d3yii2 / d3labels
Yii2 labels
2025-01-13 09:28 UTC
- php: >=5.4.0
- yiisoft/yii2: *
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-13 09:45:43 UTC
Assign multiple labels to model
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist d3yii2/d3labels "*"
or add
"d3yii2/d3labels": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Add d3labels to migration path and run migration
'migrate' => [ 'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController', 'migrationPath' => [ '@vendor/d3yii2/d3labels/migrations', ] ]
Add to modules d3labels
'modules' => [ 'd3labels' => [ 'class' => 'd3yii2\d3labels\Module', ], ]
Define Labels by migration
Migration example for adding new label
use yii\db\Migration; use \d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Definition; use d3modules\lietvediba\models\RkInvoice; use d3system\widgets\ThBadge; class m190329_095047_invoice_labels extends Migration { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function safeUp() { $def = new D3Definition(RkInvoice::class); $def->setLabel('Warning label'); $def->setColor(ThBadge::TYPE_INVERSE); $def->setCode('WarningLabel'); //$def->setCompanyId(14); $def->save(); } public function safeDown() { echo "m190329_095047_invoice_labels cannot be reverted.\n"; return false; } }
Migration example for removing label
use d3modules\d3accexport\logic\ExportRkInvoiceFormExtensions; use d3modules\lietvediba\models\RkInvoice; use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3LabelMaintenance; use yii\db\Migration; class m210426_100707_label_new_remove extends Migration { public function safeUp() { $removedLabelsFromModelRecords = D3LabelMaintenance::removeLabel(ExportRkInvoiceFormExtensions::NEW,RkInvoice::class); echo 'Removed Labels FromModel Records: ' . $removedLabelsFromModelRecords .PHP_EOL; } public function safeDown() { echo "m210426_100707_label_new_remove cannot be reverted.\n"; return false; } }
Widget for creating labels
Model controller
Add actions d3labelsattach and d3labelsremove
Access rules
[ 'allow' => true, 'actions' => [ 'd3labelsattach', 'd3labelsremove', ], 'roles' => [ 'ModuleAdminRoleName', ], ],
public function actions(): array { return [ 'd3labelsattach' => [ 'class' => AttachAction::class, 'modelName' => D3pPerson::class, ], 'd3labelsremove' => [ 'class' => DeleteAction::class, 'modelName' => D3pPerson::class, ], ]; }
Label admin Controller
namespace cewood\cwstore\controllers; use cewood\cwstore\models\CwbrProduct; use ea\app\controllers\LayoutController; use yii\filters\AccessControl; use Yii; use d3yii2\d3labels\components\CreateAction; use d3yii2\d3labels\components\AttachAction; use d3yii2\d3labels\components\DeleteAction; use d3yii2\d3labels\components\DefinitionDeleteAction; /** * Class RkInvoiceSettingsController * @package d3modules\lietvediba\controllers */ class SettingsController extends LayoutController { /** * @inheritdoc */ public function behaviors(): array { return [ 'access' => [ 'class' => AccessControl::class, 'rules' => [ [ 'allow' => true, 'actions' => [ 'labels', 'd3labelscreate', 'd3labelsdefinitionremove', ], 'roles' => [ 'ModuleAdminRoleName' ] ], ] ], ]; } /** * @return array */ public function actions() { return [ 'd3labelscreate' => [ 'class' => CreateAction::class, 'modelName' => CwbrProduct::class, 'sysCompanyId' => static function(){ return Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId(); } ], 'd3labelsdefinitionremove' => [ 'class' => DefinitionDeleteAction::class, 'modelName' => CwbrProduct::class, //'sysLabelsIdList' => [2] ], ]; } /** * @return string */ public function actionLabels(): string { return $this->render('labels', [ 'active' => true, ]); } }
Label admin view
<?php use d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3LabelCreate; use eaBlankonThema\assetbundles\layout\LayoutAsset; use yii2d3\d3persons\models\D3pPerson; LayoutAsset::register($this); /** * @var \d3system\yii2\web\D3SystemView $this */ $title = Yii::t('d3persons', 'Labels settings'); $this->title = $title; $this->setPageHeader($title); $this->setPageIcon('tags'); $this->setPageWiki('drpersons-conf-person-labels'); $this->addPageButtons(\eaBlankonThema\widget\ThReturnButton::widget([ 'link' => ['d3p-person/my-company-index'] ])) /** * @var yii\web\View $this * * */ ?> <div class="panel panel-tab panel-tab-double shadow"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane fade in active"> <?= D3LabelCreate::widget([ 'modelClass' => D3pPerson::class, 'sysCompanyId' => Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId() ])?> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Panel as row for showing, adding and removing labels. Compact variant
use cewood\cwstore\models\CwbrProduct; use d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3LabelCreate; ?> <?= D3LabelCreate::widget([ 'modelClass' => CwbrProduct::class, 'sysCompanyId' => Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId() ]) ?>
Simple output in DetailView
echo ThDetailView::widget([ 'model' => $model, 'attributes' => [ [ 'label' => 'Labels', 'format' => 'raw', 'value' => D3LabelView::widget([ 'model' => $model, 'sysCompanyId' => 1 ]) ] ] , ]);
Widget for model for displaying, attaching and removing labels from record
<?=\d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3LabelList::widget([ //'title' => Yii::t('d3labels', 'Labels'), //Optional 'sysCompanyId' => 1, 'model' => $model, 'readOnly' => true, ])?>
controller actions for widget D3LabelList
public function actions() { return [ 'd3labelsattach' => [ 'class' => AttachAction::class, 'modelName' => CwbrProduct::class, ], 'd3labelsremove' => [ 'class' => DeleteAction::class, 'modelName' => CwbrProduct::class, ], ]; }
for GridView D3LabelColumn
Column for grid
<?php $columns[] = [ 'class' => d3yii2\d3labels\components\D3LabelColumn::class, 'model' => $searchModel, 'modelClass' => \cewood\cwstore\models\CwbrProduct::class, 'attribute'=>'label_type', 'format'=>'raw', 'filterNotAssignedLabel' => true, 'label' => Yii::t('d3labels', 'Labels'), 'sysCompanyId' => $sysCompanyId //'badgeRenderOptions' => ['iconsWithText' => true], ];
For bulk in grid view
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3LabelBulk; /** * @return \d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3LabelBulk * @throws \yii\db\Exception */ private function createLabelBulk(): D3LabelBulk { return new D3LabelBulk([ 'modelClassName' => MyClASS::class, 'sysCompanyId' => Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId(), 'userId' => Yii::$app->user->id, 'ignoreLabelsByCode' => [RkInvoice::LABEL_CODE_CLOSED] ]); } public function actionIndex() { $labelBulk = $this->createLabelBulk(); return $this->render('index', [ 'dataProvider' => $searchModel->search(), 'searchModel' => $searchModel, 'bulkActions' => $labelBulk->list() ]); } public function actionBulk() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $action = $request->post('action'); /** @var int[] $selection */ if (!$selection = $request->post('selection')) { return $this->redirect(['index']); } /** * check access for checked rows */ foreach ($selection as $id) { $this->findModel($id); } /** Labels */ $labelBulk = $this->createLabelBulk(); if ($labelBulk->isBulkAction($action)) { if ($cnt = $labelBulk->processBulkAction($action,$selection)) { FlashHelper::addSuccess($labelBulk->successMessage($action, $cnt)); } else { FlashHelper::addSuccess($labelBulk->nothingAddedMessage($action)); } return $this->redirect(['index']); } }
Search model
Add attribute label_type to search model
use d3yii2\d3labels\components\QuerySearch; ... public $label_type; ... public function rules() { return [ ['label_type','safe'] ]; } .... QuerySearch::addFilter($query, $this->label_type, '`inv_invoice`.`id`');
Export to excel
// create widget object $labelWidget = new D3LabelColumn([ 'model' => $searchModel, 'modelClass' => \cewood\cwstore\models\CwbrProduct::class, 'attribute'=>'label_type', 'format'=>'raw', 'label' => Yii::t('d3labels', 'Labels'), 'sysCompanyId' => Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId(), 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider ]); // columns [ 'header' => 'Labels', 'value' => static function($model) use ($labelWidget){ return $labelWidget->renderForExcel($model); } ]
attach to model record
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Label; // by record id and labelDefId $labelDefId = D3lDefinitionDictionary::findByCodeModel($labelCode,InvInvoice::class); D3Label::attach($model->id,$labelDefId); // by model and label code D3Label::attachByModelCode($model,$labelCode);
detach from model record
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Label; // by record id and labelDefId $labelDefId = D3lDefinitionDictionary::findByCodeModel($labelCode, InvInvoice::class); D3Label::detach($model->id, $labelDefId); // by model and label code D3Label::detachByModelCode($model->id, $labelCode);
echo D3LabelCreate::widget([ 'modelClass' => RkInvoice::class, 'sysCompanyId' => Yii::$app->SysCmp->getActiveCompanyId() ]);
get list (id => label) of model all labels
use d3yii2\d3labels\dictionaries\D3lDefinitionDictionary; $list = D3lDefinitionDictionary::getList($sysCompanyId, CwStorePack::class)
Attach Note to model
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Note; D3Note::attach($model, $noteContent);
Attach User Note to model
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Note; D3Note::attach($model, $noteContent, $userId);
Detach Note from model
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Note; D3Note::detach($model);
Detach User Note from model
use d3yii2\d3labels\logic\D3Note; D3Note::detach($model, $userId);
Show Note in Grid View column
use d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3NoteColumn; $columns[] = [ 'attribute' => 'notes', 'header' => 'Piezīmes', 'class' => D3NoteColumn::class, ];
Show Note in Grid View column with custom Class
use d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3NoteColumn; $columns[] = [ 'attribute' => 'notes', 'header' => 'Piezīmes', 'class' => D3NoteColumn::class, 'modelClasss' => ExampleModel::class, ];
Show Note in Widget
use d3yii2\d3labels\widgets\D3NoteView <?= D3NoteView::widget([ 'model' => $model, 'canEdit' => $canEdit, 'addButtonLink' => [ 'notes-add', 'id' => $model->id, 'ru' => ReturnUrl::getToken() ] ]);
Add action to controller for adding notes
public function actions(): array { return [ 'notes-add' => [ 'class' => AttachNoteAction::class, 'userId' => Yii::$app->user->id, ] ]; }