
Translated Routes for Fjord Frontends

v0.3 2020-06-12 11:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 22:33:03 UTC


Build translated routes in the form of /en/home, /de/startseite made easy.


composer require aw-studio/localize


Make shure to translate your routes within your translation-files in the resources directory, e.g.:

// lang/de/routes.php

return [
    'home' => 'startseite'

You can now simply add translated Routes to your preferred routes file, e.g. routes\web.php:

Route::trans('/__(routes.home)', HomeController::class)->name('home');

Translated Routes in Blade

In your blade-files, simply use the __route() helper like this:

<a href="{{ __route('home') }}">

Switching languages

Use the __routes() helper to retrieve an array of routes to all language versions of the current route. If your route uses translated parameters these need to be passed.

@foreach (__routes($routeParameters ?? null) as $route)
    <a href="{{ $route->link }}">
        {{ $route->locale }}

Translated Route Parameters

Imagine your route takes a translated slug as a parameter, a blog post for example:

/en/posts/my-first-post /de/beitraege/mein-erster-beitrag

Your route should look something like this:

Route::trans('/__(routes.posts)/{slug}', PostController::class)->name('');

In your controller, you can retrieve the post using the whereHas method

$post = Post::whereHas('translations', function($query) use($slug) {
        $query->where('slug', $slug)->where('locale', app()->getLocale());

In order to retrieve the post's links to all other languages, we have pass the translated route parameters like this:

$slugs = $post->translations->mapWithKeys(function($item) {
    return [$item->locale => $item->slug];

return view('')->with([
    'post' => $post,
    'routeParameters' => ['slug' => $slugs]

In your view you can now use the __routes() function passing it the relevant parameters:

@foreach (__routes($routeParameters ?? null) as $route)
    {{ $route->link }}