
A Zodiac Carbon package

v2.0.0 2024-02-10 05:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 07:50:15 UTC


A simple package that provides an interface for converting dates to Zodiac signs and elements.


composer require bradietilley/carbon-zodiac


Currently, only dates between 1648 and 2644 are supported. If you'd like to utilise this package for dates beyond that range, please make a pull request which includes your requested updates to the NewYears::THRESHOLDS constant and please cite your source(s).


You may either use the Carbon macros, use the BradieTilley\Zodiac\Zodiac class, or use each class/enum directly. Here are a few examples:

Using Carbon Macros:

Laravel will auto boot the Carbon macros, but should you need to boot it yourself on non-Laravel projects that use Carbon\Carbon, it's really easy:


Once booted, or in Laravel apps, you can leverage the Carbon macros to fetch the data you need:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Zodiac;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Sign;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Element;

/** Set up some dummy dates */
$date1 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-05');
$date2 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-06');

/** Convert a date to a zodiac year */
$date1->zodiacYear(); // 1969
$date2->zodiacYear(); // 1970

/** Convert a date to a zodiac sign */
$date1->zodiacSign(); // Sign::ROOSTER
$date2->zodiacSign(); // Sign::DOG

/** Convert a date to a zodiac element */
$date1->zodiacElement(); // Element::EARTH
$date2->zodiacElement(); // Element::METAL

Using Zodiac Helper:

Alternatively you may wish to not leverage the Carbon macros at all, which can be achieved via the Zodiac helper:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Zodiac;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Sign;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Element;

/** Set up some dummy dates */
$date1 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-05');
$date2 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-06');

/** Convert a date to a zodiac year */
Zodiac::yearFromDate($date1); // Year<1969>
Zodiac::yearFromDate($date2); // Year<1970>

/** Convert a date to a zodiac sign */
Zodiac::signFromDate($date1); // Sign::ROOSTER
Zodiac::signFromDate($date2); // Sign::DOG

/** Convert a date to a zodiac element */
Zodiac::elementFromDate($date1); // Element::EARTH
Zodiac::elementFromDate($date2); // Element::METAL

For now, only Carbon instances are supported. Future releases might scale this back to be any DateTimeInterface.

Using Classes Directly:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Zodiac;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Sign;
use BradieTilley\Zodiac\Element;

/** Set up some dummy dates */
$date1 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-05');
$date2 = Carbon::parse('1970-02-06');

/** Convert a date to a zodiac year */
Year::fromDate($date1); // Year<1969>
Year::fromDate($date2); // Year<1970>

/** Convert a date to a zodiac sign */
Sign::fromDate($date1); // Sign::ROOSTER
Sign::fromDate($date2); // Sign::DOG

/** Convert a date to a zodiac element */
Element::fromDate($date1); // Element::EARTH
Element::fromDate($date2); // Element::METAL

Extended Usage

Given a zodiac Sign enum instance, you can then find more details of the sign by leveraging a few helper methods:

$rooster = Sign::fromDate(Carbon::parse('1970-02-05')):
$dog = Sign::fromDate(Carbon::parse('1970-02-06')):

$rooster->yinYang();      // Yin
$rooster->direction();    // West
$rooster->season();       // Mid-Autumn
$rooster->fixedElement(); // Metal
$rooster->trine();        // 2

$dog->yinYang();          // Yang
$dog->direction();        // West
$dog->season();           // Late Autumn
$dog->fixedElement();     // Earth
$dog->trine();            // 3

The Year class

The Year class is a DTO wrapping the integer year (e.g. 2024) and includes helper methods to traverse through the years, fetch the associated Sign and Element, and determine the start / end date of the year.

Example usage:

$year = Year::fromDate(Carbon::parse('2024-02-10'));
$year = Year::fromYear(2024); // same as above

$year->prev(); // Year<2023>
$year->next(); // Year<2025>

$year->sign(); // Sign::DRAGON
$year->element(); // Element::WOOD

 * {
 *     "year": 2024,
 *     "start": "2024-02-10",
 *     "end": "2025-01-28"
 * }

The Sign enum

The Sign enum is a PHP Enum object that contains the 12 signs, and can be resolved via the from* methods, amongst other approaches documented elsewhere.

Example usage:

$sign = Sign::fromDate(Carbon::parse('2024-02-10'));
$sign = Sign::fromYear(2024); // same as above

$sign; // Sign::DRAGON

$sign->value; // dragon
$sign->label(); // Dragon

 * {
 *     "value": "dragon",
 *     "label": "Dragon",
 *     "data": {
 *         "yin_yang": "Yang",
 *         "direction": "East",
 *         "season": "Late Spring",
 *         "fixed_element": {
 *             "value": "earth",
 *             "label": "Earth"
 *         },
 *         "trine": 1
 *     }
 * }

The Element enum

The Element enum is a PHP Enum object that contains the 5 elements, and can be resolved via the from* methods, amongst other approaches documented elsewhere.

Example usage:

$element = Element::fromDate(Carbon::parse('2024-02-10'));
$element = Element::fromYear(2024); // same as above

$element; // Element::WOOD

$element->value; // wood
$element->label(); // Wood

 * {
 *     "value": "wood",
 *     "label": "Wood",
 * }

Other Usage

There's probably more features or ways to interact with these objects so feel free to have a browse into the code see what's possible.

Issues and Notice:

There's no guarantee anything here is perfect, but it's so far gotten every date correct I have tried. If you spot any issues please open an issue in GitHub.



Lunar New Year thresholds:

In the NewYears class I've noted the source. Huge thanks to them, and their source.

Element and Sign cycles:

Sourced from various online places to ensure the cycling of signs and elements are correct. No source cited for this, currently.

Element extra information

This refers to an Element's season, direction, fixed element, trine, etc. This data was sourced from... Wikipedia. Take it with a grain of salt, but from what I can tell, it's "correct" 🤷


MIT... or whatever the "use it and have fun without needing to worry about anything" license is.

If you use it and are happy to share your project name/URL, feel free to mention it in a PR and add it below or something.

Where it's used;

  • Nowhere yet. lol.