brightcove / mapi
Brightcove Media API for PHP
- php: >=5.2.0
- ext-curl: *
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-15 16:24:46 UTC
This project provides a starting point for integrating the Brightcove Media API into your application. It provides simple ways to interact with the API, as well as a long list of helper functions.
Compatibility Notice
Please note that the PHP MAPI Wrapper v2.0 is not compatible with any previous versions (when it was known as "Echove"). The class name has been changed, numerous functions have been re-named, and methods have been updated to take advantage of Brightcove API changes.
If you need assistance in determining what changes have been made, please send an e-mail to with your request.
PHP version 5.2 or greater, or you must have the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) PECL package. For more information on the JSON PECL package, please visit the PHP JSON package website.
Using Cache Extension
The PHP MAPI Wrapper includes a caching extension. To use this feature, include the file on your page along with the core PHP MAPI Wrapper file.
Then, after instantiating the core class, you can instantiate the caching extension.
// Using flat files
$bc_cache = new BCMAPICache('file', 600, '/var/www/myWebSite/cache/', '.cache');
// Using Memcached
$bc_cache = new BCMAPICache('memcached', 600, 'localhost', NULL, 11211);
The parameters for the constructor are:
- [string] The type of caching method to use, either 'file' or 'memcached'
- [int] How many seconds until cache files are considered cold
- [string] The absolute path of the cache directory (file) or host (memcached)
- [string] The file extension for cache items (file only)
- [int] The port to use (Memcached only)
This example shows how to instantiate, or start, the BCMAPI PHP class. The first token, which is for the Read API, is required. The second token is for the Write API and is optional.
// Include the BCMAPI SDK
// Instantiate the class, passing it our Brightcove API tokens (read, then write)
$bc = new BCMAPI(
// You may optionally include the caching extension provided with BCMAPI...
// Using flat files
$bc_cache = new BCMAPICache('file', 600, '/var/www/myWebSite/cache/', '.cache');
// Using Memcached
$bc_cache = new BCMAPICache('memcached', 600, 'localhost', NULL, 11211);
This example shows how to set and retrieve some of the BCMAPI properties that can be used for debugging and additional settings.
// Turn on HTTPS mode
$bc->__set('secure', TRUE);
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->find('allVideos');
// Determine how many possible results there are
echo 'Total Videos: ' . $bc->total_count . '<br />';
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->findAll();
// Determine how many times we called the Brightcove API
echo 'API Calls: ' . $bc->__get('api_calls');
Regional Support (Internationalization)
This example shows how to change the API URLs for supporting international regions.
// Change our region to Japan
$bc->__set('url_read', '');
$bc->__set('url_write', '');
Error Handling
This example shows how to utilize the built-in error handling in BCMAPI.
// Create a try/catch
try {
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('find_video_by_id', 123456789);
} catch(Exception $error) {
// Handle our error
echo $error;
Find Query
This example shows how to retrieve a video from a Brightcove account.
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('find_video_by_id', 123456789);
// Print the video name and ID
echo $video->name . ' (' . $video->id . ')';
Find Query - Shorthand
This example shows how you can use shorthand method names to make code easier to write and read.
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('videoById', 123456789);
Find Query - Additional Parameters
This example shows how to define additional API call parameters using a key-value array.
// Define our parameters
$params = array(
'id' => 123456789,
'video_fields' => 'video_id,name,shortDescription'
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('videoById', $params);
Find Query - True Find All
Brightcove limits the "find_all_videos" call to 100 results, requiring pagination and numerous API calls. This example shows how to use the findAll() method to do this automatically. WARNING: Use very carefully * // Define our parameters $params = array( 'video_fields' => 'id,name' );
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->findAll('video', $params);
Search Query
This example shows how to search for a video about "gates", but not "Bill Gates".
// Define our parameters
$params = array(
'video_fields' => 'id,name,shortDescription'
// Set our search terms
$terms = array(
'all' => 'display_name:gates',
'none' => 'display_name:bill'
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->search('video', $terms, $params);
Search Query (Multiple-Field Search)
This example shows how to search for a video with "jobs" in the title AND tags.
// Define our parameters
$params = array(
'video_fields' => 'id,name,shortDescription'
// Set our search terms
$terms = array(
'all' => 'display_name:jobs,tag:jobs'
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->search('video', $terms, $params);
Create - Video
This example details how to upload a video to a Brightcove account. This code is handling data that was passed from a form. Note that we re-name the uploaded movie to its original name rather than the random string generated when it's placed in the "tmp" directory; this is because the tmp_name does not include the file extension. The video name is a required field.
// Create an array of meta data from our form fields
$metaData = array(
'name' => $_POST['videoName'],
'shortDescription' => $_POST['videoShortDescription']
// Move the file out of 'tmp', or rename
rename($_FILES['videoFile']['tmp_name'], '/tmp/' . $_FILES['videoFile']['name']);
$file = '/tmp/' . $_FILES['videoFile']['name'];
// Upload the video and save the video ID
$id = $bc->createMedia('video', $file, $metaData);
Create - Image
This example details how to upload a image to a Brightcove account. This code is handling data that was passed from a form. Note that we re-name the uploaded image to its original name rather than the random string generated when it's placed in the "tmp" directory; this is because the tmp_name does not include the file extension.
// Create an array of meta data from our form fields
$metaData = array(
'type' => 'VIDEO_STILL',
'displayName' => $_POST['imageName']
// Move the file out of 'tmp', or rename
rename($_FILES['bcImage']['tmp_name'], '/tmp/' . $_FILES['bcImage']['name']);
$file = '/tmp/' . $_FILES['bcImage']['name'];
// Upload the image, assign to a video, and save the image asset ID
$id = $bc->createImage('video', $file, $metaData, 123456789);
Create - Playlist
This example shows how to create a playlist in a Brightcove account. The code is handling data that was passed from a form. The name, video IDs, and playlist type are all required fields.
// Take a comma-separated string of video IDs and explode into an array
$videoIds = explode(',', $_POST['playlistVideoIds']);
// Create an array of meta data from our form fields
$metaData = array(
'name' => $_POST['playlistName'],
'shortDescription' => $_POST['playlistShortDescription'],
'videoIds' => $videoIds,
'playlistType' => 'explicit'
// Create the playlist and save the playlist ID
$id = $bc->createPlaylist('video', $metaData);
Update - Video / Playlist
This example shows how to update a video, but the same method will work for a playlist.
// Create an array of the new meta data
$metaData = array(
'id' => 123456789,
'shortDescription' => 'Our new short description.'
// Update a video with the new meta data
$bc->update('video', $metaData);
Delete - Video / Playlist
This example shows how to delete a video, but the same method will work for a playlist. Cascaded deletion means that the video will also be removed from all playlists and players.
// Delete a 'video' by ID, and cascade the deletion
$bc->delete('video', 123456789, NULL, TRUE);
Status - Video Upload
This example shows how to determine the status of a video being uploaded to a Brightcove account.
// Retrieve upload status
$status = $bc->getStatus('video', 123456789);
Share Video
This example shows how to share a video with another Brightcove account. A list of the new video IDs will be returned. Note that sharing must be enabled between the two accounts.
// List the accounts to share the video with
$ids = array(
// Share the videos, and save the new video IDs
$new_ids = $bc->shareMedia('video', 123456789, $ids);
Add To / Remove From Playlist
This example shows how to add an asset to a playlist, as well as how to remove an asset from a playlist. You may pass an array of video IDs, or a single video ID.
// Add two videos to a playlist
$bc->addToPlaylist(555555555, array(123456789, 987654321));
// Remove a video from a playlist
$bc->removeFromPlaylist(555555555, 987654321);
SEF URLs / Time Formatting
This example shows the BCMAPI convenience methods that convert video titles into a search-engine friendly format and video lengths into formatted strings.
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('videoById', 123456789);
// Print the SEF video name and formatted duration
echo 'Name: ' . $bc->sef($video->name) . '<br />';
echo 'Duration:' . $bc->time($video->length) . '<br />';
Automatic Timestamp Conversion
To more seamlessly bridge the Brightcove API into PHP the 'from_date' parameter for the "find_modified_videos" call should be provided as seconds since Epoch (UNIX timestamp) instead of minutes since, as the Brightcove Media API documentation states. You can still pass minutes if you prefer.
// Set timestamp to 7 days ago (in seconds)
$time = time() - 604800;
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->find('modifiedVideos', $time);
// Set timestamp to 7 days ago (in minutes)
$time = floor((time() - 604800) / 60);
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->find('modifiedVideos', $time);
This example demonstrates how a tag with a value of "abc=xyz" can easily be parsed into a key-value array pair.
// Make our API call
$video = $bc->find('videoById', 123456789);
// Parse any key=value tags into array
$video->tags = $bc->tags($video->tags);
// Print out each tag
foreach($video->tags as $key => $value)
echo $key . ': ' . $value . '<br />';
Tag Filter
This example shows how to remove all videos that don't contain any of the listed tags.
// Make our API call
$videos = $bc->find('allVideos');
// Remove all videos without specified tags
$videos = $bc->filter($videos, 'published=true,include=true');
The constructor for the BCMAPI class.
token_read The read API token for the Brightcove account
Default: NULL Type: String
token_write The write API token for the Brightcove account
Default: NULL Type: String
api_calls Private - The total number of API calls that have been processed
Type: Integer
media_delivery Private - What type of URL to return for UDS assets
Type: String
page_number Public - The value of the last 'page_number' return
Type: Integer
page_size Public - The value of the last 'page_size' return
Type: Integer
secure Private - Whether BCMAPI is operating over HTTPS
Type: Boolean
show_notices Private - Whether BCMAPI will send error notices
Type: Boolean
timeout_attempts Private - The number of times to retry a call in case of API timeout
Type: Integer
timeout_delay Private - Number of seconds to delay retry attempts
Type: Integer
timeout_retry Private - Whether to automatically retry calls that fail due to API timeout
Type: Boolean
token_read Private - The read Brightcove token to use
Type: String
token_write Private - The write Brightcove token to use
Type: String
total_count Public - The value of the last 'total_count' return
Type: Integer
Sets a property of the BCMAPI class.
key The property to set
Type: String
value The new value for the property
Type: Mixed
Return Value
The new value of the property
Type: Mixed
Retrieves a property of the BCMAPI class.
key The property to retrieve
Type: String
Return Value
The value of the property
Type: Mixed
Formats the request for any API "Find" methods and retrieves the data. The requested call may be written in a shortened version (e.g. "allVideos" or "all_videos" instead of "find_all_videos"). If the call supports get_item_count, it is defaulted to TRUE.
call The requested API method
Type: String
params A key-value array of API parameters, or a single value that matches the default
Default: NULL Type: Mixed
Return Value
An object containing all API return data
Type: Object
Finds all media assets in account, ignoring pagination. This method should be used with extreme care as accounts with a large library of assets will require a high number of API calls. This could significantly affect performance and may result in additional charges from Brightcove.
type The type of object to retrieve
Default: video Type: String
params A key-value array of API parameters
Default: NULL Type: Array
Return Value
An object containing all API return data
Type: Object
Performs a search of video meta data
type The type of objects to retrieve
Default: video Type: String
terms The terms to use for the search
Default: NULL Type: Array
params A key-value array of API parameters
Default: NULL Type: Mixed
Return Value
An object containing all API return data
Type: Object
Uploads a media asset file to Brightcove. When creating an asset from an upload it is suggested that you first move the file out of the temporary directory where PHP placed it and rename the file to it's original name. An asset name and short description are both required; leaving these values blank will cause them to be populated with the current UNIX timestamp. Certain upload settings are not allowed depending upon what default have already been set, and depending on the type of file being uploaded. Setting the incorrect values for these parameters will trigger a notice.
type The type of object to upload
Default: video Type: String
file The location of the temporary file
Default: NULL Type: String
meta The media asset information
Type: Array
options Optional upload values
Default: NULL Type: Array
Return Value
The media asset ID
Type: String
Creates a playlist.
type The type of playlist to create
Default: video Type: String
meta The playlist information
Type: Array
Return Value
The playlist ID
Type: String
Updates a media asset. Only the meta data that has changed needs to be passed along. Be sure to include the asset ID, though.
type The type of object to update
Default: video Type: String
meta The information for the media asset
Type: Array
Return Value
The new DTO
Type: DTO
Uploads a media image file to Brightcove. When creating an image it is suggested that you first move the file out of the temporary directory where PHP placed it and rename the file to it's original name.
type The type of object to upload image for
Default: video Type: String
file The location of the temporary file
Default: NULL Type: String
meta The image information
Type: Array
id The ID of the media asset to assign the image to
Default: NULL Type: Integer
ref_id The reference ID of the media asset to assign the image to
Default: NULL Type: String
resize Whether or not to resize the image on upload
Default: TRUE Type: Boolean
Return Value
The image asset
Type: Mixed
Uploads a logo overlay file to Brightcove. When creating a logo overlay it is suggested that you first move the file out of the temporary directory where PHP placed it and rename the file to it's original name.
file The location of the temporary file
Default: NULL Type: String
meta The logo overlay information
Type: Array
id The ID of the media asset to assign the logo overlay to
Default: NULL Type: Integer
ref_id The reference ID of the media asset to assign the logo overlay to
Default: NULL Type: String
Return Value
The logo overlay asset
Type: Mixed
Deletes a logo overlay.
id The ID of the media asset
Default: NULL Type: Integer
ref_id The reference ID of the media asset
Default: NULL Type: String
options Optional values
Default: NULL Type: Array
Deletes a media asset. Either an ID or Reference ID must be passed.
type The type of the item to delete
Default: video Type: String
id The ID of the media asset
Default: NULL Type: Integer
ref_id The reference ID of the media asset
Default: NULL Type: String
options Optional values
Default: NULL Type: Array
Retrieves the status of a media asset upload.
type The type of object to check
Default: video Type: String
id The ID of the media asset
Default: NULL Type: String
ref_id The reference ID of the media asset
Default: TRUE Type: String
Return Value
The upload status
Type: String
Shares a media asset with the selected accounts. Sharing must be enabled between the two accounts.
type The type of object to share
Default: video Type: String
id The ID of the media asset
Type: Integer
account_ids An array of account IDs
Type: Array
accept Whether the share should be auto accepted
Default: FALSE Type: Boolean
force Whether the share should overwrite existing copies of the media
Default: FALSE Type: Boolean
Return Value
The new media asset IDs
Type: Array
Removes assets from a playlist.
playlist_id The ID of the playlist to modify
Type: Integer
video_ids An array of video IDs to delete from the playlist
Type: Array
Return Value
The new playlist DTO
Type: Array
Adds assets to a playlist.
playlist_id The ID of the playlist to modify
Type: Integer
video_ids An array of video IDs to add to the playlist
Type: Array
Return Value
The new playlist DTO
Type: Array
Converts milliseconds to formatted time or seconds.
ms The length of the media asset in milliseconds
Default: Type: Integer
seconds Whether to return only seconds
Default: FALSE Type: Boolean
Return Value
The formatted length or total seconds of the media asset
Type: Mixed
Parses media asset tags array into a key-value array.
tags The tags array from a media asset DTO
Default: Type: Array
implode Return array to Brightcove format
Default: FALSE Type: Boolean
Return Value
A key-value array of tags, or a comma-separated string
Type: Mixed
Removes assets that don't contain the appropriate tags.
videos All the assets you wish to filter
Default: Type: Array
tag A comma-separated list of tags to filter on
Default: Type: String
Return Value
The filtered list of assets
Type: Array
Formats a media asset name to be search-engine friendly.
name The asset name
Default: Type: String
Return Value
The search-engine friendly asset name
Type: String
The constructor for the BCMAPICache class.
type The type of caching method to use, either 'file' or 'memcached'
Default: file Type: String
time How many seconds until cache files are considered cold
Default: 600 Type: Integer
location The absolute path of the cache directory (file) or host (memcached)
Default: Type: String
extension The file extension for cache items (file only)
Default: .c Type: String
Default: 11211 Type: Integer
extension Public - The file extension for cache items (file only)
Type: String
location Public - The absolute path of the cache directory (file) or host (memcached)
Type: String
memcached Public - The Memcached object, if valid
Type: Object
port Public - The port to use (Memcached only)
Type: Integer
time Public - How many seconds until cache files are considered cold
Type: Integer
type Public - The type of caching method to use, either 'file' or 'memcached'
Type: String
This is the most generic error returned from BCMAPI as it is thrown whenever the API returns unexpected data, or an error. The API return data will be included in the error to help you diagnose the problem.
The requested item is no longer supported by Brightcove and/or BCMAPI. Stop using this method as early as possible, as the item could be removed in any future release.
The specified asset does not exist in the Brightcove system. Ensure you're using the correct ID.
An ID has not been passed to the method (usually a "delete" or "share" function). Include the ID parameter to resolve the error.
The file being passed to the function is not supported. Try another file type to resolve the error.
The "find" method being requested is not supported by BCMAPI, or does not exist in the Brightcove API. Remove the method call and check both the BCMAPI and Brightcove API documentation.
The BCMAPI property you are trying to set or retrieve does not exist. Check the BCMAPI documentation.
The DTO type (video, playlist, image, etc) you specified is not allowed for the method. Check both the BCMAPI and Brightcove API documentation.
Please specify one or more search parameters. Verify you are passing the parameters in an array.
The read or write token you provided is not recognized by Brightcove. Verify you are using the correct token.
The API could not be accessed, or the API did not return any data. Verify the server has cURL installed, enabled, and able to retrieve remote data. Verify the Brightcove API is currently available.