
Api Autentique V2

v1.0.2 2024-09-27 14:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 15:47:07 UTC



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šŸš€ Usage

This package is so simple to use that it will save your time.

composer require vinicinbgs/autentique-v2


This library depends on vlucas/phpdotenv to get environments variables (.env)
If you use a framework like Laravel, you don't need to download this library.

Fork do projeto principal para seguranƧa de atualizaƧƵes, utilize a lib princpal

composer require vlucas/phpdotenv

Set in file .env

AUTENTIQUE_DEV_MODE="true" || "false"
# if TRUE, document will be created in mode sandbox


  1. Instance
  2. Documents
  3. Folders
  4. Contributing šŸ¤ 

1. Instance

Import library

use vinicinbgs\Autentique\Documents;

$AUTENTIQUE_TOKEN="xxxxxxxx" (set or will be take in .env)

$documents = new Documents($AUTENTIQUE_TOKEN);

$folders = new Folders($AUTENTIQUE_TOKEN);

Why documents/folders receive token?

  • Easily to manage Documents in multiples accounts (token)

šŸ“ 2. Documents

1 - List all documents with pagination

$documentsPaginated = documents->listAll($page); // if not isset $page is equal 1

2 - List the document by id

$document = $documents->listById($documentId);

3 - Create a document

$attributes = [
         'document' => [
             'name' => 'NOME DO DOCUMENTO',
         'signers' => [
                 'email' => '',
                 'action' => 'SIGN',
                 'positions' => [
                         'x' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo X da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'y' => '80', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo Y da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'z' => '1', // PƔgina da ASSINATURA
                         'x' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo X da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'y' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo Y da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'z' => '2', // PƔgina da ASSINATURA
                 'email' => '',
                 'action' => 'SIGN',
                 'positions' => [
                         'x' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo X da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'y' => '80', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo Y da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'z' => '1', // PƔgina da ASSINATURA
                         'x' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo X da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'y' => '50', // PosiĆ§Ć£o do Eixo Y da ASSINATURA (0 a 100)
                         'z' => '2', // PƔgina da ASSINATURA
         'file' => './dummy.pdf',
 $documentCreated = $documents->create($attributes);

4 - Sign the document by id

$documentSign = $documents->signById($documentId);

5 - Delete the document by id

$documentDeleted = $documents->deleteById($documentId);

6 - Move the document to a folder

$attributes = [
    "folder" => [
                "name" => "folder name",
$folder = $folders->create($attributes);
$documentDeleted = $documents->moveToFolder($documentId, $folder["data"]["createFolder"]["id"]);

7 - Move the document from current folder to target folder

$documentDeleted = $documents->moveToFolderByFolder($documentId, $targetFolderId, $currentFolderId);

šŸ“ 3. Folders

1 - List all folders

$foldersPaginated = $folders->listAll($page); // if not isset $page is equal 1

2 - List the folder by id

$folder = $folders->listById($folderId);

3 - Create a folder

$attributes = [
    "folder" => [
                "name" => "folder name",
$folder = $folders->create($attributes);

4 - List the folder contents by id

$folderContents = $folders->listContentsById($folderId, $page = 1);

5 - Delete a folder

$folderDeleted = $folders->deleteById($folderId);

šŸ”§ Contributing

šŸ’» Setup

git clone
cd autentique-v2
composer install
npm install

āš™ļø Configure

Create .env with variables


Configure prettier php in vscode

(CTRL + P) > Preferences: Open Setting (JSON)

 "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
        "commands": [
                "match": "\\.php$",
                "cmd": "npm run prettier -- ${relativeFile} --write",