
Base system for providing faker images

v1.1.0 2024-04-13 10:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 12:20:29 UTC


Static Analysis Tests


FakerImagez provides an interface for other faker image generators.


Imagez available:


It's insanely easy to use.

Define your Imagez class, or use one of the above ^

class Something extends Imagez
    public static function basePath(): string
        return '/path/to/images';

If you're using a package mentioned above, just replace imagez() in the examples below with the name of the package, such as foodz() or catz().

Get random paths

Each invocation will return a new random path.

imagez()->path();                             // string: /path/to/pics/image_0037.jpg
imagez()->path();                             // string: /path/to/pics/image_0101.jpg

Once all image images are exhausted, it'll refeed and continue again with another random order.

Get random contents

Each invocation will return a new random file's contents.

imagez()->contents();                         // string: <contents of /path/to/pics/image_0087.jpg>
imagez()->contents();                         // string: <contents of /path/to/pics/image_0120.jpg>

Get SplFileInfo objects

Each invocation will return a new random file as an instance of SplFileInfo.

imagez()->fileinfo();                         // \SplInfo: <fileinfo of /path/to/pics/image_0042.jpg>
imagez()->fileinfo();                         // \SplInfo: <fileinfo of /path/to/pics/image_0099.jpg>

Get exact image

Have a favorite? Get specific ones every time using the get method. This will NOT remove the image from the pool, it will simply fetch the given image.

imagez()->get(24);                            // string: /path/to/pics/image_0024.jpg
imagez()->get(43);                            // string: /path/to/pics/image_0043.jpg

Get count of images

If you'd like to determine the number of images available, use the count method. This will NOT count the pool but all images.

$min = 1;
$max = catz()->count();

$image = catz()->get(mt_rand($min, $max));  // string: /path/to/pics/image_XXXX.jpg

Halt iterating for repeat interactions

Sometimes you might want to iterate the pool manually and perform multiple queries to fetch the path, contents or splfile info without having it automatically iterate. You can achieve this using the below approach.

imagez()->iterate();                          // Iterates to the next image

imagez()->getCurrentImagePath();              // string: /path/to/pics/image_0046.jpeg                 (won't iterate)
imagez()->getCurrentImagePath();              // string: /path/to/pics/image_0046.jpeg                 (won't iterate)
imagez()->getCurrentImageContents();          // string: <contents of /path/to/pics/image_0046.jpeg>   (won't iterate)
imagez()->getCurrentImageFileinfo();          // \SplFileInfo: /path/to/pics/image_0046.jpeg           (won't iterate)

Get all images

Maybe you want to pluck all sample images and do something custom. Easy as. The all method will return all images (paths), the pool method will return what's remaining in the pool (paths).

imagez()->all();                              // array: <path1, path2, ..., path118, path119, path120>

imagez()->path();                             // this iterates the pool, popping the last path from the pool
imagez()->pool();                             // array: <path1, path2, ..., path118, path119>         (pool contains one less now)

imagez()->path();                             // this iterates the pool, popping the last path from the pool
imagez()->pool();                             // array: <path1, path2, ..., path118>                  (pool contains one less now)

Pool reloading

These are internal functions but they're also public. Might come in handy if you're doing something custom:

foreach (range(1, 100) as $i) {
    imagez()->path();                         // iterates 100 images

imagez()->loadWhenEmpty();                    // Won't do anything here as there's still images in the pool.
imagez()->load();                             // Will reload the pool of images to be the full collection of image images. 

Replace all images in the faker

You can also replace all images in the faker using the replaceAll() method.

$all = imagez()->all();
unset($all[23452]);                           // Say you don't like this one


imagez()->path();                             // Will never include image #23452

Combining generators

Maybe you like catz and dogz and foodz and want your placeholders/avatars to include multiple sources. This can be achieved easily:

$generator = catz()->combine(dogz(), foodz());
// or
$generator = CombineImagez::make(catz(), dogz(), foodz());

// Then interact with it as you otherwise would:
$generator->path();                           // path to a dog image
$generator->path();                           // path to a cat image
$generator->path();                           // path to a food image


  • May add customisable filtering like imagez()->red()->path() and imagez()->red()->iterate()->getCurrentImagePath()
  • May add image intervention as an optional dependency for resizing: imagez()->resize(128)->path()
  • Add more images and packages
