
Dump and restore the contents of a database

dev-main 2025-02-04 19:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 00:31:57 UTC



Backup and restore database content

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Db Dumper is a tool that offers you a simple and efficient way to export and import your database in PHP. It is somewhat of a PHP version of the command-line tool mysqldump that comes with MySQL, without dependencies, with output compression and reasonable default parameters.

Db Dumper supports backing up table structures, the data itself, views, triggers, and events.


Db Dumper supports:

  • outputting binary blobs in hexadecimal form.
  • resolving view dependencies (using substitute tables).
  • backing up stored routines (functions and procedures).
  • backing up events.
  • extended and/or complete insertion.
  • MySQL 5.7 virtual columns.
  • insert-ignore, like a REPLACE but ignoring errors if a duplicate key exists.
  • modifying database data on the fly during backup, using hooks.
  • direct backup to Google Cloud storage via a compressed stream wrapper (GZIPSTREAM).

Db Dumper is designed to work with the main current database management systems. The list below outlines their support:

  • MySQL (supported)
  • SQLite (supported)
  • PostgreSQL (in progress)
  • Oracle (not supported)


  • PHP 7.4+
  • *MySQL 5+
  • *SQLite 3+
  • PDO


Using Composer:

$ composer require dimtrovich/db-dumper

After installing this package, you must first ensure that you have access to a PDO instance as the export and import systems need it.

use PDO;

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3307;dbname=database', 'username', 'password');

Data Export (backup)

Data export is the main functionality of this package. Db Dumper offers you a simple API to backup your database with the same options offered by native MySQL or PostgreSQL commands (mysqldump / pgrestore)

use Dimtrovich\DbDumper\Exporter;
use Exception;

try {
    $exporter = new Exporter($pdo, 'database');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'db-dumper error: ' . $e->getMessage();

Modifying values during export

You can register a callable that will be used to transform values during export. A typical use case is removing sensitive data from database backups:

$exporter = new Exporter($pdo, 'database');
$exporter->transformTableRow(function (string $tableName, array $row) {
    if ($tableName === 'customers') {
        $row['social_security_number'] = (string) rand(1000000, 9999999);

    return $row;


Getting information about table export

You can register a callable that will be used to report the progress of the backup:

$exporter->onTableExport(function($tableName, $rowCount) {
    echo "Exporting table $tableName with $rowCount rows\n";

Table-specific export conditions

You can define table-specific WHERE clauses to limit the data of tables that can be exported. These clauses override the default where parameter:

    'users' => 'date_registered > NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH AND deleted=0',
    'logs' => 'date_logged > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
    'posts' => 'active=1'

Table-specific export limits

You can also define table-specific limits to limit the number of records that will be saved for each table:

    'users' => 300,
    'logs' => 50,
    'posts' => 10

Exporter configuration options

The constructor of the Exporter class accepts a third parameter which is an array designating the data export options.

Data Import (Restore)

Just like with data export, Db Dumper provides you with a simple API to restore your database from a backup file (.sql, .gz, .gzip, .bz2, .bzip2).

use Dimtrovich\DbDumper\Importer;
use Exception;

try {
    $importer = new Importer($pdo, 'database');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'db-dumper error: ' . $e->getMessage();

The file extension of the restore file determines the type of compression to use:

  • .sql No compression, it's a plain SQL file.
  • .gz, .gzip GZIP compression, the importer will decompress the file before proceeding with the database restoration. Make sure your PHP installation has the Zlib extension enabled before using such a dump.
  • .bz2, .bzip2 BZIP2 compression, the importer will decompress the file before proceeding with the database restoration. Make sure your PHP installation has the Bzlib2 extension enabled before using such a dump.

Get Information on Table Import

You can register a callable that will be used to report the progress of the restoration:

$importer->onTableCreate(function($tableName) {
    echo "Creating table $tableName\n";
$importer->onTableInsert(function($tableName, $rowCount) {
    echo "Inserting $rowCount rows into table $tableName\n";


To back up a database, you need the following privileges:

    • To back up table structures and data.
    • If a database contains views, otherwise you will get an error.
    • If a table contains one or more triggers.
    • If the "lock tables" option is enabled.

Use SHOW GRANTS FOR user@host; to check the user's privileges. See the following link for more information:

What are the minimum privileges required to get a backup of a MySQL database schema?

To restore a database, you need the following privileges:

    • Required if your backup file contains table alteration instructions.
    • Required if your backup file contains table creation instructions.
    • Required if your backup file contains routine creation instructions.
    • Required if your backup file contains view creation instructions.
    • Required if your backup file contains data deletion instructions.
  • DROP
    • Required if your backup file contains table or view deletion instructions.
    • Required if your backup file contains data insertion instructions into tables.
    • Required if your backup file contains data modification instructions in tables.


The unit tests for this package are written using the Kahlan library. The tests cover SQLite, but tests for MySQL have not been written, although tests have been conducted in a real environment. PRs in this direction are welcome.


  • Write more tests, also test with MariaDB.
  • Support for other database drivers (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS Server, MongoDB).


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.


This project is open-source software licensed under the MIT license. Please see the License File for more information.


Although significantly modified, the code for DB Dumper's exporter was inspired by MySQLDump - PHP maintained by Diego Torres. We would like to thank him.

That said, note that this package was created by Dimitri Sitchet Tomkeu and is maintained by All Contributors.