
Helper PHP classes for working with constants and enumerations.

v1.0.2 2020-03-04 18:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 05:43:52 UTC


The documentation is actual for version 1.0.

Supporting classes for constants of PHP.

Named constants and enumerations are used for immutable values. The package classes contain functions for getting a list of constants and their values without thrown exceptions of PHP.

use Belca\Support\AbstractEnum;

class MyConstants extends AbstractEnum
    const DEFAULT = self::USER;

    const USER = 'user';
    const ADMIN = 'administrator';
    const CLIENT = 'client';

// ...

$constants = MyConstants::list();

// Output $constants: [
//    'USER' => 'user',
//    'ADMIN' => 'superuser',
//    'CLIENT' => 'client',
// ]

$default = MyConstants::getDefault(); // only using AbstractEnum
// or
$default = MyConstants::DEFAULT;

// Output $default: 'user'


Install the package using Composer or manually.

composer require belca/support-constants:1.*

Use one of the classes.

use Belca\Support\AbstractConstants;
// or
use Belca\Support\AbstractEnum;

Use their features!

AbstractConstants AbstractEnum


AbstractConstants is the abstract class for implementing a list of named constants and getting their values.

Function Description
getConstants() Returns all constants of the class.
list() The alias of the getConstants() function.
getLastConstants() Returns an array of constants defined in the called class without constants of parrent classes.
getParentConstants() Returns all constants of parent classes.
getConst($name) $name - a name of constant.

Returns a value of a given constant if it exists, else returns null.
This is a safe method for calling constants, in otherwise when you calls undefined constants you will catch an error.
isDefined($name) $name - a name of constant.

Checks whether a given constant exists and is defined in the class.

See the example below. Down there is implementing of the base (first) class of constants.

Example #1 Implementing the first (parent) class with constants

namespace AnyoneVendor\MyPackage\Enums;

use Belca\Support\AbstractConstants;

class Roles extends AbstractConstants
    const USER = 'user';
    const SUPERUSER = 'superuser';
    const CLIENT = 'client';
    const MODERATOR = 'moderator';
    const SUPERMODERATOR = 'superuser';

After implementing the class you can get a list of constants from this class. Use list() or getConstants() to do this.

Example #2 Getting all constants from the parent class

$constants = Roles::list();
// or
$constants = Roles::getConstants();

// Output $constants: [
//    'USER' => 'user',
//    'SUPERUSER' => 'superuser',
//    'CLIENT' => 'client',
//    'MODERATOR' => 'moderator',
//    'SUPERMODERATOR' => 'superuser',
// ]

If you want to get one value then use the getConst() function. The function gets a case-sensitive name of constant. By convention, constant identifiers are always uppercase.

Example #3 Getting values of constants of the class

$user = Roles::getConst('USER'); // Output: 'user'
$superuser = Roles::getConst('SUPERUSER'); // Output: 'superuser'
$root = Roles::getConst('ROOT'); // Output: null, because it is not defined
$user = Roles::getConst('user'); // Output: null, because the constant was defined in uppercase

The Roles class contains the constants for us. You will probably want some other constants. Extend the class to solve the problem. This need exists when you uses third-party classes.

Example #4 Extending the parent class

namespace App\Enums;

use AnyoneVendor\MyPackage\Enums\Roles as BaseRoles;

class Roles extends BaseRoles
    // Defines new constants
    const VIEWER = 'viewer';
    const CHECKER = 'checker';
    const TESTER = 'tester';

    // Replaces old values of constants
    const SUPERUSER = 'root';
    const SUPERMODERATOR = 'supermoderator';

See the examples of the new child class.

Example #5 Checking of existing constants

Roles::isDefined('SUPERUSER'); // true
Roles::isDefined('ROOT'); // false

Example #6 Getting new constants

$constants = Roles::list();

// Output $constants: [
//    'USER' => 'user',
//    'SUPERUSER' => 'root',
//    'CLIENT' => 'client',
//    'MODERATOR' => 'moderator',
//    'SUPERMODERATOR' => 'superuser',
//    'VIEWER' => 'viewer',
//    'CHECKER' => 'checker',
// ]

Example #6 Getting a value of the replaced constant

$superuser = Roles::getConst('SUPERUSER'); // 'root'

You can get some constant using the standard PHP syntax. If you try to take a undefined constant then you will catch an error. If you are not sure about an existing constant then use the getConst() function and you will not catch an error.

Example 7 Getting values using the standard PHP function

$superuser = Roles::SUPERUSER; // 'root'
$root = Roles::ROOT; // Error: Undefined class constant 'ROOT'


AbstractEnum is the abstract class for implementing a list of named constants and getting their values. It was extended from AbstractConstants.

In contract to the Belca\Support\AbstractConstants class, the Belca\Support\AbstractEnum uses a constant with default value.

Function Description
getConstants() Returns all constants of the class.
list() The alias of the getConstants() function.
getLastConstants() Returns an array of constants defined in the called class without constants of parrent classes.
getParentConstants() Returns all constants of parent classes.
getConst($name) $name - a name of constant.

Returns a value of a given constant if it exists, else returns null.
This is a safe method for calling constants, in otherwise when you calls undefined constants you will catch an error.
isDefined($name) $name - a name of constant.

Checks whether a given constant exists and is defined in the class.
getDefault() Returns the last defined default constant.

The function that return a list of contains do not return the DEFAULT constant.

This class have a new function: the getDefault() function. The other functions are the same.

Example #8 Implementing the first (parent) class with a default value

namespace AnyoneVendor\MyPackage\Enums;

use Belca\Support\AbstractEnum;

class Roles extends AbstractEnum
    const DEFAULT = self::USER;

    const USER = 'user';
    const SUPERUSER = 'root';
    const CLIENT = 'client';

Get the default value using the getDefault() function.

Example #9 Getting the default value

$default = Roles::getDefault(); // 'user'

Also you can get the default value using the PHP syntax.

Example #10 Getting the default value using the PHP syntax

$default = Roles::DEFAULT; // 'user'

You can redefine the default constant by means of extending class.

Example #11 Redefining the default constant

namespace App\Enums;

use AnyoneVendor\MyPackage\Enums\Roles as BaseRoles;

class Roles extends BaseRoles
    const DEFAULT = self::UNREGISTRED;

    const UNREGISTERED = 'unregistered';


The package and other Belca components are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.