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library for dealing with .btl files

dev-master 2022-03-08 11:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 17:36:50 UTC


What is BTL

  • BTL can be used by every design software and every machine, because it's a free standard.
  • BTL includes a complete description of the format and all processings.
  • BTL describes parts in a machine independent geometry format.
  • BTL files can be viewed and checked with our free BTL viewer.


Yii2 module. Reads BTL files created by design2machine interface and save in DB.

Realised interpreting:

  • raw part
  • part
  • processes
    • Lap size and open sides

BTL format documentation https://design2machine.com/btl/btl_v106.pdf


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ composer require d3yii2/d3btl "*"

or add

"d3yii2/d3btl": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

add to migration path

'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',
'migrationPath' => [

add to modules

  'modules' => [
        'btl' => [
            'class' => 'd3yii2\d3btl\Module'


command add, reads files and saves their data in database

php btl/process-file/add path/to/file

Add file by code

        $model = new BtlFileData();
        $model->load(['file_data' => $fileText, 'file_name' => $filename], '');

Get data

$btl = BtlFileData::findOne($btlId);
$btlPartRaw = $btl->getBtlParts()->andWhere(['type' => BtlPart::TYPE_RAWPART])->all();
$btlPartOut = $btl->getBtlParts()->andWhere(['type' => BtlPart::TYPE_PART])->all();

foreach($btlPartRaw as $pr) {
   echo $pr->getHeight() . ' ' . $pr->getWidth() . ' ' . $pr->getLength();

 foreach ($btlPartOut as $po) {
   foreach ($po->btlProcesses as $process) {
     if (!$lap = $process->getLap()) {

       /** bottom is open */
       if (!$lap->isP04bit5()) {

       /** top is open */
       if (!$lap->isP04bit6()) {

       $m3 = ($lap->P12/100)/1000
           * ($lap->P14/100)/1000
           * $height/1000;
       echo $m3;    


data structure