
PHP Magic Constants, even more powerful than an Enum

2.2.0 2024-11-26 20:04 UTC


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This library allows you to create enum-like classes that support multiple formats for each key.

It helps represent magic numbers and strings in code.


Let's say your code has to interact with two services about some contracts.

To represent an active contract:

  • Service A uses active
  • Service B uses 10

Using a magic constant you declare the following class:

use CuyZ\MagicConstant\MagicConstant;

class ContractStatus extends MagicConstant
    protected const ACTIVE = [
        self::FORMAT_SERVICE_A => 'active',
        self::FORMAT_SERVICE_B => 10,

    // Others status...

    public const FORMAT_SERVICE_A = 'a';
    public const FORMAT_SERVICE_B = 'b';

You can then use it like this:

// Instead of doing this:
if ($status === 'active' || $status === 10) {

// You can do this:
if ($status->equals(ContractStatus::ACTIVE())) {


$ composer require cuyz/magic-constant


use CuyZ\MagicConstant\MagicConstant;

 * You can declare static methods to help with autocompletion:
 * @method static Example FOO()
 * @method static Example BAR()
 * @method static Example FIZ()
class Example extends MagicConstant
    // Only protected constants are used as keys
    protected const FOO = 'foo';

    // A key can have multiple possible formats for it's value
    protected const BAR = ['bar', 'BAR', 'b'];

    // You can use an associative array to declare formats
    protected const FIZ = [
        self::FORMAT_LOWER => 'fiz',
        self::FORMAT_UPPER => 'FIZ',

    // Using constants for formats is not mandatory
    public const FORMAT_LOWER = 'lower';
    public const FORMAT_UPPER = 'upper';

You can then use the class everywhere:

// As a parameter typehint and/or a return typehint
function hello(Example $example): Example {

hello(new Example('foo'));

// You can also use constants keys as a static method


Get an instance value

echo (new Example('foo'))->getValue(); // 'foo'

// You can specify the desired output format
echo (new Example('FIZ'))->getValue(Example::FORMAT_LOWER); // 'fiz'

Get an instance key

$constant = new Example('b');

echo $constant->getKey(); // 'BAR'

Get instances with all possible formats

$constant = new Example('fiz');

echo $constant->getAllFormats(); // [new Example('fiz'), new Example('FIZ')]

Get all possible values for an instance

$constant = new Example('BAR');

echo $constant->getAllValues(); // ['bar', 'BAR', 'b']

Returns a new instance where the value is from the first format

$constant = new Example('BAR');

echo $constant->normalize(); // new Example('bar')

Compares instances

(new Example('foo'))->equals(new Exemple('bar')); // false
(new Example('foo'))->equals(null); // false

(new Example('fiz'))->equals(new Exemple('FIZ')); // true
(new Example('b'))->equals(new Exemple('b')); // true

Returns true if at least one element is equal

$constant = new Example('foo');

$constant->in([new Exemple('bar'), null, 'foo']); // false
$constant->in([new Exemple('foo'), null, 'foo']); // true

Get all keys for a magic constant class

Example::keys(); // ['FOO', 'BAR', 'FIZ']

Get an associative array of possible values


    'FOO' => new Example('foo'),
    'BAR' => new Example('bar'),
    'FIZ' => new Example('fiz'),

// You can specify a regex pattern to match certain keys

    'FOO' => new Example('foo'),
    'FIZ' => new Example('fiz'),

Get all keys and associated values


    'FOO' => ['foo'],
    'BAR' => ['bar', 'BAR', 'b'],
    'FIZ' => ['fiz', 'FIZ'],

Check if a value is valid

Example::isValidValue('foo'); // true
Example::isValidValue('hello'); // false

Check if a key is valid

Example::isValidKey('BAR'); // true
Example::isValidKey('HELLO'); // false

Returns the key of any value

Example::search('foo'); // 'FOO'
Example::search('b'); // 'BAR'
Example::search('hello'); // false