
A library for documenting your laravel REST apis

dev-master 2022-07-04 06:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 16:46:14 UTC


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Laravel API Docs [Beta]

Package is still in beta and is not ready for production use

Automatically generate API documentation for your laravel API's based off your application routes and handy PHP 8 attributes.


First, use composer to require the package as below:

composer require ukfast/laravel-api-docs

Then all we need to do is to register the service provider in the providers key in config/app.php:



Documentation is generated by scanning your routes file and finding controller methods with special endpoint attributes tagged to them.

Whilst you can easily define your own endpoint types, the package comes with some sensible defaults that generally conform to laravel defaults


The index endpoint is for endpoints that return a paginated list, for example:

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoints;
use App\Http\Resources\PetResource;
use App\Models\Pet;

class PetController
    public function index()
        return PetResource::collection(Pet::paginate());


The create endpoint is for endpoints that create a new resource.

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoints;
use App\Http\Resources\PetResource;
use App\Models\Pet;

class PetController
    public function store()


The show endpoint shows an individual resource

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoints;
use App\Http\Resources\PetResource;
use App\Models\Pet;

class PetController
    public function show()


The update endpoint updates a resource

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoints;
use App\Http\Resources\PetResource;
use App\Models\Pet;

class PetController
    public function update()


The destroy endpoint deletes a resource

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoints;

class PetController
    public function destroy()

Customising Request and Response Structure

Your API likely has its own format different to the defaults provided by this package. But redefining these is not difficult.

Here's an example of a custom index endpoint:

namespace App\Docs;

use UKFast\LaravelApiDocs\Endpoint;
use Attribute;

class Index extends Endpoint
    public function __construct(protected $resource)

    public function response()
        return [
            'data' => [$this->ref($this->resource)],
            'meta' => [
                'per_page' => 15,
                'total_pages' => 10,
                'current_page' => 1,

Endpoint classes can define two methods: request and response each return a PHP array outlining the request structure.

Calls to $this->ref can be passed a class path to a any class with the #[Resource] attribute on it.

For more examples look inside the src/Endpoints folder


We welcome contributions to this package that will be beneficial to the community.

You can reach out to our open-source team via who will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please refer to our CONTRIBUTING file for more information.


If you think you have identified a security vulnerability, please contact our team via who will get back to you as soon as possible, rather than using the issue tracker.


This project is licenced under the MIT Licence (MIT). Please see the Licence file for more information.