
Laravel shopify package

v1.6.0 2021-10-27 04:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 11:37:49 UTC


Laravel Shopify is a simple package which helps to build robust integration into Shopify.


Add package to composer.json

composer require clarity-tech/laravel-shopify

Laravel 5.5+

Package auto discovery will take care of setting up the alias and facade for you

Laravel 5.4 <

Add the service provider to config/app.php in the providers array.


'providers' => [

Setup alias for the Facade


'aliases' => [
    'Shopify' => ClarityTech\Shopify\Facades\Shopify::class,

Set shopify app authentication

Update config/app.php with below code and in routes add auth:shopify as middleware

'guards' => [
    'shopify' => [
        'driver' => 'shopify-auth',
        'provider' => 'shops',

'providers' => [
    'shops' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model' => App\Models\Shop::class,

Set credendials

in your .env file set these values from your app
only if app is private

Optional Configuration (publishing)

Laravel Shopify requires api key configuration. You will need to publish configs assets

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shopify-config

This will create a shopify.php file in the config directory. You will need to set your API_KEY and SECRET

'key' => env("SHOPIFY_APIKEY", null),
'secret' => env("SHOPIFY_SECRET", null)



Get the shopify session token using shopify fronend sdk & add Shopify-Token header in every request or send the inital url params appended by shopify


To install/integrate a shop you will need to initiate an oauth authentication with the shopify API and this require three components.

They are:

1. Shop URL (eg.
2. Scope (eg. write_products, read_orders, etc)
3. Redirect URL (eg.

This process will enable us to obtain the shops access token

use ClarityTech\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

Route::get("shop/install", function(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
    //$redirectUrl = route('shop.authorize');
    $redirectUrl = "";
    $myShopifyDomain = $request->shop;
    $scope = ["write_products","read_orders"];
    $authorizeUrl = Shopify::getAuthorizeUrl($myShopifyDomain, $scopes, $redirectUrl);
    return redirect()->to($authorizeUrl);

Let's retrieve access token

Route::get("process_oauth_result",function(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
    $shopifyApi = resolve('shopify');
    $myShopifyDomain = $request->shop;
    $code = $request->code;

    $token = $shopifyApi
        //this gets access token from shopify and set it to the current  instance which will be passed in further api calls

    //store the access token for future api calls on behalf of the shop    
    // redirect to success page or billing etc.

To make the code less verbose we have added a app uninstalled job which can be subscribed via the app uninstalled webhook from shopify that can be configured automatically from your shop

After installation dispatch this job


which will subscribe to the app/uninstalled webhook under /webhooks/shopify/uninstalled route and will

To verify request(hmac)

use ClarityTech\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

public function verifyRequest(Request $request)
    $params = $request->all();

    if (Shopify::verifyRequest($params)){
        logger("verification passed");
        logger("verification failed");

To verify webhook(hmac)

use ClarityTech\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

public function verifyWebhook(Request $request)
    $data = $request->getContent();
    $hmacHeader = $request->header('x-shopify-hmac-sha256');

    if (Shopify::verifyWebHook($data, $hmacHeader)) {
        logger("verification passed");
    } else {
        logger("verification failed");

To access Admin API use

$myshopify_domain = "";
$access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$api = Shopify::setShop($myshopify_domain, $access_token)->basicApi();

// For sync rest api
$res = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/shop.json')

// For sync graphql api
$res = $api->graph('{ products(first: 1) { edges { node { handle, id } } } }', [])

To access API resource use

Shopify::get("resource uri", ["query string params"]);
Shopify::post("resource uri", ["post body"]);
Shopify::put("resource uri", ["put body"]);
Shopify::delete("resource uri");

Let use our access token to get products from shopify.

NB: You can use this to access any resource on shopify (be it Product, Shop, Order, etc)

use ClarityTech\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

$shopUrl = "";
$accessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //retrieve from your storage(db)
$products = Shopify::setShop($myShopifyDomain, $accessToken)->get("admin/products.json");

To pass query params

// returns Collection
Shopify::setShop($myShopifyDomain, $accessToken);
$products = Shopify::get('admin/products.json', ["limit"=>20, "page" => 1]);

Controller Example

If you prefer to use dependency injection over facades like me, then you can inject the Class:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use ClarityTech\Shopify\Shopify;

class Foo
    protected $shopify;

    public function __construct(Shopify $shopify)
        $this->shopify = $shopify;

    * returns products
    public function getProducts(Request $request)
        $accessToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';//retrieve from your storage(db)
        $products = $this->shopify->setShop($request->shop, $accessToken)



To get Response headers


To get specific header


Check if header exist

    echo "Yes header exist";

To get response status code or status message

Shopify::getStatusCode(); // 200
Shopify::getReasonPhrase(); // ok

Optional features

We also have a middleware for verifying the webhooks you can directly use it in your webhooks by the name verify.webhook

We have also added a automatic app uninstalled job dispatch when app is uninstalled by subscribing to the webhook topic app/uninstalled. To configure this you need to implement the interface Shopify/Contracts/ShopifyShop in your shop model and then


To customize the AppUninstalled Job Publish it by php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shopify-jobs

You might not need this We also dispatch events for webhooks if it is not for uninstalled topic for the same webhook ClarityTech\Shopify\Events\ShopifyWebhookRecieved