
SDK for Vereniging COIN's REST APIs

2.4.0 2025-01-31 10:37 UTC


Latest Stable Version

ApiSDK VersionApi VersionChangelog
number-portability1.1.0 +v3here
0.0.0 - 1.0.2v1-
bundle-switching2.1.0 +v5here
1.1.0 - 2.0.2v4-
mobile-connect2.4.0 +v3-

This project contains SDKs for various COIN APIs.

To use an SDK, you need to configure a consumer.


If you need support, feel free to send an email to the COIN devops team.

slow performance?

In case of degradation of performance of the COIN SDK PHP version 2.1.2 & higher, please consider installing the PHP-GMP extension on your machine(s) that are running the SDK. This due to several changes in phpseclib3 which was introduced during this update.

Local Development

To run the tests locally:

CI_JOB_ID=local ./setup/start-docker-compose
CI_JOB_ID=local ./setup/run-tests