
An elegant PHP framework designed to provide high performance with optimal developer experience

v2.0.9 2023-09-18 16:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 08:08:55 UTC



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Table of Contents


Armie is an expressive and extendable lightweight PHP framework designed to provide high performance with all the essential features needed for quick application development.

It is more suited for small applications or microservices but can easily handle the development of large-scale applications with minimum extension or abstraction.

It includes support for different design paradigms and architectural patterns:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  • Service-oriented
  • Microservices
  • Event Driven
  • Asynchronous Queuing


composer require busarm/armie


Traditional HTTP Server

Traditional HTTP server using PHP-FPM and NGINX or Apache.

Single Application

Run a single application

    # ../myapp/public/index.php

    define('APP_START_TIME', floor(microtime(true) * 1000));
    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    $config = (new Config())
    $app = new App($config);

    $app->get('/product/{id}')->to(ProductController::class, 'get');


Multi Tenant Application

Host multiple applications or modules. Supports path and domain routing

    # ../index.php
    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    $server = (new Server())
        // Use `myapp` for requests with path `v1/....`
        ->addRoutePath('v1', __DIR__ . '/myapp/public')
        // Use `mydevapp` for requests with domain name `dev.myapp.com`
        ->addDomainPath('dev.myapp.com', __DIR__ . '/mydevapp/public');

    # ../myapp/public/index.php

     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface|null $request Capture Server request
     * @var \Armie\Interfaces\ServiceDiscoveryInterface|null $discovery Capture Service discovery

    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    $config = (new Config())
    $app = new App($config);
    $app->setServiceDiscovery($discovery ?? new LocalServiceDiscovery([]));

    $app->get('/product/{id}')->to(ProductController::class, 'get');

    return $app->run(Request::capture($request ?? null, $config));

Asynchronous HTTP Server (powered by workerman)

High perfomant Asychronous HTTP Server with support for serveral event-looping providers such as: swoole, libevent, ev, libuv, react. Provides the following features:

  • Background workers to handle multi processing, asynchronous task and cron job processing
  • Socket workers to handle web socket connections
  • Concurrency with Promises and built in (async, await, concurrent) functions
  • Real-time events with built in (listen, dispatch) functions
  • Asynchronous queuing with built in (enqueue) function
    # ./start.php

    $config = (new Config())
    $app = new App($config);

    $app->get('/product/{id}')->to(ProductController::class, 'get');

    $app->start("localhost", 8080,
        (new HttpServerConfig)
            ->addJob(function () {
                log_debug("Testing EVERY_MINUTE Cron Job");
            }, Cron::EVERY_MINUTE)
            ->addJob(function () {
                log_debug("Testing Custom Seconds Cron Job");
            }, 600)
            ->addJob(function () {
                log_debug("Testing One-Time Only Job");
            }, (new DateTime('+30 seconds')))
            // MessengerSocketController implements SocketControllerInterface
            ->addSocket(2222, MessengerSocketController::class));

Run command to start application

# Windows
php start.php

# Unix (Linux or Mac) [Recommended]
php start.php start


Configure application

    $config = (new Config())
        ->setHttp((new HttpConfig)
        ->setDb((new PDOConfig)
    $app = new App($config);

Using Config Files

Configs can be attached using separate configuration files.

Create Config File

Add config file to your config path. E.g myapp/Configs/database.php

    # database.php

    // Use constant
    define("DB_NAME", "my-db-dev");
    define("DB_HOST", "localhost");

    // Use dynamic configs
    return [
    // Access dynamic configs
    // Set
    app()->config->set('db_name', 'my-db-dev-2');
    // Get

Add Config File

    $app = new App($config);


Add HTTP routes.

Controller Route

    $app = new App($config);
    $app->get('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'get');
    $app->get('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'get');
    $app->post('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'create');
    $app->put('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'update'),
    $app->delete('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'delete'),

Anonymous Route

    $app = new App($config);
    $app->get('/user/{id}')->call(function (RequestInterface $request, string $id) {
        // Perform action ...

View Route

    $app = new App($config);

Custom Route Class

    $app = new App($config);
    // Using Custom Route Class - Single
    $app->router->addRoute(MyRoute::get('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'get'));
    // Using Custom Route Class - List
        MyRoute::get('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'get'),
        MyRoute::post('/user')->to(UserController::class, 'create'),
        MyRoute::put('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'update'),
        MyRoute::delete('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'delete'),


Extend application features and configurations.

Create Provider

class CustomProvider implements ProviderInterface

     * @inheritDoc
    public function process(App $app): void
        // Perform custom action....

Attach Provider

    $app = new App($config);
    $app->addProvider(new CustomProvider());


Intercept HTTP request and response. PSR Middleware supported.

Create Middleware

    class AuthenticateMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
        public function process(RequestInterface|RouteInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface {
            // Perform custom action....
            // Or forward to next request handler
            return $handler->handle($request);

Attach Middleware

    # Attach global middleware
    $app = new App($config);
    $app->addMiddleware(new AuthenticateMiddleware())

    # Attach middleware to specific route
    $app->put('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'update')->middlewares([
        new AuthenticateMiddleware()
        Route::put('/user/{id}')->to(UserController::class, 'update')->middlewares([
            new AuthenticateMiddleware()


Bind an interface to a particular class. Hence, the specified class object will be used when resolving dependencies.

Add Binding

    $app = new App($config);
    $app->addBinding(CacheInterface::class, RedisCache::class)

Resolve Binding

    // Manually
    $cache = app()->make(CacheInterface::class)

    // Automatically
    class UserController
        public function __construct(private CacheInterface $cache)


Generic Component

Add view file to your view path. E.g myapp/Views/login.php

    # In Controller (or anywhere you wish to load view)
    // Using app instance
    app()->loader->view('login', ['username' => $uname, 'password' => $pass]);
    // Using helpers
    view('login', ['username' => $uname, 'password' => $pass]);

Dedicated View Model

Add view file(s) to your view path. E.g myapp/Views/LoginPage.php, myapp/Views/components/login.php

    # In-line rendering
    class LoginPage extends View
        public function __construct(protected LoginPageDto|BaseDto|array|null $data = null, protected $headers = array())

        public function render()
            $header = new HeaderComponent;
            return <<<HTML
                    <div>Username: {$this->get("username")}</div>

    # Component rendering
    class LoginPage extends View
        public function __construct(protected LoginPageDto|BaseDto|array|null $data = null, protected $headers = array())

        public function render()
            return $this->include('components/login', true);

Database (Armie ORM)

A simple but expressive database object-relational mapper (ORM) built on top of PHP Data Objects (PDO)

Define Model

class ProductModel extends Model
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getFields(): array
        return [
            new Field('id', DataType::INT),
            new Field('name', DataType::STRING),
            new Field('type', DataType::STRING),
            new Field('qty', DataType::INT),
            new Field('categoryId', DataType::INT),
            new Field('createdAt', DataType::DATETIME),
            new Field('updatedAt', DataType::DATETIME),
            new Field('deletedAt', DataType::DATETIME)
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getRelations(): array
        return [
            new OneToOne('category', $this, new Reference(CategoryTestModel::class, ['categoryId' => 'id']))
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getTableName(): string
        return 'products';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getKeyName(): ?string
        return 'id';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getCreatedDateName(): ?string
        return 'createdAt';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getUpdatedDateName(): ?string
        return 'updatedAt';
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getSoftDeleteDateName(): ?string
        return 'deletedAt';

Save Model

$model = ProductModel::create(['name' => 'IPhone 14', 'qty' => 3, 'type' => 'Mobile Phone', 'categoryId' => 1]);
$model = ProductModel::update(1, ['name' => 'IPhone 14', 'qty' => 3, 'type' => 'Mobile Phone', 'categoryId' => 1]);
// Or
$product = new ProductModel;
$product->load(['name' => 'IPhone 14', 'qty' => 3, 'type' => 'Mobile Phone', 'categoryId' => 1]);

Find Item

$model = ProductModel::findById(1);
// Or
$model = (new ProductModel)->find(1);

Get List

$model = ProductModel::getAll();
// Or
$model = (new ProductModel)->all();

Define Repository

class ProductRepository extends Repository
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct(new ProductModel);
// Or - Use Generic Repository
$productRepo = new Repository(new ProductModel)

Get Paginated List

$productRepo = new ProductRepository();
$result = $productRepo->paginate(1, 3);


To execute the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/busarm/armie
$ composer install
$ composer test

You can use PHP server built-in server to test:

$ php -S localhost:8181 -t tests/app/v1


The Armie Framework is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.