
An easy way to integrate Google Analytics with Laravel.

v3.0.0 2020-01-30 11:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:47 UTC


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For Laravel 5.x, check version 2.5.0

For Laravel 4.x, check version 1.1.0

Think of Googlitics as an easy way to integrate Google Analytics with Laravel, providing a variety of helpers to speed up the utilisation of application tracking. These include:

  • Analytics::trackPage
  • Analytics::trackScreen
  • Analytics::trackEvent
  • Analytics::trackTransaction
  • Analytics::trackItem
  • Analytics::trackMetric
  • Analytics::trackException
  • Analytics::trackCustom
  • Analytics::render


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require cornford/googlitics.

"require": {
	"cornford/googlitics": "3.*"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the next step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


The next step is to introduce the facade. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the aliases array.

'Analytics'         => Cornford\Googlitics\Facades\AnalyticsFacade::class,

Finally we need to introduce the configuration files into your application/

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cornford\Googlitics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" --tag=googlitics

That's it! You're all set to go.


You can now configure Googlitics in a few simple steps. Open app/config/packages/cornford/googlitics/config.php and update the options as needed.

  • enabled - Enable Google Analytics tracking.
  • id A Google - Analytics tracking identifier to link Googlitics to Google Analytics.
  • domain - The domain which is being tracked. Leave as 'auto' if you want Googlitics to automatically set the current domain. Otherwise enter your domain, e.g.
  • anonymise - Anonymise users IP addresses when tracking them via Googlitics.
  • automatic - Enable automatic tracking to ensure users are tracked automatically by Googlitics.


It's really as simple as using the Analytics class in any Controller / Model / File you see fit with:


This will give you access to

Track Page

The trackPage method allows a page to be tracked, with optional parameters for page, title and track type.

Analytics::trackPage('Homepage', 'Homepage Title');
Analytics::trackPage('Homepage', 'Homepage Title', Analytics::TYPE_PAGEVIEW);

Track Screen

The trackScreen method allows a screen in an application to be tracked, with a parameter for the screen name.


Track Event

The trackEvent method allows an event to be tracked, with parameters for category, and action option parameters for label and value.

Analytics::trackEvent('User', 'Sign up');
Analytics::trackEvent('User', 'Sign up', 'User - Sign up', date());

Track Transaction

The trackTransaction method allows an ecommerce transaction to tracked, with parameters for identifier, and an optional options parameter for affiliation, revenue, shipping, tax in a key value array format.

Analytics::trackTransaction('123', ['affiliation' => 'Clothing', 'revenue' => '12.99', 'shipping' => '7.99', 'tax' => '1.59']);

Track Item

The trackItem method allows an ecommerce item to tracked, with parameters for identifier and name, and an optional options parameter for sku, category, price, quantity in a key value array format.

Analytics::trackItem('123', 'Socks');
Analytics::trackItem('123', 'Socks', ['sku' => 'PR123', 'category' => 'Clothing', 'price' => '7.99', 'quantity' => '1']);

Track Metric

The trackMetric method allows a metric to be tracked, with parameters for category, and an options parameter in a key value array format.

Analytics::trackMetric('Metric', ['metric1' => 100]);

Track Exception

The trackException method allows application exceptions to be tracked, with optional parameters for description and fatality.

Analytics::trackException('500 Server Error', true);

Track Custom

The trackCustom method allows custom items to be tracked with a single parameter for the custom item.

Analytics::trackCustom("ga('custom', 'parameter');");


The render method allows all tracking items to be rendered to the page, this method can be included in Views or added as controller passed parameter.



Googlitics is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license