
A eloquent async keys

v4.1.2 2025-03-01 21:49 UTC


Package to handle public private keys for your application and other uses, stored in a rsa_keystore model which can be linked to any other model.


Install via composer

composer require custom-d/eloquent-async-keys

Register Service Provider

Note! This and next step are optional if you use laravel>=5.5 with package auto discovery feature.

Add service provider to config/app.php in providers section


Register Facade (optional)

Register package facade in config/app.php in aliases section


Publish Configuration File & generate global key

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CustomD\EloquentAsyncKeys\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan asynckey


namespace CustomD\EloquentAsyncKeys;

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::create([$keySize = null], [$overwrite = false]): self - This allows you to create a new set of keys and returns an instance of the class.

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::encrypt($data, [$version = null]): array - this allows you to encrypt a new message and optionally set then algorithm version

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::encryptWithKey($publicKey, $data, [$version = null]): array - this allows you to encrypt a new message with a provided key and optionally set then algorithm version

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::decrypt($data, [$key = null]): string - Decrypts the message

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::decryptWithKey($privateKey, $data, $key = null): string - this allows you to decrypt a message with a provided key

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::getPublicKey(): string - gets the current public key

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::getPrivateKey(): string - gets the current private key
  • EloquentAsyncKeys::getSalt(): string - gets the current salt
  • EloquentAsyncKeys::getDecryptedPrivateKey(): resource - gets the current decrypted private key

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setKeys([$publicKey = null], [$privateKey = null], [$password = null]): self - set the public, private and password

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setPublicKey(?string $publicKey = null): self - sets/unsets the public key
  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setPrivateKey(?string $privateKey = null): self - sets/unsets the private key
  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setSalt($salt = null): self - sets/unsets/generates salt, (pass true to generate a new salt)
  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setPassword(?string $password = null): self - set/unset the password for the current private key

  • EloquentAsyncKeys::setNewPassword(string $newPassword, $newSalt = false): void - sets a new password onto your current privateKey

Included for tinker / phpunit / seeds

We have added a faker library to use to populate your keystores:

use CustomD\EloquentAsyncKeys\Faker\Keygen;
$faker = Factory::create(Factory::DEFAULT_LOCALE);
$faker->addProvider(new Keygen($faker));
$keyset = $faker->keygenCollection($faker->password(), true);

will return your with keyset as an array containing the following structure

	'password' => x,
	'salt' => x,
	'publicKey' => x,
	'privateKey' => x



If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
