Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Yii2 Odnoklassniki authclient
7 0
Yii2 codemirror widget
249 202 36
Yii2 datatables widget
19 0
Yii2 Date Range Picker widget
77 2
Yii2 easypiechart widget
8 0
Yii2 excanvas assets
14 598 0
Yii2 flot widget
617 0
Yii2 fontawesome widget
Yii2 fullcalendar widget
14 0
Yii2 geoip componet
906 0
Yii2 gii modal
10 558 1
Yii2 helpers
325 294 3
Yii2 highcharts
363 0
Yii2 Highlightjs widget
182 0
Yii2 bootstrap hoverdropdown widget
3 0
Jade renderer for the Yii2 framework
898 0
Yii2 Jcrop widget
143 0
Yii2 jvectormap widget
1 894 0
Yii2 knob widget
2 0
Extension for the Yii2 framework
18 627 14
Yii2 momentjs widget
86 432 2
The Oauth2 Server extension for the Yii2 framework
92 603 77
Yii2 peity widget
4 130 1
The Proxy pooling extension for the Yii2 framework
28 0
Pug renderer for the Yii2 framework
Yii2 Select2 widget
64 368 16
Yii2 soap wsdl web services
26 492 17
Yii2 simplelineicons widget
12 0
Yii2 slimscroll widget
4 201 0
Yii2 sparkline widget
Yii2 toastr widget
223 0
The I18n automatic translation extension for the Yii2 framework
560 13
Abandoned! See conquer/jvectormap
22 0