
Clinect NextGen Sdk

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A extendable sdk powered by Saloon.


To get started with NextGen SDK, you will need to install it through Composer.

$ composer require clinect/nextgen-sdk

Note: NextGen SDK supports PHP 8.1+


NextGen SDK has two dependencies.

Using Laravel?

After the installation. Next, publish the configuration file with the following Artisan command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nextgen-config

NextGen Sdk Class

There are two ways in using NextGen SDK class.

By Instantiating The Class


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()->get();

By Using Laravel Dependency Injection


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function show(NextGen $connector)
        $request = $connector->persons()->get();


The authorization and session is executed automatically when the nextgen sdk class is instantiated.


List of NextGen config keys:

Note: All config keys and values are required.



use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;
use Clinect\NextGen\NextGenConfig;

$config = NextGenConfig::create([
    'client_id' => 'nextgen-client-id',
    'secret' => 'nextgen-secret',
    'site_id' => 'nextgen-site-id',
    'enterprise_id' => 'nextgen-enterprise-id',
    'practice_id' => 'nextgen-practice-id',
    'base_url' => '',
    'route_uri' => '/nge-api/api',
    'auth_uri' => '/nge-oauth/token',
    'cache_adapter' => [
        'type' => 'laravel-cache',

        'driver' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::class,

        'cache_type' => 'file',

        'expiry_time' => 3600,

$connector = new NextGen($config);

Using Laravel?

Publish the config using the artisan command (see above example). And add this to your .env config file.

# config for .env file



NextGen SDK request stores the information of a single API request. Within a request, you can set the HTTP Method by appending at the end of each endpoint request.


  • get()
  • post()
  • put()
  • patch()
  • delete()

Note: The id's are all OPTIONAL.

See all available endpoints




use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

// Endpoint: "/persons"
$request = $connector->persons()->get();

// Endpoint: "/persons/{id}"
$request = $connector->persons({id})->get();



use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

// Post
$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'Name',
        'provider' => 'Provider name',

// Put
$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'Name',
        'provider' => 'Provider name',

// Patch
$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'Name',
        'provider' => 'Provider name',

// Delete
$request = $connector->persons({id})->delete();



use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()

Query Parameters


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()

Client Config


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()



use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()->paginate(perPage: $perPage, page: $page);

Request Body/Data

Using form body


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'Name',
        'provider' => 'Provider name',

Using json body


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'Name',
        'provider' => 'Provider name',

Using multipart body


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$request = $connector->persons()
        'name' => 'logo',
        'contents' => 'your-file-contents-or-stream',
        'filename' => 'logo.png',


Depending on how you sent your request (synchronous/asynchronous) you will either receive an instance of Response or a PromiseInterface.

Synchronous Responses


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()->get();

$response = $connector->send($request);

// Returns the HTTP body as a string

// Retrieves a JSON response body and json_decodes it into an array.

Asynchronous Responses


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGen;
use Saloon\Contracts\Response;

$connector = new NextGen(...);

$request = $connector->persons()->get();

$response = $connector->sendAsync($request);

$promise->then(function (Response $response) {
        // Handle successful response
    ->otherwise(function (Exception $exception) {
        // Handle failed request

Caching Responses

There are scenarios where you may want to cache a response from an API, like retrieving a static list or retrieving data that you know won't change for a specified amount of time. Caching can be incredibly powerful and can speed up an application by relying less on a third-party integration. There are three types of caching integration.

Note: Caching can be added/changed based on user taste in the NextGenConfig::create([...]) or if using Laravel in ./config/clinect/nextgen.php file.

PsrCacheDriver (Supports PSR-16 Cache Implementations)

Not available.

FlysystemDriver (Requires league/flysystem version 3)

Not available.

LaravelCacheDriver (Supports any of Laravel's cache disks, requires Laravel)


use Clinect\NextGen\NextGenConfig;

    'cache_adapter' => [
        // Cache type.
        'type' => 'laravel-cache',

        // Driver to be used.
        'driver' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::class,

        // Where to store the cache: "file", "redis", etc...
        // For reference: Check your laravel './config/cache.php'file
        'cache_type' => 'file',

        // Set cache expiry time in seconds.
        'expiry_time' => 3600,



$connector = new NextGen(...);

// Using cache
$request = $connector->enableCaching()->persons()->get();

// Not using cache
$request = $connector->persons()->get();


Run the command below to initiate testing

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Feature

How does it work?

Testing Saloon requests involves Fixtures. Saloon will check if the fixture already exists, and if it doesn't, it will make the real API request and store the response for next time.

  • If an endpoint already has a Fixture, it would just use that Fixture as a recorded esponse and not run a real request.
  • If an endpoint doesnt have a Fixture, running the tests will simulate a real request and the response would be recorded as a fixture, this json response is saved inside Tests/Fixtures/Saloon.

Commands for deleting fixtures

This deletes the authorization fixture and the ng-session fixtures

composer run delete-config-fixtures

this would delete all fixtures

composer run delete-all-fixtures

To reset all testing using this branch. run the commands below in order:

composer run delete-config-fixtures
composer run delete-all-fixtures
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Feature


The MIT License (MIT).