
This is a Laravel package for Msegat. Its goal is to remove the complexity

v1.0.3 2024-12-15 08:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 09:03:06 UTC


This is a Laravel package that integrates with the Msegat SMS service. It simplifies the process of sending SMS messages through the Msegat API by providing an easy-to-use wrapper for Laravel applications.


  • Send SMS messages easily using the Msegat API.
  • Configurable credentials (username, API key, sender name) through the .env file.
  • Designed specifically for Laravel applications.


  • Laravel 8+ or 9+ or 10+ or 11
  • PHP 7.4+ or PHP 8+


To install the package, use Composer:

composer require al-saloul/msegat

Publish Configuration

To publish the configuration file, use the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alsaloul\Msegat\MsegatServiceProvider"

This will create a configuration file named msegat.php in your config folder.


Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


Alternatively, you can directly edit the config/msegat.php file to set the required configuration.


To send an SMS message, use the Msegat facade:

use Alsaloul\Msegat\Msegat;

$response = Msegat::sendMessage('966123456789', 'Hello, this is a test message!');

if ($response['code'] === '1') {  
    echo "Message sent successfully!";
} else {
    echo "Failed to send message.";


Msegat::sendMessage($numbers, $message)

  • $numbers: The phone numbers to send the message to, separated by commas. (e.g., 96651xxxxxxx,96652xxxxxxx)
  • $message: The content of the message.

This method will send the message to the given numbers using the Msegat API.

Msegat::data($numbers, $message)

This method generates the JSON payload required for sending SMS messages. It's used internally by the sendMessage() method.


Sending a Single Message

Msegat::sendMessage('9665xxxxxxxx', 'Hello from Msegat!');

Sending Multiple Messages

$numbers = '96651xxxxxxx,96652xxxxxxx';
$message = 'This is a broadcast message.';

$response = Msegat::sendMessage($numbers, $message);

Handling Errors

If credentials or required parameters are not set, exceptions will be thrown:

try {
    Msegat::sendMessage('966123456789', 'Testing error handling.');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

Status Code and Messages

  • 1 - Success

  • M0000 - Success

  • M0001 - Variables missing

  • M0002 - Invalid login info

  • M0022 - Exceed number of senders allowed

  • M0023 - Sender Name is active or under activation or refused

  • M0024 - Sender Name should be in English or number

  • M0025 - Invalid Sender Name Length

  • M0026 - Sender Name is already activated or not found

  • M0027 - Activation Code is not Correct

  • 1010 - Variables missing

  • 1020 - Invalid login info

  • 1050 - MSG body is empty

  • 1060 - Balance is not enough

  • 1061 - MSG duplicated

  • 1064 - Free OTP , Invalid MSG content you should use "Pin Code is: xxxx", "Verification Code: xxxx" or upgrade your account and activate your sender to send any content

  • 1110 - Sender name is missing or incorrect

  • 1120 - Mobile numbers is not correct

  • 1140 - MSG length is too long

  • M0029 - Invalid Sender Name - Sender Name should contain only letters, numbers and the maximum length should be 11 characters

  • M0030 - Sender Name should ended with AD

  • M0031 - Maximum allowed size of uploaded file is 5 MB

  • M0032 - Only pdf,png,jpg and jpeg files are allowed!

  • M0033 - Sender Type should be normal or whitelist only

  • M0034 - Please Use POST Method

  • M0036 - There is no any sender


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.


If you have any questions or issues, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the author via email at