
PHP Library to wait for system signals and running code

v2.0.1 2022-12-08 15:46 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-08 08:07:46 UTC


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PHP SoftDaemon Library

SoftDaemon provides a library to run continuously some code.

I create this library to execute procedures continuously and to manipulate the time between iterations. I also use it to send signals to the processes in order to manipulate the behavior of the execution.

Do not reinvent the wheel, if cron jobs are suitable to you then use them.

How it runs

You have to create an instance of SoftDaemon, it requires minimum an Executable object that implements SoftDaemon\Executable interface

The SoftDaemon\Executable interface requires that you create two methods:

  • Will call signalHandler(int $signo): void to optionally do something with the signal.
  • Will call runOnce(): bool on each iteration.

For example, you can use signalHandler($signo) to process SIGHUP.

Once you have instantiated a SoftDaemon object you can call the method run(). This method will enter into a loop and run Executable::runOnce() on every iteration. At the end on every iteration the loop will wait.

Signals used

These signals are catched by SoftDaemon. All signals pass to Executable::signalHandler($signo) before `SoftDaemon do its own processing.

  • SIGHUP: Reset the error counter to zero. Method: SoftDaemon::resetErrorCounter()
  • SIGUSR1: Pause iterations. Method: SoftDaemon::setPause(true)
  • SIGUSR2: Unpause iterations. Method: SoftDaemon::setPause(false)
  • SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT: Terminate the iterations. Method: SoftDaemon::terminate()

How SoftDaemon knows how many seconds will wait

The pause state determines the quantity of seconds to wait for signals and continue to the next iteration.

If the SoftDaemon is on pause then it will not call runOnce, it will only try to wait 1 second.

If not on pause then it will use the counter of errors and request the sequencer to determine the number of seconds to wait.

The result of Executable::runOnce(): bool determines the number of errors. It is reset to zero when runOnce() returns true. It is increased by 1 when runOnce() returns false.

Anyhow, the number of seconds will be bounded to MinWait and MaxWait properties.

About sequencers

A sequencer is an objects that implements SoftDaemon\Sequencer. Its purpose is to receive the number of errors and return a quantity of seconds to wait. There are some predefined Sequencers already defined in the namespace SoftDaemon\Sequencer:

  • Fixed: It always returns the same quantity of seconds.
  • Linear: It returns the quantity of seconds as the count of errors (0 -> 0, 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2, ...).
  • Exponential: It returns the quantity of seconds as the count of errors to an exponential minus 1, if the base is 2 then it will return the following numbers: (0 -> 0, 1 -> 1, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 7, 4 -> 15, ...).

You can create a sequencer with your own rules. The MinWait and MaxWait limit the boundaries of seconds returned by the sequencer.

PHP Support

This library is compatible with at least the oldest PHP Supported Version with active support. Please, try to use PHP full potential.

We adhere to Semantic Versioning. We will not introduce any compatibility backwards change on major versions.

Internal classes (using @internal annotation) are not part of this agreement as they must only exist inside this project. Do not use them in your project.


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING for details and don't forget to take a look the TODO and CHANGELOG files.

Copyright and License

The eclipxe/php-soft-daemon library is copyright © Carlos C Soto and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.