
PHP database access

0.6.4 2025-02-10 11:57 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-21 04:36:02 UTC


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PHP database access



Install this library using composer:

composer require ceus-media/Database

Within your code, load library:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Code Examples using PDO

Database Connection

$dbDriver	= 'mysql';
$dbName		= 'myDatabase';
$dbUsername	= 'myDatabaseUser';
$dbPassword	= 'myDatabasePassword';

$dbc	= new \CeusMedia\Database\PDO\Connection(
	new \CeusMedia\Database\PDO\DataSourceName( $dbDriver, $dbName ),
	$dbUsername, $dbPassword


Existing database tables can be declared as tables:

Table class

class MyFirstTable extends \CeusMedia\Database\PDO\Table
	protected string $name			= "my_first_table";
	protected array $columns		= [
	protected string $primaryKey	= 'id';
	protected array $indices		= [
	protected int $fetchMode		= \PDO::FETCH_OBJ;

Table instance

Having this defined structure, you can use a table instance for reading from and writing into the database table. Hence that you need to create a database connection beforehand.

$table	= new MyFirstTable( $dbc );

Reading an entry

Example for getting an entry by its primary key:

$entry	= $table->get( 1 );

The result will be an object of table columns and their values, since the fetch mode is set to object-wise by table structure:

object stdObject(
	'id'					=> 1,
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
	'content'				=> 'Content of first entry.'

Not having the fetch mode set would result in an associated array, which is set as default fetch mode in underlaying table reader. To change the fetch see below.

Hint: There are more methods to read a single entry:

  • getByIndex
  • getByIndices

which allow to focus on foreign indices instead of the primary key.

Finding entries

A group of entries, filtered by a foreign key:

$someEntries	= $table->getAllByIndex( 'maybeSomeForeignId', 123 );

A group of entries, filtered by several foreign keys:

$indices		= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
	'notExistingKey'		=> 'will result in an exception',
$someEntries	= $table->getAllByIndices( $indices );

To get all entries, call:

$allEntries	= $table->getAll();

which may be bad in scaling, so reduce the result set by defining limits and conditions:

$conditions	= ['content' => '%test%'];
$orders		= [];
$limits		= [$offset = 0, $limit = 10];

$allEntries	= $table->getAll( $conditions, $orders, $limits );

Conditions can be indices or any other column.

Orders are pairs of columns and directions, like:

$orders	= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 'DESC',
	'content'		=> 'ASC',

There are more parameters possible for each of this indexing methods, which allow:

  • fields: restricting columns in result set
  • grouping: apply GROUP BY
  • having: apply HAVING


To count entries by a foreign key:

$number	= $table->countByIndex( 'maybeSomeForeignId', 123 );

To count entries, filtered by several foreign keys:

$number	= $table->countByIndices( [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
	'notExistingKey'		=> 'will result in an exception',
] );

To get all entries, call:

$number	= $table->count();

which may be bad in scaling, so reduce the result set by defining conditions:

$Conditions	= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
	'content'		=> '%test%',
$number	= $table->count( $conditions );

Hint: Counting having really large MySQL tables may be slow. There is a method to count in large tables in a faster way. You will find it.

Adding an entry

$data		= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
	'content'				=> 'Second entry.',
$entryId	= $table->add( $data );

Attention: For security reasons, all HTML tags will be striped. Set second parameter to FALSE to avoid that, if needed. Make sure to strip HTML tags of none-HTML columns manually!

Updating an entry

$primaryKey	= 2;
$data		= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 124,
	'content'				=> 'Second entry - changed.',
$result	= $table->edit( $primaryKey, $data );

where the result will be the number of changed entries.

Attention: For security reasons, all HTML tags will be striped. Set third parameter to FALSE to avoid that, if needed. Make sure to strip HTML tags of none-HTML columns manually!

Updating several entries

$indices	= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
$data		= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 124,
$result	= $table->editByIndices( $indices, $data );

where the result will be the number of changed entries.

Attention: For security reasons, all HTML tags will be striped. Set third parameter to FALSE to avoid that, if needed. Make sure to strip HTML tags of none-HTML columns manually!

Removing an entry

$primaryKey	= 2;
$result	= $table->remove( $primaryKey );

where the result will be the number of removed entries.

Removing several entry

$indices	= [
	'maybeSomeForeignId'	=> 123,
$result	= $table->removeByIndices( $indices );

where the result will be the number of removed entries.

Change fetch mode

In your table structure class, set:

	protected int $fetchMode		= \PDO::[YOUR_FETCH_MODE];

where YOUR_FETCH_MODE is one of these standard PDO fetch modes:



Reading from tables can return lists of arrays or anonymous objects, easily.
To use entity classes to receive data objects, PDO's fetch mode can be set to FETCH_CLASS. A table implementation needs to set ::fetchEntityClass to a class name.

This could be an entity class:

class MyFirstTableEntity
    public string $id;
    public string $maybeSomeForeignId;
    public string $content;

This entity class can be linked within the table as class to use on fetch:

class MyFirstTable extends Table
    public ?string $fetchEntityClass    = '\\MyProject\\MyFirstTableEntity';

Now, all indexing methods will return lists of filled entity classes.

Code Examples using OSQL

Having a config file like this:

driver		= 'mysql';
host		= 'myHost';
port		= 'myPort';
database	= 'myDatabase';
username	= 'myDatabaseUser';
password	= 'myDatabasePassword';

and assuming that you load things up like this:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use CeusMedia\Database\PDO\DataSourceName;
use CeusMedia\Database\OSQL\Client;
use CeusMedia\Database\OSQL\Connection;
use CeusMedia\Database\OSQL\Condition;
use CeusMedia\Database\OSQL\Table;
use CeusMedia\Database\OSQL\Query\Select;

$config	= (object) parse_ini_file( 'myConfigFile.ini' );

you can connect to a database like this:

$client	= new Client( new Connection( DataSourceName::renderStatic(
), $config->username, $config->password ) );

Now you can query the database like this:

$result	= Select::create( $client )
	->from( new Table( 'galleries', 'g' ) )
	->where( new Condition( 'galleryId', 1, Condition::OP_EQ ) )

The result will contain the requested rows (only one in this example):

new UI_DevOutput();
print_m( $result );

will produce:

[O] 0 -> stdClass
   [S] galleryId => 1
   [S] status => 0
   [S] rank => 1
   [S] path => test
   [S] title => Test
   [S] description => Das ist ein Test.
   [S] timestamp => 1402008611