bitbull / cli
- php: >=7.0
- aws/aws-sdk-php: ^3.52
- consolidation/robo: ^1.2
- fzaninotto/faker: ^1.8
- geoip2/geoip2: ^2.9
- henrikbjorn/lurker: ^1.2
- illuminate/database: ^5.5|^5.6|^5.7
- leafo/lessphp: ^0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp: ^0.7.5
- natxet/cssmin: ^3.0
- patchwork/jsqueeze: ^2.0
- pear/archive_tar: ^1.4
- symfony/config: ^3.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ^3.0
- symfony/finder: ^3.0
- twig/twig: ~1.0
- dev-master
- 1.5.2
- 1.5.1
- 1.5.0
- 1.4.0
- 1.3.1
- 1.3.0
- 1.2.1
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.1
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- 0.3.0
- 0.2.0
- 0.1.0
- dev-feature/php81
- dev-feature/multiple-admin-theme
- dev-feature/trim-MagentoCLI-trailing-space
- dev-develop
- dev-feature/magento2-multiple-frontend-themes
- dev-feature/alb-health-check-path
- dev-feature/fix-deploy-identifier
- dev-DisableSessionLocking
- dev-feature/14834-gzip-redis-cache
- dev-feature/deploy-docker-image
- dev-feature/alb-target-group-idempotent
- dev-feature/ecs-deploy
- dev-feature/remote-commands-improvements
- dev-feature/composer-update-on-build
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-20 14:21:24 UTC
A collection of useful scripts to deploy, init and configure PHP applications.
Using installation script
Use the installation script hosted from, is it possibile to pass a parameter with the desidered version (default is "latest").
curl -s | sudo bash -s latest
Manually download and nstall phar file
Download the latest stable phar-file:
Now you can make the phar-file executable:
chmod +x ./bb-cli.phar
And now you can run it using
./bb-cli.phar --version
If you want to use the command system wide you can copy it to /usr/local/bin (for both Mac and Linux users).
sudo mv ./bb-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/bb-cli
and use it
bb-cli --version
Composer project
Require it in you project
composer require bitbull/cli
Use it from vendor/bin
./vendor/bin/bb-cli --version
Global composer require
composer global require bitbull/cli
Use it using
bb-cli --version
Using Docker image
Copy this snippet into /usr/local/bin/bb-cli
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app bitbull/cli:dev $@
make the script executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bb-cli
now you can use bb-cli
command to execute a temporary Docker container without installing any other dependencies.
Clone this repo and install composer modules
composer install
Build the PHAR srchive using the internal command phar:build
./bin/bb-cli phar:build
Add new commands
Commands are wrapped in different class inside src\Commands
If you want to add new commands add new class in the commands directory
or edit and existing one adding the command function, remember to extend Bitbull\Cli\Commands\BaseCommand
parent command.
namespace Bitbull\Cli\Commands\CommandDirectoryHere;
use Bitbull\Cli\Commands\BaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
class ClassNameCommand extends BaseCommand
* Command description
* @param $myparameter
* @param $opts array
function myCommandName($myparameter, $opts = [
'param' => null,
'flag' => false,
'required' => InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED,
'withDefault' => 'defaultvalue',
// Use task here
Command class are automatic loaded and Robo convert function name into command: my:command-name
Follow the Robo command guide for more details.
Add new tasks
Task are simply helper function used to exec commands or editing file where the true intelligence resides.
Add new task in src\Tasks
creating a new class or editing an existing one following the Robo task guide.
namespace Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\Utils;
use Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\BaseTask;
use Robo\Result;
class MyTask extends BaseTask {
function run()
return Result::success($this);
If your task use only a process call extends Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\BaseTaskCommand
and implement the getCommand
namespace Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\Utils;
use Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\BaseTaskCommand;
class MyCommandTask extends BaseTaskCommand {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCommand()
return "ls";
To load the task in command class you have to import the specific trait, so when you add a new task remember to create the connected trait or adding the load method.
namespace Bitbull\Cli\Tasks\Utils;
trait UtilsTasks
protected function taskMyTask()
return $this->task(MyTask::class); //pass you task class
protected function taskMyTaskWithConstructorParam($param1)
return $this->task(MyCommandTask::class, $param1); //pass you task class with constructor params
Add new applications
Application resides in src\Application
directory, add new class extending Bitbull\Cli\Application\BaseApplication
namespace Bitbull\Cli\Application;
use Bitbull\Cli\Application\BaseApplication;
class NewApplication extends BaseApplication
// override parent methods
Then edit the Bitbull\Cli\Application\ApplicationFactory
to handle the new application name in app.type
* @return ApplicationInterface
public function getInstance()
switch ($this->type) {
case "laravel":
return new Laravel($this->rootPath);
case "magento":
return new Magento($this->rootPath);
case "magentowp":
return new MagentoWordpress($this->rootPath);
case "magento2":
return new Magento2($this->rootPath);
case "wordpress":
return new Wordpress($this->rootPath);
case "composer":
return new Composer($this->rootPath);
case "newapplication": // add the new application
return new NewApplication($this->rootPath);
return new Composer($this->rootPath);
Configuration file
Robo can load command and task options from a yaml configuration file, anyway is possible to add any configuration structure and load the config value using dot notation:
$value = Robo::Config()->get('app.config.custom', 'default value');
By default configurations are loaded from .bb-cli.yml
file in the CWD,
it's possible to merge or override some values using a different configuration file:
You can also use environment variable interpolation with bash-like syntax:
config: "${CONFIG_FILE}"
default: "${REGION}_${LANG}"
Working directory
By default all commands will use the CWD base on where the command is called, you can specify a different root path with option:
./bb-cli --root=/my/different/directory
Remember that the configuration file location is based on this param,
so the default configuration will be searched in /my/different/directory/.bb-cli.yml
unless you use the configuration file options, example:
cd /project
config file /project/.bb-cli.yml
will be used
./bb-cli --root=/my/different/directory --config="/my/other/directory/env-override.yml"
config file /my/different/directory/.bb-cli.yml
will be merged with /my/other/directory/env-override.yml
./bb-cli --root=/my/different/directory --config="env-override.yml"
config file /my/different/directory/.bb-cli.yml
will be merged with /project/env-override.yml
To make life easier we created a set of command based on the application type, the most famous CMS/Framework are supported: Wordpress Laravel Magento 1 Magento 2 Magento + Wordpress
Every application respect the Bitbull\Cli\Application\ApplicationInterface
to expose build, install and deploy commands.
The selected application is loaded in the Bitbull\Cli\Commands\BaseCommand
based on file configuration
type: "magento"
version: "2.2"
or using APP_TYPE
environment variable.
Every application have different dependencies, this tool does not replace the application specific CLI.
Common requirements
Magento 1
Magento 2
CLI Options
Option | Description |
-h, --help | Display this help message |
-q, --quiet | Do not output any message |
-V, --version | Display this application version |
--ansi | Force ANSI output
--no-ansi | Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction | Do not ask any interactive question
--simulate | Run in simulated mode (show what would have happened).
--progress-delay=PROGRESS-DELAY | Number of seconds before progress bar is displayed in long-running task collections. Default: 2s. [default: 2]
-D, --define=DEFINE | Define a configuration item value. (multiple values allowed)
--config[=CONFIG] | Configuration file.
--root[=ROOT] | Custom root path.
-v, -vv, -vvv, --verbose | Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands
Command | Description |
help | Displays help for a command |
list | Lists commands |
self:install | Install CLI |
self:remove | Remove CLI |
Command | Description |
config:env-interpolate | Interpolate environment variable into file |
Command | Description |
app:anonymize | Anonymize application data |
app:build | Build application |
app:cache-clean | Clean application cache |
app:cache-disable | Disable application cache |
app:cache-enable | Enable application cache |
app:clean | Clean application directory |
app:config-generate | Create application config file |
app:update-database | Update application database |
Command | Description |
cdn:cloudfront-invalidate | Invalidate CDN |
Command | Description |
dev:dump-config | Dump config |
dev:dump-cwd | Get current working directory |
dev:dump-php | Dump PHP infos |
dev:image-minify | Minify Images |
dev:javascript-minify | Minify Javascript |
dev:less-compile | Compile Less |
dev:scss-compile | Compile Scss |
dev:style-minify | Minify Style |
dev:watch | Watch for file changes |
Command | Description |
phar:build | Build the phar executable |
phar:disable-write | Deny phar creation |
phar:enable-write | Allow phar creation |
Command | Description |
git:update-changelog | Update Changelog |
Command | Description |
init:bitbucket | Init Bitbucket pipeline |
init:gitlab | Init Gitlab pipeline |
init:travis | Init Travis pipeline |
Local environment
Command | Description |
local:docker-down | Destroy local Docker environment |
local:docker-init | Create Docker compose file |
local:docker-start | Start Docker environment |
local:docker-stop | Stop local Docker environment |
local:docker-up | Create local Docker environment |
local:vagrant-down | Destroy local Vagrant environment |
local:vagrant-init | Create Vagrant file |
local:vagrant-start | Start local Vagrant environment |
local:vagrant-stop | Stop local Vagrant environment |
local:vagrant-up | Create local Vagrant environment |
Pipeline CI/CD
Command | Description |
check:grumphp | Check CodeStyle using grumphp |
check:phpcs | Check CodeStyle using php cs |
check:phpmd | Check CodeStyle using php md |
test:phpunit | Test application using PHP Unit |
pipeline:deploy-codedeploy | Deploy application using AWS CodeDeploy |
pipeline:deploy-docker | Deploy application to Docker repository |
pipeline:deploy-dockercomposeui | Deploy application using Docker Compose UI |
pipeline:deploy-sftp | Deploy application using SFTP |
pipeline:release-activate | Activated release using blue-green |
pipeline:release-install | Install application |
pipeline:remote-ssh | Deploy application to a remote server with SSH |
Sync Environment
Command | Description |
sync:database-anonymize | Anonymize database |
sync:database-create | Create Database |
sync:database-dump | Create dump from database |
sync:database-dump-download | Download database dump |
sync:database-dump-upload | Upload database dump |
sync:database-restore | Restore database from dump |
sync:media-archive | Create media archive |
sync:media-archive-download | Download media archive |
sync:media-archive-upload | Upload media archive |
sync:media-extract | Extract media archive |
Command | Description |
webserver:apache-auth | Add http auth |
webserver:apache-forwarded-header | Patch htaccess behind a proxy |
webserver:apache-httpsredirect | Add http to https redirect |
Cloud Management
Command | Description |
aws:ami-update | Update AMI |
aws:s3-share | Create sharing link for S3 bucket object |
aws:security-group-export | Export security group |
aws:security-group-import | Import security group dump |
aws:sns-publish | Send message to SNS topic |
aws:ssm-describe-command | Describe SSM command |
newrelic:deployment | Notify new deployment on New Relic |
rundeck:job-execute | Execute Rundeck Job |
maxmind:database-update | Update and check MaxMind Database |
maxmind:ipinfo | Retrieve IP info from MaxMind database |
Command | Description |
portainer:execute-command | Execute command inside container |
portainer:service-update | Deploy application to portainer |
portainer:stack-delete | Delete portainer stack |
portainer:stack-update | Deploy application to portainer |
swarm:execute-command | Execute command inside container |