
Online payments with Redsys

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3.0.2 2025-02-25 10:59 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-25 11:03:38 UTC


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Integrate your PHP code with Redsys, the lead payments gateway in Spain.

If you are using Laravel, check our other package creagia/laravel-redsys for a ready-to-use integration.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require creagia/redsys-php


This package supports redirection and REST integration methods. You can learn more about the available integration methods on the official website.

Creating a request

use Creagia\Redsys\Enums\Currency;
use Creagia\Redsys\Enums\TransactionType;
use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysClient;
use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysRequest;
use Creagia\Redsys\Support\RequestParameters;

$redsysClient = new RedsysClient(
    merchantCode: env('redsys.merchantCode'),
    secretKey: env('redsys.key'),
    terminal: env('redsys.terminal'),
    environment: \Creagia\Redsys\Enums\Environment::Test,

$redsysRequest = RedsysRequest::create(
    new RequestParameters(
        amountInCents: 123_45,
        order: '22013100005',
        currency: Currency::EUR,
        transactionType: TransactionType::Autorizacion,
        merchantUrl: '',
        urlOk: '',
        urlKo: '',

echo $redsysRequest->getRedirectFormHtml()

First, you need to create a RedsysClient with your environment configuration. After that, you should create a RedsysRequest using your client and your RequestParameters.

Apart from the mandatory fields, you may define any extra optional field (like merchantUrl as the notification URL or urlOk and urlKo to redirect the users after paying) as your RequestParameters arguments.

Finally, you can return the redirection form with the getRedirectFormHtml() method or send the post request using the sendPostRequest(). Read more about those integration methods on the Redsys documentation:

Creating Credential-On-File (token) requests

While you can create Credential-On-File configuring your RequestParameters as defined on Redsys documentation, this packages provides some helpers to make it easier.

use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysRequest;
use Creagia\Redsys\Support\RequestParameters;
use Creagia\Redsys\Enums\CofType;

$redsysRequest = RedsysRequest::create(
    redsysClient: $redsysClient,
    requestParameters: new RequestParameters(...)
    cofType: CofType::Recurring

echo $redsysRequest->getRedirectFormHtml()

You can also send your request using the REST API as a post request:

use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysRequest;
use Creagia\Redsys\Support\RequestParameters;

$redsysRequest = RedsysRequest::create(
    redsysClient: $redsysClient,
    requestParameters: new RequestParameters(...)
    cofType: CofType::Recurring,
    cofTransactionId: $cofTransactionId,
    merchantIdentifier: $merchantIdentifier,

$response = $redsysRequest->sendPostRequest();

Receive notifications from Redsys

If you defined the merchantUrl parameter during the payment request creation, Redsys will post that URL with the result, so you can execute any actions on an authorised or denied request.

Keep in mind that Redsys won't notify you on abandoned payments so this merchantUrl won't be notified for every payment request created. Only when the payment finishes. You should take care of abandoned/pending requests.

use Creagia\Redsys\Exceptions\DeniedRedsysPaymentResponseException;
use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysClient;
use Creagia\Redsys\RedsysResponse;

$redsysClient = new RedsysClient(
    merchantCode: env('redsys.merchantCode'),
    secretKey: env('redsys.key'),
    terminal: env('redsys.terminal'),
    environment: \Creagia\Redsys\Enums\Environment::Test,

$redsysNotification = new RedsysResponse($redsysClient);

// If you need it, prior to checking response, you can use the decoded data from
// Redsys accessing the `NotificationParameters` object on `$redsysNotification->parameters`. 

try {
    $notificationData = $redsysNotification->checkResponse();
    // Authorised payment
} catch (DeniedRedsysPaymentResponseException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
    // Denied payment with $errorMessage

Custom environments

When creating a RedsysClient you may define the right environment for your requests. That environment will be used to send requests to the production or testing Redsys environment.

Custom environments

You can define the environment property to Environment::Custom. In that case, you will also need to define the customBaseUrl propierty.

This feature enables you to use any mock or fake Redsys gateway to test you application locally, for example.

You can find an example on that on our Laravel package creagia/laravel-redsys, which features a local gateway to test your integration locally.

$redsysClient = new RedsysClient(
    merchantCode: env('redsys.merchantCode'),
    secretKey: env('redsys.key'),
    terminal: env('redsys.terminal'),
    environment: \Creagia\Redsys\Enums\Environment::Custom,
    customBaseUrl: 'https://localGateway.test',


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.