
Library - Geometry & Mathematics objects.

v1.0.2 2025-02-10 09:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 08:41:05 UTC


pipeline coverage

This library is a simple tool which provides Geometry & Mathematics objects.


composer require arnapou/geometry

packagist 👉️ arnapou/geometry


This lib provides immutable geometry Element like

  • Point
  • Circle + Ellipse + Arc
  • Square + Rectangle
  • Segment + Line
  • Polyline
  • Path

Plus Transformation like

  • Rotation
  • Scale
  • Translation

In order to easy geometry code.

You can easily convert objects like this code which creates a diamond :

use Arnapou\Geometry\Element;

$diamond = (new Element\Circle(new Element\Point(0.0, 0.0), radius: 2.0))
    ->toPolyline(segments: 4)
    ->scale(2.0, Element\Line::horizontal())
    ->round(); // reduce floating-point issues

// Echo the following
// (2, 0) (0, 4) (-2, 0) (-0, -4)
echo implode(' ', array_map(fn(Element\Point $p) => "($p->x, $p->y)", $diamond->points)) . "\n";

There are also some common geometry features like

  • Determining if a point lies on the interior of a shape: $element->containsPoint($point)
  • Calculating the intersection of two lines: $point = $line1->intersect($line2)
  • Calculating the intersection of two segments: $point = $segment1->intersect($segment2)

Fluent syntax: it is easy to make your code understandable

use Arnapou\Geometry\Element\Line;
use Arnapou\Geometry\Element\Point;
use Arnapou\Geometry\Transformation\Scale;

$point = new Point(1.0, 2.0);
$circle = $point->toCircle(radius: 3.0);
$polyline = $point
    ->toRectangle(width: 3.0, height: 4.0)
    ->addElements($point->translate(-1.0, -1.0));
// Central Symmetry of elements
$elements = array_map(
    new Scale(new Point(0.0, 0.0), -1.0), 
    [$circle, $polyline]

// Get a tangent segment
$tangent = $circle->getTangent(M_PI / 6, clockwise: true, length: 3.0);

// Move the segment to position its middle to the tangent point
$translation = $tangent->getMiddle()->toVector($tangent->a);
$tangent = $translation($tangent);

// Get the intersection point of the tangent with the X axis
$intersection = $tangent->toLine()->intersect(Line::horizontal());

// etc...

Turtle 🐢

We provide a Path builder named Turtle. This name is inspired from the old LOGO turtle old folks like me might remember... 😉

The idea is to build the path as if we were moving forward on the path we create

use Arnapou\Geometry\Core\Turtle;

// Rectangle.
$path = Turtle::start(50, 50)
    ->getPath(closed: true);

// Isosceles triangle with rounded corners.
$path = Turtle::start(50, 50)
    ->forward(50)->turn(120, radius: 20)
    ->forward(50)->turn(120, radius: 20)
    ->forward(50)->turn(120, radius: 20)

// Star with 11 branches.
$path = Turtle::start(50, 50)
    ->repeat(11, fn (Turtle $t) => $t->forward(40)->turn(180 - 180 / 11))

// etc...

Php versions

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