
Eloquent model's status management with history

0.0.7 2018-01-12 09:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 02:01:52 UTC


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Any eloquent model can have Status management with just one trait. Declare status statically but store status history four your models in the database.


composer require aventure-cloud/eloquent-status-recorder


Publish configuration file in your project:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AventureCloud\EloquentStatusRecorder\EloquentStatusRecorderServiceProvider" --tag="config"


We provide a migration script to create statuses table. To publish migration script execute:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AventureCloud\EloquentStatusRecorder\EloquentStatusRecorderServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

And run with artisan command:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations


Attach HasStatus trait to your models and configure statuses values for each models indipendently.

class Order extends Model {
    use HasStatus;
    protected $statuses = [
        'opened'    => [],
        'paid'      => ['from'     => 'opened'],
        'approved'  => ['from'     => 'paid'],
        'shipped'   => ['from'     => ['paid', 'approved']],
        'arrived'   => ['from'     => 'shipped'],
        'cancelled' => ['not-from' => ['arrived']],

Utility methods

$order = Order::find(1);

 * Current status
 * instance of model configured in config('eloquent-status-recorder.status_model')

 * List of all available statuses for current model

 * Available statuses after current status value based on "from" and "not-from" rules

 * Change status

Auto-run callbacks

In some cases, you need to do something after a specific status is set. For example, send an mail after an order is "shipped". This package invokes a method after status change by the convention of on + status_name (camel cased):

class Order extends Model {
    use HasStatus;
    protected $statuses = [
        'opened'    => [],
        'paid'      => ['from'     => 'opened'],
        'approved'  => ['from'     => 'paid'],
        'shipped'   => ['from'     => ['paid', 'approved']],
        'arrived'   => ['from'     => 'shipped'],
        'cancelled' => ['not-from' => ['arrived']],
    public function onShipped()
        // Send email to the user


Every time a status change happen two event will fire with attached the current eloquent model instance and the given status:

  • StatusChanging (Before status is saved)
  • StatusChanged (After status change is performed)