
Library to easily create Fossabot commands invokable via the Fossabot customapi implementation.

v1.0.4 2024-08-17 19:11 UTC


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Source code for brandon14/fossabot-commander

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Purpose
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Standards
  6. Coverage
  7. Documentation
  8. Contributing
  9. Versioning
  10. Security Vulnerabilities


Dependency Version
php ^7.4 || ^8.0
ext-json *
psr/http-factory ^1.0
psr/http-client ^1.0
psr/log ^1.0


I built this library to aid in responding to Fossabot's customapi requests when using PHP. If you are running a webserver and want to send Fossabot customapi requests to that server, this package allows you to easily write commands and run them to return the text that would display in the chat message. The reason the commands return strings is because Fossabot Fossabot discards any status codes and other HTTP response content, and only uses the raw response body which is a string. This string can be JSON, text, etc.

The normal usage for Fossabot's customapi might be something like:

Set command !foo to $(customapi

When someone types !foo in your chat, Fossabot will make a request to and whatever that URl returns will be used as the chat message. With this package, you can easily create commands, and invoke them via the FossabotCommander::runCommand() method, and use these utilties in you web framework of choice.

This library validates the Fossabot request using the request validation endpoint so you can be sure that the request came from Fossabot. You can also optionally (on by default) choose to get additional context about the request as outlined here to provide more rich integrations with Fossabot. The FossabotContext data will be passed into the command's getResponse method.


composer require brandon14/fossabot-commander


You will first need to get the custom API token from the request header. It will be in the x-fossabot-customapitoken header.

For a simple command (using Laravel as an example web framework):

// FooCommand.php


namespace App\Fossabot\Commands;

use Brandon14\FossabotCommander\FossabotCommand;
use Brandon14\FossabotCommander\Contracts\Context\FossabotContext;

class FooCommand extends FossabotCommand
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getResponse(?FossabotContext $context = null) : string
        return 'Hello chat!';

// In some Laravel Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Fossabot\Commands\FooCommand;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;
use Brandon14\FossabotCommander\Contracts\FossabotCommander;

class Controller extends BaseController
    use AuthorizesRequests;
    use ValidatesRequests;

    private FossabotCommander $commander;

    public function __construct(FossabotCommander $commander)
        $this->commander = $commander;
    public function fooCommand(Request $request): string
        // Get Fossabot API token.
        $apiToken = $request->header('x-fossabot-customapitoken');

        // Invoke command.
        return $this->commander->runCommand(new FooCommand(), $apiToken);

You can also provide a callable to the runCommand() instead of an instance of a FossabotCommand provided the callable returns a string and takes an optional FossabotContext|null parameter.

// In some Laravel Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Fossabot\Commands\FooCommand;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;
use Brandon14\FossabotCommander\Contracts\FossabotCommander;
use Brandon14\FossabotCommander\Contracts\Context\FossabotContext;

class Controller extends BaseController
    use AuthorizesRequests;
    use ValidatesRequests;

    private FossabotCommander $commander;

    public function __construct(FossabotCommander $commander)
        $this->commander = $commander;
    public function fooCommand(Request $request): string
        // Get Fossabot API token.
        $apiToken = $request->header('x-fossabot-customapitoken');
        $command = function(?FossabotContext $context = null): string {
            return 'Hello chat!';

        // Invoke command.
        return $this->commander->runCommand($command, $apiToken);

This gives you an easier to implement method for quick commands that don't need a lot of external dependencies, or otherwise a more portable method to send Fossabot messages back.

The FossabotCommander class requires a PSR compliant ClientInterface and a PSR compliant RequestFactoryInterface. These can be provided by libraries like guzzlehttp/guzzle or other PSR compliant libraries. In the above example with Laravel we are assuming that the Laravel container has the FossabotCommander instance bound to the container.

For more complicated commands, the sky is the limit. Depending on how you want to build and instantiate your FossabotCommand instances, you can use the FossabotContext data to provide rich integration for your Fossabot chatbot!

Usage with Laravel:

If you are planning on using fossabot-commander in a Laravel project, check out the Laravel package fossabot-commander-laravel that I made for easy integration within the Laravel ecosystem.


We strive to meet the PSR-12 coding style for PHP projects, and enforce our coding standard via the php-cs-fixer linting tool. Our ruleset can be found in the .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file.


The latest code coverage information can be found via Codecov. We strive to maintain 100% coverage across the entire library, so if you are contributing, please make sure to include tests for new code added.


Documentation to this project can be found here.


Got something you want to add? Found a bug or otherwise bad code? Feel free to submit pull requests to add in new features, fix bugs, or clean things up. Just be sure to follow the Code of Conduct and Contributing Guide, and we encourage creating clean and well described pull requests if possible.

If you notice an issues with the library or want to suggest new features, feel free to create issues appropriately using the issue tracker.

In order to run the tests, it is recommended that you sign up for a Cloudinary account (it's a free service), and use that account to run the full integration tests. In order to do that, you will need to copy .env.example to .env and fill in the variables using the details in your account. The integration tests will use random prefixed directories and clean everything up before and after the tests.


brandon14/fossabot-commander uses semantic versioning that looks like MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

Major version changes will include backwards-incompatible changes and may require refactoring of projects using it. Minor version changes will include backwards-compatible new features and changes and will not break existing usages. Patch version changes will include backwards-compatible bug and security fixes, and should be updated as soon as possible.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a vulnerability within this package, please email Brandon Clothier via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

This code is released under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2023-2024 Brandon Clothier

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