
PHP Geometry library provides utility functions for the computation of geometric data on the surface of the Earth.

1.0.5 2024-04-11 17:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:06:07 UTC


PHP Geometry Library provides utility functions for the computation of geometric data on the surface of the Earth. Code ported from Google Maps Android API.


  • Spherical contains spherical geometry utilities allowing you to compute angles, distances and areas from latitudes and longitudes.
  • Poly utility functions for computations involving polygons and polylines.
  • Encoding utilities for polyline encoding and decoding.



Issue following command:

composer require alexpechkarev/geometry-library:1.0.5

Alternatively edit composer.json by adding following line and run composer update

"require": { 


Here is an example of using GeometryLibrary:

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeHeading(
                ['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], // from array [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 21.774, 'lng' => -80.190]); // to array [lat, lng]
  echo $response; // -180
$response = \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeDistanceBetween(
              ['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], //from array [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 21.774, 'lng' => -80.190]); // to array [lat, lng]
  echo $response; // 444891.52998049          
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::isLocationOnEdge(
              ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], // point array [lat, lng]
              [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
                ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
              ])  ;
  echo $response; // true
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::isLocationOnPath(
              ['lat' => 25.771, 'lng' => -80.190], // point array [lat, lng]
             [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
              ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
              ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
  echo $response; // false  
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::containsLocation(
              ['lat' => 23.886, 'lng' => -65.269], // point array [lat, lng]
             [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
                ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
  echo $response; // false    
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::distanceToLine(
              ['lat' => 61.387002, 'lng' => 23.890636], // point array [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 61.487002, 'lng' => 23.790636], // line startpoint array [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 60.48047, 'lng' => 22.052754] // line endpoint array [lat, lng]
  echo $response; // 12325.124046196 in meters
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::encode(
                ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], 
                ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], 
                ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]
  echo $response; // '_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@'
$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::decode('_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@');  

  echo $response; /** array (size=3)
                        0 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 38.5
                            'lng' => float -120.2
                        1 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 40.7
                            'lng' => float -120.95
                        2 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 43.252
                            'lng' => float -126.453

Available methods

PolyUtil class

SphericalUtil class

containsLocation( $point, $polygon, $geodesic = false ) - To find whether a given point falls within a polygon

  • $point - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2 ]
  • $polygon - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]]
  • $geodesic - boolean

Returns boolean

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::containsLocation(
              ['lat' => 23.886, 'lng' => -65.269], // point array [lat, lng]
             [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
                ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
  echo $response; // false

isLocationOnEdge( $point, $polygon, $tolerance = self::DEFAULT_TOLERANCE, $geodesic = true ) - To determine whether a point falls on or near a polyline, or on or near the edge of a polygon, within a specified tolerance in meters.

  • $point - ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190 ]
  • $polygon - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]]
  • $tolerance - tolerance value in degrees
  • $geodesic - boolean

Returns boolean

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::isLocationOnEdge(
              ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], // point array [lat, lng]
              [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
                ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
              ])  ;
  echo $response; // true

isLocationOnPath( $point, $polygon, $tolerance = self::DEFAULT_TOLERANCE, $geodesic = true ) - To determine whether a point falls on or near a polyline, within a specified tolerance in meters

  • $point - ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190 ]
  • $polygon - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]]
  • $tolerance - tolerance value in degrees
  • $geodesic - boolean

Returns boolean

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::isLocationOnPath(
              ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], // point array [lat, lng]
              [ // poligon arrays of [lat, lng]
                ['lat' => 25.774, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                ['lat' => 18.466, 'lng' => -66.118], 
                ['lat' => 32.321, 'lng' => -64.757]
              ])  ;
  echo $response; // true

distanceToLine( $p, $start, $end ) - To calculate distance from a point to line start->end on sphere.

  • $p - ['lat' => 61.387002, 'lng' => 23.890636]
  • $start - ['lat' => 61.487002, 'lng' => 23.790636]
  • $end - ['lat' => 60.48047, 'lng' => 22.052754]

Returns distance from a point to line

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::distanceToLine(
              ['lat' => 61.387002, 'lng' => 23.890636], // point array [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 61.487002, 'lng' => 23.790636], // line startpoint array [lat, lng]
              ['lat' => 60.48047, 'lng' => 22.052754] // line endpoint array [lat, lng]
  echo $response; // 12325.124046196 in meters

decode( $encodedPath ) - Decodes an encoded path string into a sequence of LatLngs.

  • $encodedPath - string '_piFps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@'

Returns array

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::decode('_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@');  

  echo $response; /** array (size=3)
                        0 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 38.5
                            'lng' => float -120.2
                        1 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 40.7
                            'lng' => float -120.95
                        2 => 
                          array (size=2)
                            'lat' => float 43.252
                            'lng' => float -126.453

encode( $path ) - Encodes a sequence of LatLngs into an encoded path string.

  • $path - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453] ]

Returns string

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\PolyUtil::encode(
                ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], 
                ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], 
                ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]
  echo $response; // '_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@'

computeHeading( $from, $to ) - Returns the heading from one LatLng to another LatLng.

  • $from - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $to - ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95]

Returns int

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeHeading(
              ['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], 
              ['lat' => 21.774, 'lng' => -80.190]));
  echo $response; // -180

computeOffset( $from, $distance, $heading ) - Returns the LatLng resulting from moving a distance from an origin in the specified heading.

  • $from - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $distance - number, the distance to travel
  • $heading - number, the heading in degrees clockwise from north

Returns array

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeOffset(['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], 152, 120);
  echo $response; /** array (size=2)
                      'lat' => float 25.774316510639
                      'lng' => float -80.188685385944

computeOffsetOrigin( $from, $distance, $heading ) - Returns the location of origin when provided with a LatLng destination, meters travelled and original heading. Headings are expressed in degrees clockwise from North.

  • $from - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $distance - number, the distance to travel
  • $heading - number, the heading in degrees clockwise from north

Returns array

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeOffsetOrigin(['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], 152, 120);
  echo $response; /** array (size=2)
                        'lat' => float 14.33435503928
                        'lng' => float -263248.24242931

interpolate( $from, $to, $fraction ) - Returns the LatLng which lies the given fraction of the way between the origin LatLng and the destination LatLng.

  • $from - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $to - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $fraction - number, a fraction of the distance to travel

Returns array

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::interpolate(['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], 
                                                          ['lat' => 26.215, 'lng' => -81.218], 2);
  echo $response; /** array (size=2)
                      'lat' => float 26.647635362403
                      'lng' => float -82.253737943391

computeDistanceBetween( $from, $to ) - Returns the distance, in meters, between two LatLngs. You can optionally specify a custom radius. The radius defaults to the radius of the Earth.

  • $from - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]
  • $to - ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2]

Returns float

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeDistanceBetween(['lat' => 25.775, 'lng' => -80.190], ['lat' => 26.215, 'lng' => -81.218]);
  echo $response; //float 113797.92421349

computeLength( $path ) - Returns the length of the given path, in meters, on Earth.

  • $path - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453] ]

Returns float

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeLength([ 
                ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], 
                ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], 
                ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]
  echo $response; //float 788906.98459431

computeArea( $path ) - Returns the area of a closed path.

  • $path - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453] ]

Returns float

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeArea([ 
                ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], 
                ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], 
                ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]
  echo $response; //float 44766785529.143

computeSignedArea( $path ) - Returns the signed area of a closed path.

  • $path - [ ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453] ]

Returns float

$response =  \GeometryLibrary\SphericalUtil::computeSignedArea([ 
                ['lat' => 38.5, 'lng' => -120.2], 
                ['lat' => 40.7, 'lng' => -120.95], 
                ['lat' => 43.252, 'lng' => -126.453]
  echo $response; //float 44766785529.143


Please open an issue on GitHub


Geometry Library Google Maps API V3 is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.