
Make Symfony form autocompletion easily

2.1 2021-01-21 23:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 08:17:54 UTC


Build Status


This bundle helps you to build autocomplete fields in your symfony forms without declaring any controller or action.

Fully configurable, you can override any part of the autocompletion process very easily.

Doctrine ORM & ODM are supported by default, but you can create your own providers for other extensions !


Install source code with composer :

$ composer require acseo/select-autocomplete-bundle

Enable the bundle :

// config/bundles.php

return [
    Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\SelectAutocompleteBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Use the bundle form theme globally (or locally in your templates) :

# config/packages/twig.yaml

        - '@SelectAutocomplete/form_theme.html.twig'


Let's start by a simple example :

use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\User;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => User::class,
        // The searchable properties used for query
        'properties' => ['profile.firstName', 'profile.lastName'],

With your favorite js library, transform the rendered input to autocomplete input (example with select2) :

$('.acseo-select-autocomplete').each((i, el) => {
    const $el = $(el);

        minimumInputLength: 1,
        ajax: {
            cache: false,
            url: $'autocomplete-url'),        // Get autocomplete url to retrieve search responses
            delay: 250,
            dataType: 'json',
            data: params => ({
                q: params.term || '',                  // Append the search terms to url
                // response_format: 'json'             // (optional, json by default, see form type options for allowed values) 
            processResults: data => ({                 // Transform entrypoint resuls
                results: Object.keys(data).map(value => ({
                    id: value,
                    text: data[value]

Please note 3 important things in this js example :

  • The rendered input has a data-autocomplete-url attribute and the value inside can be used to retrieve search results.
  • The query param q, which represents the search terms, has to be added to data-autocomplete-url value.
  • By default search results are returned by entrypoint like [{ "value": "label" }].

Your autocomplete is now functional !

Form options

Name Type Required Default Description
class string yes null The model class supposed to be autocompleted
properties string array no id The properties used in database query to filter search results of autocomplete action. This properties can be nested with path like "".
display string callable array no properties The displayable properties used to build label of selectable choices. This properties can be nested with path like "".
strategy string no contains The strategy used to filter search results (allowed : starts_with / ends_with / contains / equals).
multiple bool no false Is collection field.
format string callable no json Default format used to encode choices of autocomplete response. Values allowed are provided by your own serializer (basically json / xml / csv / yaml in symfony serializer). Use callable to override encoding process.
identifier string no id Name of your model identifier property (will be used as value of each choice option).
autocomplete_url string no request.pathInfo The entrypoint where autocomplete results can be retrieved. By default we use the route where the form has been built. This value will be set in attribute "data-autocomplete-url" of field input.
transformer boolean object no ModelTransformer Disable/Override the form type transformer. If this value is false, transformer deals only with the identifier(s) value(s) (useful for filters).
provider string callable array object no null Create your own custom queries or specify a provider to use.

Tips : You can also override any part of the process more globally by creating a class which extends AutocompleteType.


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        'properties' => 'targetProperty',
        // OR
        'properties' => ['name', ''],


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        'display' => 'targetPropertyOrMethod',
        // OR
        'display' => 'nestedProperty.targetProperty',
        // OR
        'display' => ['user.firstName', 'user.lastName'],
        // OR 
        'display' => function(TargetClass $object): string {
            return $object->getTargetProperty();


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        'strategy' => 'starts_with', // LIKE ...%
        // OR
        'strategy' => 'ends_with',   // LIKE %...
        // OR
        'strategy' => 'contains',    // LIKE %...%
        // OR
        'strategy' => 'equals',      // = ...


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        'multiple' => true,


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        // Options values are provided by your serializer (these are default format supported by symfony serializer)
        // Format can be override from js by add response_format param in data-autocomplete-url
        'format' => 'json', // xml|csv|yaml|...

        // OR

        // Encode response with your logic 
        'format' => function (array $normalized, Response $response): Response {
            return $response->setContent(json_encode($normalized));


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        // Identifier is used as choice value 
        'identifier' => 'targetPropertyOrMethod',


Sometimes you will need this option to retrieve search results from specific entrypoint.

use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        // This option value will be set in data-autocomplete-url of select input attributes
        'autocomplete_url' => '/my-custom-entrypoint?param1=kevin',


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,
        // Don't transform identifiers values to objects
        'transformer' => false,

        // OR

        // Use custom transformer
        'transformer' => $myCustomTransformer


use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\DataProvider\Doctrine\AbstractDoctrineDataProvider;
use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\Form\Type\AutocompleteType;
use App\Entity\TargetClass;

    ->add('example', AutocompleteType::class, [
        'class' => TargetClass::class,

        // Override provider on search action to retrieve custom collection (Usage of partial query is allowed)
        // The second argument is the default provider which supports the model class
        'provider' => function(string $terms, AbstractDoctrineDataProvider $provider) {
            return $provider->getRepository(TargetClass::class)
                ->where(' LIKE :name')
                ->setParameter('name', $terms.'%')

            // You can also just override default query (available with ORM & ODM Doctrine providers)
            // if ($provider instanceof ORMDataProvider) {
            //     $qb = $provider->createSearchQueryBuilder('o', TargetClass::class, ['name'], $terms, 'starts_with');
            //     // Custom query
            //     return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
            // }
            // if ($provider instanceof ODMDataProvider) {
            //     $qb = $provider->createSearchAggregationBuilder(TargetClass::class, ['name'], $terms, 'starts_with');
            //     // Custom query
            //     return $qb->execute()->toArray();
            // }
        // OR
        // Use your own provider object
        'provider' => $myProvider,

        // OR

        // You can specify provider to use (the service has to be tagged as acseo_select_autocomplete.data_provider).
        // 2 providers are included by default : ORMDataProvider and ODMDataProvider.
        // You can add many providers, for specific model class or other kind of databases !
        'provider' => MyCustomProvider::class,
        // OR
        // Create custom provider
        // To know more about providers, please see Providers section.
        'provider' => [
            'find_by_ids' => function(array $ids, AbstractDoctrineDataProvider $provider) {
                return $provider->getRepository(TargetClass::class)->findBy(['id' => $ids]);
            'find_by_terms' => function(string $terms, AbstractDoctrineDataProvider $provider) {
                return $provider->getRepository(TargetClass::class)
                    ->where(' LIKE :name')
                    ->setParameter('name', $terms.'%')
        // If provider option is not set, the provider used is the first which supports model class


Providers classes are used to retrieve search results form database and transform form view data to model object.

2 Doctrine providers are included by default : ORMDataProvider and ODMDataProvider which supports multiple db connexions.

You can create your own provider for specific model class or specific database. This is an arbitrary example :


namespace App\Form\Autocomplete\DataProvider;

use Acseo\SelectAutocomplete\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface;

class CustomDataProvider implements DataProviderInterface
    private $manager;

    public function __construct(\SomeWhere\CustomManager $manager)
        $this->manager = $manager;
     * Does provider supports the model class.
    public function supports(string $class): bool
        return $this->manager->supports($class);
        // To make specific provider for specific model class
        // return $class === \App\Entity\Foo::class
     * Used to retrieve object with form view data (reverseTransform).
    public function findByIds(string $class, string $identifier, array $ids): array
        return $this->manager->findOneBy([ $identifier => $ids ]);
     * Find collection results of autocomplete action.
    public function findByTerms(string $class, array $properties, string $terms, string $strategy): array
        $qb = $this->manager->createQuery($class);
        switch ($strategy) {
            case 'contains':
                $qb->contains($properties, $terms);
            // ... Rest of strategies code
        return $qb->limit(20)->exec();

Finally, tag this service with acseo_select_autocomplete.data_provider.

        autowire: true
        tags: ['acseo_select_autocomplete.data_provider']

Now, this provider will be invoked by default if it supports the given model class.