
Implementation of the Google reCAPTCHA API for PHP.

v1.3.0 2021-01-07 13:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 23:01:11 UTC


Recaptcha for PHP provides a full-featured PHP implementation of the Google reCAPTCHA API along with some helpful adapters for other popular packages. It specifically uses the "no CAPTCHA" version released in December 2014.


Via Composer:
composer require wowe/recaptcha:1.*


Only two values are required to use the package:

  • secret The part of the API key pair used for authentication.
  • siteKey The part of the API key pair which uniquely identifies your site.

Both of these values must be acquired from Google. Directions on how to do so may be found here.



In order to use the package, create a new instance of the Recaptcha class, passing in the secret and siteKey values.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Wowe\Recaptcha\Recaptcha;

$recaptcha = new Recaptcha('secret', 'siteKey');

Available Methods

  • script($onload = null, $render = null, $hl = null, $attributes = array())
    Generates a script tag based on the options.
    • $onload string: The name of the JavaScript function to be called on load.
    • $render string: When to render the widget ('explicit' or 'onload').
    • $hl string: The language to be used for the widget.
    • $attributes array: Additional attributes for the tag.
    • Returns string
  • widget($theme = null, $type = null, $callback = null, $attributes = array())
    Generates a div tag for the widget based on the options.
    • $theme string: The color theme of the widget ('dark' or 'light').
    • $type string: The type of CAPTCHA to serve ('audio' or 'image').
    • $callback string: The name of the JavaScript callback function to be executed when the user submits a successful CAPTCHA response.
    • $attributes array: Additional attributes to be placed on the div.
    • Returns string
  • verify($response, $remoteIp = null)
    Queries the Google API to determine if the CAPTCHA is valid.
    • $response string: The user response token.
    • $remoteIp string: The user's IP address.
    • Returns boolean
  • errors()
    The list of errors from the last verification query.
    • Returns array

Verification Error Codes

After calling verify you may call errors to get a list of any errors that may have been encountered. If any empty array is returned then there were no errors! If there are errors, they will most often be error codes returned by the Google API. In addition to those it may also return:

  • transfer-error: An exception was encountered when attempting to connect to the API.
  • api-error: A HTTP status code other than 200 was returned by the API.
  • response-error: The format of the response returned by the API could not be read.



Website | GitHub
The script and widget methods can be exposed in Twig templates by adding an instance of the included TwigExtension class to the Twig environment. The TwigExtension instance must be initialized with an instance of the Recaptcha class. script is mapped to a function called recaptchaScript and widget is mapped to a function called recaptchaWidget. All arguments are the same as the definitions above.

// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Wowe\Recaptcha\Recaptcha;
use \Wowe\Recaptcha\Adapters\TwigExtension;

$recaptcha = new Recaptcha('secret', 'siteKey');
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__ . '/views');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
$twig->addExtension(new TwigExtension($recaptcha)));
echo $twig->render('index.html');

// views/index.html
<!doctype html>
        {{ recaptchaScript() }}
        <form method="POST">
            {{ recaptchaWidget() }}
            <input type="submit" />

Slim Framework

Website | GitHub
The Recaptcha class can be registered as a singleton in the Slim container automatically by running the SlimManager::register method, which has three optional arguments:

  • register($registerViewExtension = false, $recaptcha = null, $appName = null)
    Register a Recaptcha instance with the application container.
    • $registerViewExtension boolean: Whether or not to also register a view extension (if available).
    • $recaptcha \Wowe\Recaptcha\Recaptcha: The Recaptcha instance to bind to.
    • $appName string: The name of the application to register with.
    • Returns void

If you would like to instantiate the Recaptcha class yourself (in order to get the configuration values customly), you may do so and then just pass it to the register method. If no Recaptcha instance is passed then it will attempt to create one by getting the configuration values from the Slim app. In order to take advantage of this, set the configuration value recaptcha to an array with the secret and siteKey values as in the following example:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Slim\Slim;
use \Wowe\Recaptcha\Adapters\SlimManager;

$app = new Slim([
    'recaptcha' => [
        'secret' => 'secret',
        'siteKey' => 'siteKey'


$app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
    return $app->render('index.html');

$app->post('/', function () use ($app) {
    $recaptchaResponse = $app->request->post('g-recaptcha-response');
    var_dump($app->recaptcha->verify($recaptchaResponse), $app->recaptcha->errors());


If a value of true is passed as the registerViewExtension and a view engine is being used which has an extension available (eg. Twig), it will register the corresponding extension with the view engine.

Release Notes

Additional information can be found in the file

  • v1.0.0 - Initial release

Version Compatibility

Recaptcha for PHP Twig Slim Framework
v1.x v1.x v2.x


The Recaptcha for PHP package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license