
A Lightweight JSON:API Resource for Laravel

1.6.0 2025-01-20 11:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 11:53:19 UTC


A Lightweight {JSON:API} Resource for Laravel.

example branch parameter codecov


composer require ark4ne/laravel-json-api



This package is a specialisation of Laravel's JsonResource class. All the underlying API's are still there, thus in your controller you can still interact with JsonApiResource classes as you would with the base JsonResource class


This package allows the reading and dynamic inclusion of resources that will be requested in the requests via the "include" parameter.
@see {json:api} fetching-includes

Resource attributes will also be filtered according to the "fields" parameter.
@see {json:api} fetching-fields

You can also very simply validate your requests for a given resource via the rules Rules\Includes and Rules\Fields.

Include validation

use \Ark4ne\JsonApi\Requests\Rules\Includes;
use \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class UserFetchRequest extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'include' => [new Includes(UserResource::class)],

Rules\Includes will validate the include to exactly match the UserResource schema (determined by the relationships).

Fields validation

use \Ark4ne\JsonApi\Requests\Rules\Fields;
use \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class UserFetchRequest extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'fields' => [new Fields(UserResource::class)],

Rules\Fields will validate the fields to exactly match the UserResource schema (determined by the attributes and relationships).

Customize validation message


@see {json:api} resource-type

Implementable methods :

protected function toType(Request $request): string;

protected function toIdentifier(Request $request): int|string;

protected function toAttributes(Request $request): iterable;

protected function toRelationships(Request $request): iterable;

protected function toResourceMeta(Request $request): ?iterable;

protected function toMeta(Request $request): ?iterable;


use Ark4ne\JsonApi\Resources\JsonApiResource;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserResource extends JsonApiResource
    protected function toAttributes(Request $request): iterable
        return [
            'name' => $this->name,
            'email' => $this->email,

    protected function toResourceMeta(Request $request): ?iterable
        return [
            'created_at' => $this->created_at->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM),
            'updated_at' => $this->updated_at->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM),

    protected function toRelationships(Request $request): iterable
        return [
            'posts' => PostResource::relationship(fn() => $this->posts, fn() => [
                'self' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/relationships/posts",
                'related' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/posts",
            'comments' => CommentResource::relationship(fn() => $this->whenLoaded('comments')),


@see {json:api} resource-type

Returns resource type.

protected function toType(Request $request): string
    return 'user';

Default returns model class in kebab case : App\Models\MyPost => my-post


@see {json:api} resource-identifier

Returns resource identifier.

protected function toIdentifier(Request $request): int|string
    return $this->id;

Default returns model id.


@see {json:api} resource-attributes

Returns resource attributes.

protected function toAttributes(Request $request): iterable
    return [
        'name' => $this->name,
        'email' => $this->email,

Laravel conditional attributes

@see laravel: eloquent-conditional-attributes

Support laravel conditional attributes.

protected function toAttributes(Request $request): array
    return [
        'name' => $this->name,
        'email' => $this->email,
        // with lazy evaluation
        'hash64' => fn() => base64_encode("{$this->id}-{$this->email}"),
        // Conditional attribute
        'secret' => $this->when($request->user()->isAdmin(), 'secret-value'),       
        // Merging Conditional Attributes
        // use applyWhen insteadof mergeWhen for keep fields
        // useful for fields request rules validation
        $this->applyWhen($request->user()->isAdmin(), [
            'first-secret' => 123,
            'second-secret' => 456.789,

Described attributes

@see described notation

protected function toAttributes(Request $request): array
    return [
        'name' => $this->string(),
        // pass key to describer
        // with lazy evaluation
        'hash64' => $this->string(fn() => base64_encode("{$this->id}-{$this->email}")),
        // Conditional attribute
        $this->string('secret')->when($request->user()->isAdmin(), 'secret-value'),       
        // Merging Conditional Attributes
        $this->applyWhen($request->user()->isAdmin(), [
            'first-secret' => $this->integer(fn() => 123),
            'second-secret' => $this->float(fn() => 456.789),


@see {json:api} resources-relationships

Returns resource relationships.

All relationships must be created with ModelResource::relationship. This allows the generation of the schema representing the resource and thus the validation of request includes.

If your relation should have been a collection created via the ::collection(...) method, you can simply use ->asCollection().

If you want the relation data to be loaded only when it is present in the request include, you can use the ->whenIncluded() method.

protected function toRelationships(Request $request): array
    return [
        'avatar' => AvatarResource::relationship($this->avatar),
        // with conditional relationship
        'administrator' => $this->when($request->user()->isAdmin(), UserResource::relationship(fn() => $this->administrator),
        // as collection, with conditional value
        'comments' => CommentResource::relationship(fn() => $this->whenLoaded('comments'))->asCollection(),
        // with relationship (allow to include links and meta on relation)
        'posts' => PostResource::relationship(fn() => $this->posts)->withLinks(fn() => [
            'self' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/relationships/posts",
            'related' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/posts",

toRelationships must returns an array, keyed by string, of JsonApiResource or JsonApiCollection.

Laravel conditional relationships

@see laravel: eloquent-conditional-relationships

Support laravel conditional relationships.

protected function toRelationships(Request $request): array
    return [
        'avatar' => AvatarResource::relationship($this->avatar),
        // as collection, with condition
        'comments' => CommentResource::relationship(fn() => $this->whenLoaded('comments'))->asCollection(),
        // with relationship (allow to include links and meta on relation)
        'posts' => PostResource::relationship(fn() => $this->posts)

Described attributes

@see described notation

protected function toRelationships(Request $request): array
    return [
        'avatar' => $this->one(AvatarResource::class),
        // custom relation name
        'my-avatar' => $this->one(AvatarResource::class, 'avatar'),
        // as collection, with condition
        'comments' => $this->many(CommentResource::class)
        // with relationship (allow to include links and meta on relation)
        'posts' => $this->many(PostResource::class)
                ->links(fn() => [
                    'self' => "https://api.example.com/posts/{$this->resource->id}/relationships/posts",
                    'related' => "https://api.example.com/posts/{$this->resource->id}/posts",
                ->meta(fn() => [
                    'total' => $this->integer(fn() => $this->resource->posts()->count()),

Relation links and meta

@see {json:api}: relation-linkage
@see {json:api}: relation-meta

Returns links and meta for a relation.

protected function toRelationships(Request $request): array
    return [
        'posts' => PostResource::relationship(fn() => $this->posts)->withLinks(fn() => [
            // links
            'self' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/relationships/posts",
            'related' => "https://api.example.com/user/{$this->id}/posts",
        ])->withMeta(fn() => [
            // meta
            'creator' => $this->name,


@see {json:api}: resource-linkage

Returns resource links.

protected function toLinks(Request $request): ?array
    return [
        'self' => route('api.user.show', ['id' => $this->id]),


@see {json:api}: resource-meta
@see {json:api}: document-meta

Returns resource meta.

protected function toResourceMeta(Request $request): ?iterable
    return [
        'created_at' => $this->created_at->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM),
        'updated_at' => $this->updated_at->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM),


@see {json:api}: document-meta

Returns document meta.

protected function toMeta(Request $request): ?iterable
    return [
        "copyright": "Copyright 2022 My Awesome Api",


@see laravel: resource-collection

Collection are implemented in JsonApiCollection.

Usage is the same as laravel collections.

UserResource::collection(User::all()); // => JsonApiCollection

Described notation

Value methods

Relation methods


Method enum allow to get enum value for backed enum or name for unit enum.

According to structure:

/// Role.php
enum Role {
    case ADMIN;
    case USER;
/// State.php
enum State:int {
    case ACTIVE = 1;
    case INACTIVE = 0;
/// User.php
class User extends Model
    $casts = [
        'role' => Role::class,
        'state' => State::class,

The following attributes resource:

// UserResource.php
protected function toAttributes(Request $request): array
    return [
        'status' => $this->enum(),
        'role' => $this->enum(),

Will return:

    "status": 1,
    "role": "ADMIN"