
Bdf prime MongoDB component

v2.0.3 2023-10-16 13:50 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-15 10:06:21 UTC


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MongoDB driver for Prime


Install with composer :

composer require b2pweb/bdf-prime-mongodb

Create connection :

use Bdf\Prime\ConnectionManager;
use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Collection\MongoCollectionLocator;
use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Mongo;

// declare your connexion manager
$connections = new ConnectionManager();

// Declare connection without username and password
$connections->declareConnection('mongo', 'mongodb://');
// With credentials
$connections->declareConnection('mongo', 'mongodb://user:password@');

// Get the connection locator
$locator = new MongoCollectionLocator($connections);
Mongo::configure($locator); // Configure active record system


Declare a document

Declare the base document class by extending Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\MongoDocument. The _id field is declared by this class.

You can use typed property for generate an automatic type mapping. Untyped fields will not be converted when retrieving from mongo.

Note: it's advisable to declare all fields as nullable in case of missing field


use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\MongoDocument;
use \MongoDB\BSON\Binary;

class MyDocument extends MongoDocument
    public ?string $name;
    public ?DateTimeInterface $creationDate;
    public ?Binary $data;

Declare a Mapper

For a basic usage, simply declare a mapper by extending Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\DocumentMapper, and implementing connection() and collection() methods :


use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\DocumentMapper;

class MyDocumentMapper extends DocumentMapper
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function connection(): string
        // The declared connection name 
        return 'mongo';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function collection(): string
        return 'my_collection'; // The storage collection name

Mapping and fields will be automatically resolved from the document class.

Querying MongoDB

The query system use Prime interfaces, so usage is almost the same :

// Get the query
/** @var \Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Query\MongoQuery $query */
$query = MyDocument::query();

    ->where('name', 'John') // Simple where works as expected
    ->where('value.attr', ':like', 'P%') // "like" operator is converted to a regex
    ->where('value.foo', '$type', 'javascript') // Use mongodb operator

// Get all documents which match with filters

// First returns the first matching document or null


Use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Test\MongoTester for create testing data.


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Test\MongoTester;

class MyTest extends TestCase
    private MongoTester $tester;

    protected function setUp() : void
        $this->tester = new MongoTester();
            // Declare given collections. Collections are automatically declared when `push()` on new collection
            ->declare(FooDocument::class, BarDocument::class)
            // Push to mongo given documents with a key for retrieve the value on test
                'doc1' => new MyDocument(),
                'doc2' => new MyDocument(),
    protected function tearDown() : void
        $this->tester->destroy(); // Drop all declared collections
    public function my_test()
        $doc1 = $this->tester->get('doc1'); // get document declared on setUp method
        $this->tester->push($newDoc = new FooDocument()); // Push a single document without a key (cannot be retrieved with `get()`)
        // ...
        $this->assertNotEquals($doc1, $this->tester->refresh($doc1)); // Retrieve the DB version of the given document
        $this->assertNull($newDoc, $this->tester->refresh($newDoc)); // refresh can be used to check if the document exists on DB
    public function with_array_access_test()
        // Array access syntax can also be used instead of "classic" method calls
        $doc1 = $this->tester['doc1']; // get document declared on setUp method
        $this->tester[] = $newDoc = new FooDocument(); // Push a single document without a key (cannot be retrieved with `get()`)
        $this->tester['doc3'] = new MyDocument(); // Push a single document with a key

        // ...

        $this->assertNotEquals($doc1, $this->tester[$doc1]); // Retrieve the DB version of the given document
        $this->assertTrue(isset($this->tester[$newDoc])); // Check if the document exists on DB
        unset($this->tester['doc3']); // Deleted a declared document
        unset($this->tester[$newDoc]); // Can also be used to delete a document without key

        $this->assertFalse(isset($this->tester[$newDoc])); // Document is now deleted

Case-insensitive search and index

To enable case-insensitive search by default, you can add default collation on table options. See Case Insensitive Indexes


use Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\DocumentMapper;

class MyDocumentMapper extends DocumentMapper
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function connection(): string
        // The declared connection name 
        return 'mongo';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function collection(): string
        return 'my_collection'; // The storage collection name
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function buildDefinition(\Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Schema\CollectionDefinitionBuilder $builder) : void
        $builder->collation(['locale' => 'en', 'strength' => 2]);

Multiple document classes

Mongo is schemaless, so a collection can store documents with different formats. You can select a document class corresponding to DB fields by using a custom Bdf\Prime\MongoDB\Document\Selector\DocumentSelectorInterface, declared using DocumentMapper::createDocumentSelector() :


// Declare document classes. Note: all documents classes must inherit from a base class 
class BaseDocument extends MongoDocument
    public ?string $_type = null; // _type is the default field used by DiscriminatorFieldDocumentSelector

class FooDocument extends BaseDocument
    public ?string $_type = 'foo';
    public ?string $foo = null;

class BarDocument extends BaseDocument
    public ?string $_type = 'bar';
    public ?string $bar = null;

// Declare a single mapper
class MyDocumentMapper extends DocumentMapper
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function connection(): string
        return 'mongo';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function collection(): string
        return 'my_collection';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function createDocumentSelector(string $documentBaseClass): DocumentSelectorInterface
        // Define document class mapping
        return new DiscriminatorFieldDocumentSelector($documentBaseClass, [
            'foo' => FooDocument::class,
            'bar' => BarDocument::class,
        // If you can't introduce a field for perform discrimination, you can check fields existence :
        return new DiscriminatorFieldDocumentSelector($documentBaseClass, [
            FooDocument::class => ['foo'],
            BarDocument::class => ['bar'],

// Get the base collection : it handles all document types
$collection = BaseDocument::collection();

$collection->add(new BaseDocument(...));
$collection->add(new FooDocument(...));
$collection->add(new BarDocument(...));

$collection->all(); // Return all documents from all types

// Handle only "FooDocument" document class
$fooCollection = FooDocument::collection();
$fooCollection->all(); // Return only document of type "foo"