colasoft / framework
High performance HTTP Service Framework.
- php: ^8.2
- ext-curl: *
- ext-dom: *
- ext-fileinfo: *
- ext-gd: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- ext-openssl: *
- ext-pdo: *
- ext-pdo_mysql: *
- ext-redis: *
- ext-sodium: *
- ext-xmlreader: *
- alibabacloud/aliyun-log-php-sdk: ^0.6
- aliyuncs/oss-sdk-php: ^2.7
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch: ^8.13
- endroid/qr-code: ^5.0
- filp/whoops: ^2.15
- firebase/php-jwt: ^6.10
- illuminate/cache: ^11.9
- illuminate/database: ^11.9
- illuminate/pagination: ^11.9
- illuminate/redis: ^11.9
- illuminate/view: ~11.7.0
- intervention/image: ^3.6
- jenssegers/blade: ^2.0
- monolog/monolog: ^3.6
- nikic/fast-route: ^1.3
- overtrue/easy-sms: ^3.0
- overtrue/pinyin: ^5.3
- overtrue/socialite: ^4.10
- php-di/php-di: ^7.0
- phpoffice/phpspreadsheet: ^2.1
- ramsey/uuid: ^4.7
- robmorgan/phinx: ^0.16
- symfony/console: ^7.0
- symfony/mailer: ^7.0
- symfony/messenger: ^7.0
- symfony/process: ^7.0
- symfony/twig-bridge: ^7.0
- vlucas/phpdotenv: ^5.6
- w7corp/easywechat: ^6.15
- workerman/crontab: ^1.0
- workerman/gateway-worker: ^3.1
- workerman/redis-queue: ^1.2
- yansongda/pay: ^3.7
Requires (Dev)
- laravel/pint: ^1.16
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.11
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11.2
- ext-event: For better performance.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-18 02:47:40 UTC
Note: This repository contains the core code of the ColaPHP framework. If you want to build an application using ColaPHP, visit the main ColaPHP repository.
ColaPHP is accessible, yet powerful, providing tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb combination of simplicity, elegance, and innovation gives you a complete toolset required to build any application with which you are tasked.
Learning ColaPHP
ColaPHP has the most extensive and thorough documentation and video tutorial library of any modern web application framework. The ColaPHP documentation is in-depth and complete, making it a breeze to get started learning the framework.
Security Vulnerabilities
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The ColaPHP framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.