
Simple number encryption and decryption package

v1.2.0 2025-01-26 13:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 13:27:55 UTC


Laravel Number Encryption Package

License: MIT


The Laravel Number Encryption Package provides robust encryption and decryption functionality for numeric values within Laravel applications. Building upon simple number-to-string mappings, this package offers enhanced security features, configurability, and comprehensive error handling to ensure reliable and secure operations.


  • Encrypt Numbers: Transform numeric values into non-readable, encrypted strings.
  • Decrypt Numbers: Revert encrypted strings back to their original numeric form.
  • Cryptographically Secure Randomness: Utilizes random_int() for secure random string generation.
  • Configurable Padding Lengths: Customize the length of prefix and suffix padding added during encryption.
  • Input Validation: Ensures that only valid numeric inputs are processed.
  • Customizable Mappings: Modify digit-to-character mappings to suit specific requirements.
  • Enhanced Error Handling: Provides descriptive exceptions for easier debugging and reliability.
  • Logging Capability: Integrate with Laravel's logging system to monitor encryption and decryption processes.
  • Utility Methods: Includes methods to verify if a string is encrypted and to customize encryption settings.


  1. Install via Composer

    Run the following command in your terminal to install the package:

    composer require al-saloul/encryption


  1. Using the Encryption Class

    Using Helper Functions

    For quick and straightforward usage, helper functions are available globally throughout your Laravel project after installing the package.

     // Encrypt a number using the helper function
     $encrypted = encrypt_numbers(12345);
     // Output: "UQ9rovS*(Yr5inVd"
     // Check if the encrypted string is indeed encrypted
     $isEncrypted = is_encrypted($encrypted);
     // Output: true
     // Decrypt the encrypted string using the helper function
     $decrypted = decrypt_numbers($encrypted);
     // Output: 12345
     // Output results
     echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Is Encrypted: " . ($isEncrypted ? 'Yes' : 'No') . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . PHP_EOL;

    Note: Ensure that the helper functions are properly registered and autoloaded in your Laravel application.

    Using Encryption Class

    Leverage the Encryption class to encrypt and decrypt numeric values seamlessly.

    use Alsaloul\Encryption\Encryption;
    use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
    try {
        $number = 1234567890;
        // Encrypt the number
        $encrypted = Encryption::encryptNumbers($number);
        echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . PHP_EOL;
        // Decrypt the encrypted string
        $decrypted = Encryption::decryptNumbers($encrypted);
        echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . PHP_EOL;
        // Check if a string is encrypted
        $isEncrypted = Encryption::isEncrypted($encrypted);
        echo "Is Encrypted: " . ($isEncrypted ? 'Yes' : 'No') . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (ValidationException $e) {
        // Handle decryption errors
        echo "Decryption failed: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Handle other exceptions
        echo "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
  2. Configuring Padding Lengths

    Customize the prefix and suffix padding lengths to enhance security or meet specific requirements.

    use Alsaloul\Encryption\Encryption;
    // Set custom padding lengths
    Encryption::setPaddingLengths(10, 5);
    // Now, encryption will use a prefix of 10 characters and a suffix of 5 characters
    $encrypted = Encryption::encryptNumbers(12345);
  3. Customizing Variable Mappings

    Modify the digit-to-character mappings to define your own encryption patterns.

    use Alsaloul\Encryption\Encryption;
    // Define custom mappings
    $customMappings = [
        "1" => "A1B2C3",
        "2" => "D4E5F6",
        "3" => "G7H8I9",
        "4" => "J0K1L2",
        "5" => "M3N4O5",
        "6" => "P6Q7R8",
        "7" => "S9T0U1",
        "8" => "V2W3X4",
        "9" => "Y5Z6A7",
        "0" => "B8C9D0",
    // Apply custom mappings
    // Encrypt and decrypt using custom mappings
    $encrypted = Encryption::encryptNumbers(67890);
    $decrypted = Encryption::decryptNumbers($encrypted);
  4. Integrating Logging

    To enable logging of encryption and decryption processes, inject a LoggerInterface instance into the Encryption class.

    use Alsaloul\Encryption\Encryption;
    use Monolog\Logger;
    use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
    // Set up logger (using Monolog as an example)
    $logger = new Logger('encryption_logger');
    $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/encryption.log'), Logger::INFO));
    // Instantiate the Encryption class with the logger
    $encryption = new Encryption($logger);
    try {
        $number = 9876543210;
        // Encrypt the number
        $encrypted = $encryption->encryptNumbers($number);
        echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . PHP_EOL;
        // Decrypt the encrypted string
        $decrypted = $encryption->decryptNumbers($encrypted);
        echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Handle exceptions
        echo "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

    Note: Logging is optional and can be enabled as needed. Ensure that logging sensitive information complies with your application's security policies.


Encryption Class Methods

  • encryptNumbers(int|string $value): string

    Encrypts the input numeric value and returns an encrypted string.

    $encrypted = Encryption::encryptNumbers(12345);
  • decryptNumbers(string $value): string

    Decrypts the encrypted string and returns the original numeric value.

    $decrypted = Encryption::decryptNumbers($encrypted);
  • setPaddingLengths(int $prefixLength, int $suffixLength): void

    Sets custom lengths for prefix and suffix padding used during encryption.

    Encryption::setPaddingLengths(10, 5);
  • setVars(array $vars): void

    Customizes the digit-to-character mappings for encryption.

  • isEncrypted(string $value): bool

    Checks if a given string follows the encryption format.

    $isEncrypted = Encryption::isEncrypted($encryptedString);

Usage Example

Here’s a comprehensive example demonstrating various features of the package:

use Alsaloul\Encryption\Encryption;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

// Set up logger
$logger = new Logger('encryption_logger');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/encryption.log'), Logger::INFO));

// Instantiate the Encryption class with the logger
$encryption = new Encryption($logger);

try {
    $number = 1234567890;

    // Encrypt the number
    $encrypted = $encryption->encryptNumbers($number);
    echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . PHP_EOL;

    // Decrypt the encrypted string
    $decrypted = $encryption->decryptNumbers($encrypted);
    echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . PHP_EOL;

    // Check if a string is encrypted
    $isEncrypted = Encryption::isEncrypted($encrypted);
    echo "Is Encrypted: " . ($isEncrypted ? 'Yes' : 'No') . PHP_EOL;

    // Set custom padding lengths
    Encryption::setPaddingLengths(10, 5);

    // Encrypt with new padding
    $encryptedWithCustomPadding = Encryption::encryptNumbers($number);
    echo "Encrypted with Custom Padding: " . $encryptedWithCustomPadding . PHP_EOL;

    // Set custom variable mappings
    $customMappings = [
        "1" => "A1B2C3",
        "2" => "D4E5F6",
        "3" => "G7H8I9",
        "4" => "J0K1L2",
        "5" => "M3N4O5",
        "6" => "P6Q7R8",
        "7" => "S9T0U1",
        "8" => "V2W3X4",
        "9" => "Y5Z6A7",
        "0" => "B8C9D0",

    // Encrypt and decrypt with custom mappings
    $customEncrypted = Encryption::encryptNumbers(67890);
    echo "Custom Encrypted: " . $customEncrypted . PHP_EOL;

    $customDecrypted = Encryption::decryptNumbers($customEncrypted);
    echo "Custom Decrypted: " . $customDecrypted . PHP_EOL;

} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    // Handle decryption errors
    echo "Decryption failed: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handle other exceptions
    echo "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Commit your changes with clear messages.
  4. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.

Security Considerations

While this package enhances the security of numeric data through obfuscation, it is not intended for encrypting highly sensitive information. For cryptographically secure encryption requirements, consider using established libraries such as OpenSSL or Sodium.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository:


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