alexkratky / routex
The fast routing system. Easy to use.
- php: >=7.0
- alexkratky/url: 1.0.0
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Last update: 2025-03-14 20:32:25 UTC
The fast routing system. Easy to use.
composer require alexkratky/routex
This documentation is for RouteX with panx-framework. The panx-framework will autoload files etc., without that, you need to write own handler. But the usage is the same with or without panx-framework.
RouteX is default routing system of panx-framework. The documentation for RouteX is available here (Some things can be different, because the documentation is written for use with panx-framework.
Running RouteX without panx-framework
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use AlexKratky\URL; use AlexKratky\Route; use AlexKratky\RouteHandler; Route::setError(Route::ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "404.php"); // only if you want custom error 404 page Route::set('/', 'home.php'); // set routes - URI: '/', template file: 'home.php' $URL = new URL(); // Creates a new instance of URL object Route::setMiddlewaresPath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/middlewares/'); // only if you will use middlewares Route::setControllersPath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/controllers/'); // optional (faster improvement) $template_files = Route::search($URL->getString()); // Searches in all routes and find the right template file $rh = new RouteHandler($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/template/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/controllers/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/handlers/'); // * $rh->setHandlers([ 'latte' => 'LatteHandler' ]); // Sets custom handler for *.latte extension $rh->handle($template_files); // includes all files or execute function
*Creates a new instance of RouteHandler
- RouteHandler will require all files provided by Route::search()
- The first parameter is
directory - The second parameter is
directory - The third parameter is
Handlers are needed for all extension that is not .*php file. You can find more about handlers here.
Syntax of routes:
Route::set("/URI/TO/HANDLE", "File_to_require.php");
In URI, you can use wildcards (+, *).
The +
meaning is one element, for example: /post/+/edit
will handle /post/1/edit
, /post/2/edit
, ...
The *
meaning is one or more elements, for example: /post/*
will handle /post/1
, but also /post/1/edit
, /post/2/view
, ...
But in URI you can use parameters too, for example /post/{ID}/edit
have same meaning as /post/+/edit
, but you can access to {ID}
using Route::getValue("ID")
Default routes
In /routes/
directory is also file called default.php
containing default routes. In default routes are routes to error pages. For example Error 404. When you need to set route for error code (403, 404), you need to call function Route::setError
instead of Route::set
. Example syntax:
Route::setError(404, "default/errors/404.php");
Using wildcards
Keep in mind that routes with wildcard should be last, for example:
Route::set("/", "home.php"); Route::set("*", "test.php");
This will display home.php
file to all users requesting to /
, and test.php
to all users requesting something difference.
But if you write something like this:
Route::set("*", "test.php"); Route::set("/", "home.php");
The result will be different. It will display test.php
to all users, whatever user request. So if user tries to request /
, framework will display test.php
instead of home.php
. So in this case, the second route is useless, and should be deleted to keep route file clear.
< action > and < controller > wildcards
These wildcards will automatically include controller and call the contoller method specified by action. For example, you will have following route
Route::set("/admin/<controller>/<action>", "form.php");
and the user will visit with this URI: /admin/auth/login/
. This will include AuthController and call the contoller's method specified by action - login() (AuthContoller::login()).
Parameters with regex rule
You can limit the route parameter by regular expression. For example, you want to use parameter {ID}, which should be just number, so you can do it by this:
Route::set("example/{ID[^[0-9]*$]}", "id.php");
If you enter something different then just ID, it will try to find other route, otherwise display 404.
Parameters with Validator rule
You can limit the route parameter by Validator rule. For example, you want to use parameter {NAME}, which should be valid name, so you can do it by this:
Including multiple files
If you want to include more template files, then you need to pass array, for example:
Route::set("/docs/intro", ["header.php", "intro.php", "footer.php"]);
No files
You can leave second parameter (files or function) empty, so no files will be required, only if you set up the Controller, then will be called.
Routes with redirect
If you want to redirect from one route to another, you can do it by this:
Route::set("/docs", function() { redirect("/docs/intro"); }); Route::set("/docs/intro", ["header.php", "intro.php", "footer.php"]);
Routes with function
The second parameter of route can be anonymous function (Like in redirect).
Route::set("/dumpServerVariable", function() { echo 'This route will dump() $_SERVER variable'; dump($_SERVER); // Function from panx });
Locking route to method
If you need route accessible only from certain http methods, you can do it by passing third argument.
Route::set("/", "home.php", ["GET"]);
Route above will be accessible only using GET method.
Route::set("/postGet", "example.php", ["POST", "GET"]);
Route above will be accessible using methods POST and GET.
The third argument is always an array. If you visit route, that does not support that method you are requesting, you will get Error 400 - Bad request.
API routes
API routes should be in /routes/api.php
file. You do not sets the route using function Route::set()
, but using Route::apiGroup()
. For example:
Route::apiGroup("v1", array( // /api/v1/list array("list", function(){ echo "list"; }), // /api/v1/getlatestversion/stable array("getlatestversion/stable", function() { echo "0.1"; }, ["GET"]), ));
As the first parameter, you specify the version of API, for example v1
, second parameter is array, containing all routes. Each route is single array. In route array, the first parameter is URI, the second parameter is function , file or array of files. The third parameter is optional. If you enter third parameter, it will lock route to certain http methods (See Locking route to method
for more details).
Why you should use API routes instead of classic routes? If the first element in URI is /api/
, it will check all API routes first, after it will check all classic routes. So it will increase the speed of response.
function will generate route by following patern: /api/{VERSION}/{URI}
, where {VERSION}
is for example v1
, and {URI}
is for example list
or getlatestversion/stable
as in example above.
You can setup controller using setController() function:
Route::set('/login', 'auth/login.latte')->setController("AuthController");
To get more info about controller, see Controllers
You can setup controller using setMiddleware() function:
Route::set('/verifymail/{TOKEN}', function() { })->setMiddleware(['AuthMiddleware']);
The parameter must be always array, even if you set only one middleware.
To get more info about middlewares, see Middlewares
API Endpoints
You can set API endpoint using function Route::setApiEndpoint():
Route::setApiEndpoint("v3", new API("v3"));
To get more info about API endpoints, see API Endpoints
API Extended syntax
Because API route have many parameters, it is recommended to use following syntax:
Route::apiGroup("v5", array( array( "route" => "test/{name}/{action}", "files" => null, "lock" => null, "required_params" => null, "action" => "login", "alias" => "test" ), ));
You can set up alias to each route. This is useful for your template files, because you will not write the absolute routes, e.g. '/login', but you will use the alias. If you using Latte, then you can do it by n:link, e.g. n:link="login" and when you change the route in route file, you do not need to edit the template file. In n:link, you can also include parameters for route and GET method. So if your route have wildcard, you can do it like this:
Route::set("/test/of/route/<action>/{NAME}/{ID}/*", function() {echo "Hello";});
<a n:link="test, 'action=akce:jmeno:identifikator:hvezdicka=[1,10,20,30]', 'id=10:remember=true:test'">macro test</a>
<!-- which will create -->
<a href="/test/of/route/akce/jmeno/identifikator/1/10/20/30/?id=10&remember=true&test">macro test</a>
To set alias for API route, you need as 6th parameter ([5]) or by extended syntax.
Required parameters
You can set required parameters using ->setRequiredParameters(array $get, array $post);
Where the $get and $post are arrays containing the names of the inputs.
Other functions of Route class
This function will return template file(s)/function without limitation of middlewares etc. Works only for API routes. Used in API endpoints & caching routes.
Route::convertRoute($route = null)
Convert the URI to route.
- For example, if you set route '/example/+/edit' in route.php and you pass the URI to this function (e.g., /example/13/edit), it will returns the route with wildcard -> '/example/+/edit'