
Package for saving app settings

v1.0.0 2025-03-09 10:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 10:01:38 UTC


This package will help you to build settings panel with custom forms, which supports all Filament forms components.


Install Using Composer

composer require cwsps154/filament-app-settings


php artisan app-settings:install


Add this into your Filament PannelProvider class panel()


You will get some customization on this

AppSettingsPlugin::make()->canAccess(function () {
                        return true;
                    ->canAccessAppSectionTab(function () {
                        return true;

Here using canAccess() method you can prevent the view and edit access to the page and using appAdditionalField() method you can add additional sections to the default app tab which will available after you install this plugin. Also, you can restrict access to the app section using canAccessAppSectionTab()

If you are using cwsps154/filament-users-roles-permissions plugin you can use like this

use CWSPS154\UsersRolesPermissions\UsersRolesPermissionsServiceProvider;
use CWSPS154\AppSettings\Models\AppSettings;


Run this command to set up the plugin

php artisan users-roles-permissions:install
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=app-settings-config

which contains these settings

return [
    'settings-page' => \CWSPS154\FilamentAppSettings\Page\AppSettings::class

You can create a new tab to these settings using php artisan make:app-settings-tab command, which will create a class inside app/Filament/Settings/Forms folder.

Sometimes the newly created tab will not automatically show in the page, then please run this

composer dumpautoload

namespace App\Filament\Settings\Forms;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Tabs\Tab;

class Custom
     * @return Tab
    public static function getTab(): Tab
        return Tab::make('custom')

    public static function getFields(): array
        return [];

    public static function getSortOrder(): int
        return 10;

You can customize the tab sections using the getTab(). Please note that you should give a unique name to the tab, statePath. Because, we are using custom helper function get_settings() to fetch the settings data. So the these names should be unique.

Using visible(true) you can individually control each tab.

get_settings() accept the 'tab_name.field_name'.

Example : get_settings('app.app_logo')). This will support nested fields like Repeater, these values you can access by dot.

getFields() returns the array of Filament forms component. You can use all available forms component here.

getSortOrder() returns the integer value, using this to sort the tabs in the page.


App Screenshot


Actually this package I was build after using one already existing Filament plugin which is called Filament General Settings. I found some limitations to that packages, So I created this one. Thanks