
Breadhead version of API PHP library

1.2.1 2020-03-06 10:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 22:39:52 UTC


This library provides convinient way of querying Paddle API from php code.


PHP 5.3 or later.

Installation via Composer

composer req breadhead/paddle

Getting Started

To interact with Paddle API you need to create an API object, and authorize using vendorId / vendorApiKey:

$api = new \Breadhead\Paddle\Api();
$api->authorizeVendor($vendorId, $vendorAuthCode);

Optionally you can set HTTP timeout (default is 30 seconds):


Both authorization and timeout can be set as well while creating new API object:

$api = new \Breadhead\Paddle\Api($vendorId, $vendorAuthCode, 60);

Example usage of generateLicense() method:

// define $vendorId and $vendorAuthCode first
$api = new \Breadhead\Paddle\Api($vendorId, $vendorAuthCode, 60);
$productId = 100;
$licenseCode = $api->generateLicense($productId);

Common exceptions

All methods can thrown the following exceptions of type \Exception:

  • 1XX - API response errors

  • code: 100 message: 'Unable to find requested license'

  • code: 101 message: 'Bad method call'

  • code: 102 message: 'Bad api key'

  • code: 103 message: 'Timestamp is too old or not valid'

  • code: 104 message: 'License code has already been utilized'

  • code: 105 message: 'License code is not active'

  • code: 106 message: 'Unable to find requested activation'

  • code: 107 message: 'You don't have permission to access this resource'

  • code: 108 message: 'Unable to find requested product'

  • code: 109 message: 'Provided currency is not valid'

  • code: 110 message: 'Unable to find requested purchase'

  • code: 111 message: 'Invalid authentication token'

  • code: 112 message: 'Invalid verification token'

  • code: 113 message: 'Invalid padding on decrypted string'

  • code: 114 message: 'Invalid or duplicated affiliate'

  • code: 115 message: 'Invalid or missing affiliate commision'

  • code: 116 message: 'One or more required arguments are missing'

  • code: 117 message: 'Provided expiration time is incorrect'

  • 2XX - general errors

  • code: 200 message: 'CURL error'

  • code: 201 message: 'Incorrect HTTP response code'

  • code: 202 message: 'Incorrect API response'

  • code: 203 message: 'Timeout must be a positive integer'

  • code: 204 message: 'Vendor credentials not provided'

Available methods

Generate pay link for regular product

string generateProductPayLink (int $productId, [array $optionalArguments = array()])


  • int $productId - the id of the product
  • array $optionalArguments - an associative array of optional parameters:
  • string 'title' - override product title
  • string 'imageUrl' - override product image
  • float 'price' - overrride product price
  • string 'returnUrl' - url to redirect to after transaction is complete
  • bool 'discountable' - whether coupon can be apply to checkout by user
  • string 'couponCode' - discount coupon code
  • bool 'lockerVisible' - whether product is visible in user's locker
  • bool 'quantityVariable' - whether product quantity can be changed by user
  • string 'paypalCancelUrl' - url to redirect to when paypal transaction was canceled
  • int 'expires' - checkout expiration date, timestamp
  • bool 'isPopup' - whether checkout is being displayed as popup
  • string 'parentUrl' - url to redirect to when close button on checkout popup is clicked
  • array 'affiliates' - every element should contain affiliate_id as key, and affiliate_commission as value.
  • Commission value should be float, so commission '0.1' equals 10%.
  • array 'stylesheets' - every element should contain stylesheet type as key, and code as value

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'
  • code: 301 message: '$title must be a string'
  • code: 302 message: '$imageUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 303 message: '$price must be a number'
  • code: 304 message: '$price must not be negative'
  • code: 305 message: '$returnUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 306 message: '$paypalCancelUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 307 message: '$expires must be a valid timestamp'
  • code: 308 message: '$expires must be in the future'
  • code: 309 message: '$parentUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 310 message: '$affiliates must be an array'
  • code: 311 message: 'provide $affiliates as key->value contained array with vendorId->vendorCommission'
  • code: 312 message: '$stylesheets must be an array'
  • code: 313 message: 'provide $stylesheets as key->value contained array with stylesheetType->stylesheetCode'
  • code: 314 message: '$webhookUrl can only be set for custom product'

Generate pay link for custom (not existing in Paddle database) product

string generateCustomProductPayLink (string $title, float $price, string $imageUrl, string $webhookUrl, array $optionalArguments)


  • string $title - title of custom product
  • float $price - price of custom product
  • string $imageUrl - image of custom product
  • string $webhookUrl - webhook_url of custom product
  • array $optionalArguments - an associative array of optional parameters:
  • string 'returnUrl' - url to redirect to after transaction is complete
  • bool 'lockerVisible' - whether product is visible in user's locker
  • bool 'quantityVariable' - whether product quantity can be changed by user
  • string 'paypalCancelUrl' - url to redirect to when paypal transaction was canceled
  • int 'expires' - checkout expiration date, timestamp
  • bool 'isPopup' - whether checkout is being displayed as popup
  • string 'parentUrl' - url to redirect to when close button on checkout popup is clicked
  • array 'affiliates' - every element should contain affiliate_id as key, and affiliate_commission as value.
  • Commission value should be float, so commission '0.1' equals 10%.
  • array 'stylesheets' - every element should contain stylesheet type as key, and code as value

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 301 message: '$title must be a string'
  • code: 302 message: '$imageUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 303 message: '$price must be a number'
  • code: 304 message: '$price must not be negative'
  • code: 305 message: '$returnUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 306 message: '$paypalCancelUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 307 message: '$expires must be a valid timestamp'
  • code: 308 message: '$expires must be in the future'
  • code: 309 message: '$parentUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 310 message: '$affiliates must be an array'
  • code: 311 message: 'provide $affiliates as key->value contained array with vendorId->vendorCommission'
  • code: 312 message: '$stylesheets must be an array'
  • code: 313 message: 'provide $stylesheets as key->value contained array with stylesheetType->stylesheetCode'
  • code: 315 message: '$webhookUrl must be a valid url'
  • code: 316 message: '$discountable is not allowed for custom product'
  • code: 317 message: '$couponCode is not allowed for custom product'
  • code: 318 message: '$productId is not allowed for custom product'

Generate license code for framework product

string generateLicense (int $productId)


  • int $productId - the id of the product

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'

Get paginated list of products including details of each product

array getProducts ([int $limit = 1], [int $offset = 0])


  • int $limit - number of returned products
  • int $offset - offset from first product

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • int 'total' - total number of products
  • int 'count' - number of returned products
  • array 'products' - returned products, each of whitch contains:
  • int 'id' - id of the product
  • string 'name' - name of the product
  • string 'description' - description of the product
  • float 'basePrice' - base price of the product
  • float 'salePrice' - sale price of the product
  • array 'screenshots' - screenshots of the product
  • string 'icon' - image of the product

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 319 message: '$limit must be a positive integer'
  • code: 320 message: '$offset must be a non negative integer'

Get an array of customers details

array generateCustomersReport ([int $productId = null])


  • int $productId - the id of product for which report will be created, if not provided report will contain all products data

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • string 'fullName' - full name of the customer
  • string 'email' - email address of the customer

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'

Get an array of license activations details

Activations are reportable the day after they occur - so any activations from today will not be included

array generateLicenseActivationsReport ([int $productId = null], [int $startTimestamp = null], [int $endTimestamp = null])


  • int $productId - the id of product for which report will be created, if not provided report will contain all products data
  • int $startTimestamp - report start time
  • int $endTimestamp - report end date

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • string 'licenseCode' - license code
  • string 'activationDate' - activation date
  • string 'customerIp' - customer ip
  • string 'customerEmail' - customer email

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'
  • code: 321 message: '$startTimestamp must be a timestamp'
  • code: 322 message: '$endTimestamp must be a timestamp'

Get an array of orders details

array generateOrdersReport ([int $productId = null], [int $startTimestamp = null], [int $endTimestamp = null])


  • int $productId - the id of product for which report will be created, if not provided report will contain all products data
  • int $startTimestamp - report start time
  • int $endTimestamp - report end date

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • int 'orderId' - id of the order
  • string 'productName' - name of the product
  • float 'yourEarnings' - your earnings
  • string 'earningsCurrency' - earnings currency
  • string 'saleDate' - sale date

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'
  • code: 321 message: '$startTimestamp must be a timestamp'
  • code: 322 message: '$endTimestamp must be a timestamp'

Get an array of sent licenses details

array generateSentLicensesReport ([int $productId = null])


  • int $productId - the id of product for which report will be created, if not provided report will contain all products data

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • string 'customerName' - full name of the customer
  • string 'customerEmail' - email address of the customer
  • string 'productName' - name of the product
  • string 'licenseCode' - license code

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 300 message: '$productId must be a positive integer'

Generate credentials to be used to call other API methods

array generateAuthCode (string $vendorEmail, string $vendorPassword)


  • string $vendorEmail
  • string $vendorPassword

Return Values

Returned array contains:

  • int 'vendorId'
  • string 'vendorAuthCode'

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 323 message: '$vendorEmail must be valid'

Register external application and receive auth code, that application can use to call API methods

string registerExternalApplication (string $applicationName, string $applicationDescription, string $applicationIconUrl)

Validation exceptions of type \InvalidArgumentException

  • code: 324 message: '$applicationIconUrl must be a valid url'

Get vendor public key

string getVendorPublicKey ()