@example.com"
"ErrorCode" : 0,
"Message" : "OK",
"MessageID" : "e2ecbbfc-fe12-463d-b933-9fe22915106d",
"SubmittedAt" : "2010-11-26T12:01:05.1794748-05:00",
"To" : "receiver2@example.com"
#####Work in progress
- ElasticMail
#####Implementations coming soon
Mad Mimi
Alpha Mail