
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.0) of this package.

1.0.0 2022-06-08 09:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 15:37:56 UTC



Install with Composer:

composer require biano/star-php


  • This library uses HTTPlug for HTTP client abstraction.
  • This library uses HTTP Factories for manipulating HTTP requests.

You will need to install implementations of these abstraction layers to be able to use this library.

Create an order

use Biano\Star\Item;
use Biano\Star\Order;
use DateTimeImmutable;

$items = [
    new Item('item-1', 1, 1230.50),
    new Item('item-2', 3, 234.90),
$order = new Order('order-123', 1935.20, 'CZK', '', new DateTimeImmutable('+1 week'), ...$items);

The Biano\Star\Item constructor has the following signature: public function __construct(string $id, int $quantity, float $unitPrice, ?string $name = null, ?string $image = null);

  • $id is your internal ID of the product, that you send to Biano in your product feed.
  • $quantity is the quantity of this product in this order.
  • $unitPrice is the price for one unit of this product.
  • $name is an optional parameter with the name of the product.
  • $image is an optional URL of an image of the product.

The Biano\Star\Order constructor has the following signature: public function __construct(string $id, float $price, string $currency, ?string $customerEmail, ?DateTimeImmutable $shippingDate, Biano\Star\Item ...$items)

  • $id is your internal ID of this order.
  • $price is the total price of this order.
  • $currency is the ISO 4217 currency code of this order.
  • $customerEmail is the email of the customer. This parameter can be null, in which case the order won't be tracked by Biano Star.
  • $shippingDate is the expected shipping date of this order. This parameter can be null, in which case you should then use alternative ways to specify the shipping date. For more information, consult the Biano Star manual.
  • $items is an array of order items. Notice the usage of the spread operator (...), as this parameter is variadic.

Send order to Biano

use Biano\Star\Project;
use Biano\Star\Star;
use Biano\Star\Version;

$star = new Star($httpClient, $requestFactory, $streamFactory); 
$response = $star->createPurchase(Project::cz(), Version::v1(), 'your-merchant-id', 'current-url', $order);

Choose the correct country of your eshop, supply a version parameter (currently only v1 is supported), your eshop's Merchant ID, current URL of the page the order is being created at (this is usually something like the last step of your shopping cart, or the "Thank you" page on return from the payment gate), and the order.

Update the shipping date

This feature must be enabled by Biano. Contact your Biano partner first!

use Biano\Star\Project;
use Biano\Star\Star;

$star = new Star($httpClient, $requestFactory, $streamFactory);
$response = $star->updateShippingDate(Project::cz(), 'your-merchant-id', 'order-123', new DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-08'));

Choose the correct country of your eshop, supply your eshop's Merchant ID, the order ID, and the new shipping date.

You can update the shipping date as many times as you want.