abo3adel / shoppingcart
a simple yet powerful and highly customized laravel shopping cart
- php: ^7.1
- illuminate/support: ~5.5.0|~5.6.0|~5.7.0|~5.8.0|^6.0|^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- fzaninotto/faker: ^1.9@dev
- illuminate/support: ^5.8@dev
- mockery/mockery: ^1.0@dev
- orchestra/database: ^3.8@dev
- orchestra/testbench: ^3.8@dev
- phpunit/phpunit: ^7.4@dev
a simple yet powerful and highly customized laravel shopping cart.
Highly inspired by LaravelShoppingcart
Demo shopping-cart
- Multiple cart instances
- Multiple Buyable models
- Discount && Tax
- configure up to 2 colums in cart item
- Guest cart items && user cart items
- It`s more like the Laravel way
- PHP 7.1+ (tested in 7.2+)
- Laravel 5.5
How It works
This package use sessions and database, it will save cart items into session for guests and then merge these items when user logIn and save it into database, while user is loggedIn items will be saved into database
- require
composer require abo3adel/shoppingcart
- Import config file and migration and migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shoppingcart-all
- configure before migrate
update config/shoppingcart.php with your configration
and then
php artisan migrate
- Add a trait and interface (required) to the model that can be bought
<?php namespace Abo3adel\ShoppingCart\Tests\Model; use Abo3adel\ShoppingCart\Contracts\CanBeBought; use Abo3adel\ShoppingCart\Traits\Buyable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class SpaceCraft extends Model implements CanBeBought { use Buyable; public function getPrice(): float { return $this->price; } public function getDiscount(): float { return $this->discount; } // }
you can use the facade or the helper function
Cart::add() cart()->add()
return the newly saved item
// all options Cart::add( CanBeBought $buyable, int $qty, mixed $opt1, // see config/shoppingcart.php to change this mixed $opt2, // see config/shoppingcart.php to change this array $options ) // only price and qty Cart::add($buyable, $qty) // only price && qty && options array // use this if you do not use any of (opt1 or opt2) Cart::add($buyable, $qty, ['weight' => 250]) // if you do not use opt2 Cart::add($buyable, $qty, $opt1, ['weight' => 250])
return the cart item if found || else null
// by item ID Cart::find($itemId) // by buyable model id Cart::find(int $buyable_id, string $buyable_type) Cart::find(25, App\Book::class)
return boolean
// all args Cart::add( int $itemId, int $qty, mixed $opt1, // see config/shoppingcart.php to change this mixed $opt2, // see config/shoppingcart.php to change this array $options ) // only qty Cart::update($itemId, $qty) // only options Cart::update($itemId, $options) // if no (opt1 || opt2) Cart::update($itemId, $qty, $options) // if no opt2 Cart::update($itemId, $qty, $opt1, $options)
return boolean
Cart::delete(int $itemId)
return boolean
// by item id Cart::has($itemId) // by buyable id Cart::has($buyable_id, $buyable_type) Cart::has(5, 'App\Product')
return collection of cart items for current instance. all collection methods allowed see Collections
Cart::content() Cart::content()->count() // get count Cart::content()->search() // search Cart::content()->each() // loop // or any collection method
delete all items for current instance
count of deleted items
Cart stays in the last set instance if you don't set a different one
Cart::instance()->content() // default instance Cart::instance('wishlist')->content() Cart::getInstance() // wishlist Cart::destroy() // instance still wishlist Cart::instance('compare')->add($buyable, 2) Cart::getInstance() // compare Cart::instance()->delete(5) Cart::getInstance() // default
get the sum of all items sub_total (qty * price)
Cart::total() // 5631.25 // if you want the total to be formated Cart::total(true) Cart::total($formated, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep)
the sum of all items price
the sum of all items qty
get the total minus tax percentage
Cart::subTotal() // 2516.32 Cart::subTotal(true) // 2,516.32 Cart::subTotal($formated, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep)
set tax percentage for current instance only does not affect the configured value
retrieve current tax percentage
increase item qty
Cart::increments($itemId, $numberToAdd)
decrease item qty
Cart::decrements($itemId, $numberToAdd)
$cartItem = Cart::add($buyable, 5) // get subtotal (price * qty) $cartItem->sub_total // get formated subtotal $cartItem->sub_total() $cartItem->sub_total($decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep) // increment item qty $cartItem->increments($numberToAdd) // decrement item qty $cartItem->decrements($numberToSubstract) // access the buyable object $cartItem->buyable
// add to cart in the default instance $buyable->addToCart($qty, $opt1, $opt2, $options) // remove from cart in the default instance $buyable->removeFromCart() // get list of all cart items associated with this model $buyable->items() // get the subTotal price after discount substract $buyable->getSubPrice()
Manage another user cart items
Cart stays in the last set User if you don't set a different one
// $admin is logged in // user here is admin Cart::forUser($user) // user here is $user Cart::add($buyable, $qty) // reset user and return to logged in admin Cart::resetUser() // user here is $admin again
this will delete cart items which buyable is out of stock and lower items qty if it exceeded buyable qty
$buyable1->qty = 0 // out of stock (will be removed) $buyable2->qty = 5 $cartItem->qty = 7 // this exceeded it`s buyable qty [ [$buyable1], // deleted items [ 'from' => 7, 'to' => 2, 'items' => [$buyable2] // updated items qty ] ] = Cart::checkBuyableStockAmount()
Refresh Items Buyable Object
only required in session this will update the buyable object with latest changes you can use this to check if item buyable still in stock
// this initial values $buyable->qty // 4 $item->buyable->qty // 4 // this after updating buyable qty $buyable->qty // 10 $item->buyable->qty // 4 // still not updated Cart::refreshItemsBuyableObjects() $item->buyable->qty // 10 // updated
Exception | Reason |
InvalidModelException | Provided buyable model is missing required attributes (getPrice() - id) |
ItemAlreadyExistsException | trying to add new item that was already added |
ItemNotFoundException | trying to update or delete an item that is not found |
Event | Fired | Parameter |
CartItemAdded | When an item was added to the cart. | the CartItem |
CartItemUpdated | When an item was updated | the CartItem |
CartItemRemoved | when an item was removed | the CartItem |
CartInstanceDestroyed | when all items for this instance is deleted | instance |
this will delete old cart item from database older than configured
Schedule the RemoveOldItemsCommand
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('shoppingcart:destroy')->daily(); }
$buyable = Product::find(1); $item = $buyable->addToCart(10, 6, 32, ['height' => '340m']); // or $item = Cart::add($buyable, 10, 6, 32, ['height' => '340m']) $wishListItem = Cart::instance('wishlist')->add($buyable, 0); $anotherWishListItem = Cart::instance('wishlist')->add($anotherBuyable, 0); echo $item->size; // 6 , opt1 => size echo $item->color; // 32 , opt2 => color $item->increments(3); echo $item->qty; // 13 // return to default instance and update item Cart::instance()->update($item->id, ['height' => '260m']); // find updated item $item = Cart::find($item->id); echo $item->options; // ['height' => '260m'] foreach (Cart::content() as $item) { echo $item->sub_total; // 2653.14 not formated echo $item_sub_total(); // 2,653.14 formated } // get all items subTotal echo Cart::subTotal(); // 6532145.2 echo Cart::subTotal(true); // 6,532,145.20 echo Cart::instance('wishlist')->content()->count() // 2
composer test
Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. see CONTRIBUTING.md
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details