
v0.3.1 2016-05-13 11:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 18:49:07 UTC



Build Status

The container provides services to the application. In the Asgard framework, the container is often stored in the container variable.

##Installation If you are working on an Asgard project you don't need to install this library as it is already part of the standard libraries.

composer require asgard/container 0.*

##Usage in the Asgard Framework

The container is often accessible as a method parameter or through a ContainerAware object. You can also use the singleton but it is not recommended.

##Usage outside the Asgard Framework

$container = new \Asgard\Container\Container;
$container = new \Asgard\Container\Container::singleton();

##Registering a service

$container->register('cache', function($container, $param) {
	return new \Cache($param);
$container['cache'] = new \Cache($param);
$container->set('cache', new \Cache($param));

Register a service without persistency:

$container->register('cache', function($container, $param) {
	return new \Cache($param);
}, false);

$container['cache'] will create a new instance every time it is called.

##Accessing a service

$cache = $container->get('cache', [$param]);
$cache = $container['cache'];

If you call it multiple times, the container will make sure the same instance is returned every time.

##Creating a new service instance

$cache = $container->make('cache', [$param]);

##Checking if a service exists


##Removing a service


##ContainerAware Trait

This trait provides two methods:

  • setContainer($container)
  • getContainer()

and a protected member variable "$container".

To use it, add the following line in a class just after the opening bracket

use \Asgard\Container\ContainerAware;



Show all the services loaded in the application.


php console services [--defined] [--registered]

--defined: to show where a service was defined

--registered: to shown where a service was registered


Please submit all issues and pull requests to the asgardphp/asgard repository.


The Asgard framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license