devinweb / payment
- php: ^7.1
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.5
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^4.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:46 UTC
Payment Package provide a simple way to handle payment gateway in MENA.
This package requires Laravel 5.4 or higher. if your laravel is > 5.4 you can skip the two steps (2, 3) below (Package Auto Discovery 5.5+).
- You can install the package via composer:
composer require devinweb/payment
- Open your
and add the following to the providers array
- In the same
and add the following to the aliases array:
'Payment' => Devinweb\Payment\Facades\Payment::class,
- Run the command below to publish the package config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Devinweb\Payment\PaymentServiceProvider" --tag="config"
To pay via payfort it's simple, but before process the payment it's requiered to setup your FrontEnd
, you can check the payment-boilerplate
Configuration (Payfort)
Now you can add your payfort credentiels to app/config/payments/php
<?php 'payfort' => [ 'callback_urls' => [ 'error-page' => '/api/error', 'success-page' => '/api/success', ], 'sandboxMode' => env('PAYFORT_SAND_BOX_MODE', true), /** * language used to specify the response language returned from payfort */ 'language' => env('LANGUAGE', 'en'), /** * your Merchant Identifier account (mid) */ 'merchantIdentifier' => env('MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER', ''), /** * your access code */ 'accessCode' => env('ACCESS_CODE', ''), /** * SHA Request passphrase */ 'SHARequestPhrase' => env('SHA_REQUEST_PASSPHRASE', ''), /** * SHA Response passphrase */ 'SHAResponsePhrase' => env('SHA_RESPONSE_PASSPHRASE', ''), /** * SHA Type (Hash Algorith) * expected Values ("sha1", "sha256", "sha512") */ 'SHAType' => env('SHA_TYPE', 'sha256'), /** * command * expected Values ("AUTHORIZATION", "PURCHASE") */ 'command' => env('COMMAND', 'AUTHORIZATION'), /** * order currency */ 'currency' => env('CURRENCY', 'USD'), ]
Routing (Payfort)
Next to use Payfort, you need three Routes:
- Used to submit data from the front end to the backend.
- The second if the payment is successfuly.
- For redirecting if payfort response with error.
<?php // App\Config\payments.php // you can configure you callback routes here 'payfort' => [ 'callback_urls' => [ 'error-page' => '', // redirection to error page 'success-page' => '', // redirection to success page ], // ... ]
you can access to Payment using Payment
<?php use Illuminate\Http\Request; Route::post('/payment', function (Request $request) { // ... $merchant_reference = rand(0, getrandmax()); return Payment::use('payfort', $merchant_reference)->pay(); });
Required Parameters (Payfort)
Each request should be contains amount
, email
, hold_name
<?php $request->add([ 'amount' => '', 'email' => '', 'hold_name' => '' ])
Payfort Apple Pay
You can use this package to handle the apple pay transactions via Payfort.
Configuration (Payfort Apple Pay)
you should add payfort apple pay credentiels to the app/confing/payments/php
<?php 'payfort_apple_pay' => [ 'sandboxMode' => true, 'language' => 'ar', 'merchantIdentifier' => '', 'accessCode' => '', 'SHARequestPhrase' => '', 'SHAResponsePhrase' => '', 'SHAType' => 'sha256', 'command' => 'PURCHASE', 'currency' => 'SAR', ]
Usage (Payfort Apple Pay)
To pay via Payfort apple pay is the the same as before you can use.
return Payment::use('payfort_apple_pay', $merchant_reference)->pay();
Required Parameters (Payfort Apple Pay)
The parameters required to be attached in your request payload to use Apple Pay is:
{ "apple_data": "", "apple_header": { "apple_ephemeralPublicKey": "", "apple_publicKeyHash": "", "apple_transactionId": "-" }, "apple_paymentMethod": { "apple_displayName": "", "apple_network": "", "apple_type": "" }, "apple_signature": "", "apple_version": "EC_v1", "digital_wallet": "APPLE_PAY", //package requirements "amount": 240, // optional data if you need them "email": "", "name": "", "phone": "" }
Pay With ReactNative
if you want to process the payment via webView in your react native mobile app
function onNavigationStateChange() { // this method will be invoked each time the url changed } function onMessage() { // here you can handle the final result } return ( <WebView source={{ html: html() }} onNavigationStateChange={onNavigationStateChange} javaScriptEnabled={true} domStorageEnabled={true} onMessage={onMessage} startInLoadingState /> );
In your php controller or route you can use
<?php return Payment::use('payfort')->viaReactNative()->pay();
Payfort Events
As we know payfort can notify the merchant, for all events you subscribed for on an transaction. we need the first to add your callback into payfort dashboard, then you can implement this callback in your application
<?php use Illuminate\Http\Request; Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/payfort-callback', function(Request $request) { return Payment::use('payfort')->webHook(); });
This webHook can invoks two events build in. There are two events available for you to listen for.
Event | Fired | Parameter |
Devinweb\Payment\Events\SuccessTransaction |
when payfort response with the successful data | array success response |
Devinweb\Payment\Events\FailTransaction |
when payfort response with the Fail data | array fail_response |
check this repos payment-boilerplate
Success response
[ "response_code" => "18000", "card_number" => "400555******0001", "card_holder_name" => "CUSTOMER_HOLDER_NAME", "signature" => "d641d71c13da959cba92371d70c686b602e2b62796dfca5286c760c6b5d9e3b1", "merchant_identifier" => "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER", "expiry_date" => "2105", "access_code" => "YOUR_ACCESS_CODE", "language" => "ar", "service_command" => "TOKENIZATION", "response_message" => "عملية ناجحة", "merchant_reference" => "278245857", "token_name" => "dced12c0eeeb444185dcc450b917d987", "return_url" => "YOUR_RETURN_URL" "card_bin" => "400555" "status" => "18" ]
Fail response
[ "response_code" => "00016", "card_number" => "400550******0001", "card_holder_name" => "CUSTOMER_HOLDER_NAME", "signature" => "signature_value", "merchant_identifier" => "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER", "expiry_date" => "2105", "access_code" => "YOUR_ACCESS_CODE", "language" => "ar", "service_command" => "TOKENIZATION", "response_message" => "رقم البطاقة غير صحيح", "merchant_reference" => "158151963", "return_url" => "YOUR_RETURN_URL", "status" => "00", "error_msg" => "رقم البطاقة غير صحيح", ]
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
About Devinweb
Devinweb is a web app agency in Tetouan, Morocco. our website.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.