
Remember User Origin

v2.0.4 2024-11-11 16:30 UTC


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This package allows you to detect and store visitor referrers so that you can access them later. A typical use case would be saving the referrer in a database when a visitor registers in your app.

Out of the box, it captures:

  • Google Click ID (gclid)
  • Meta Click ID (fbclid)
  • TikTok Click ID (ttclid)
  • Header referrer value
  • All URL UTM values
  • Or add your own source

The package is designed to be highly flexible regarding:

  • How you want to detect the referrer
  • How you want to store the referrer value

Out of the box, it can store referrer values in:

  • Laravel Context
  • Laravel Session
  • A Cookie
  • Or add your own driver


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require elegantly/laravel-referrer


First, publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="referrer-config"


Then configure your sources and drivers:

use Elegantly\Referrer\Enums\Strategy;

return [
    | Referrer Sources
    | These classes contain the logic to detect the visitor's referrer.
    | You can disable specific sources or add as many as needed.
    | Regardless of the number of sources defined, all values will be stored.
    'sources' => [

    | Referrer Strategy
    | Define the strategy for storing referrer values. You can also customize
    | the strategy for each source.
    | 'last'  : Stores only the last captured value, ignoring previous ones.
    | 'first' : Stores only the first captured value, ignoring subsequent ones.
    | 'all'   : Stores all captured values.
    'strategy' => Strategy::All,

    | Referrer Drivers
    | These classes contain the logic to store the visitor's referrer.
    | By default, all drivers are disabled. To enable a driver, uncomment it
    | or add a custom driver.
    | Regardless of the number of drivers defined, they will all store
    | referrer sources. When accessing referrer data, drivers may be merged,
    | with the last driver overwriting the others.
    | It is recommended to enable at least the Cookie driver for long-term
    | storage and the Session driver for immediate storage.
    'drivers' => [
        // \Elegantly\Referrer\Drivers\CookieDriver::class => [
        //     'name' => Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_') . '_referrer',
        //     /**
        //      * Lifetime in seconds.
        //      */
        //     'lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
        // ],
        // \Elegantly\Referrer\Drivers\SessionDriver::class => [
        //     'key' => 'referrer',
        // ],
        // \Elegantly\Referrer\Drivers\ContextDriver::class => [
        //     'key' => 'referrer',
        // ],

In the configuration file, enable one or more drivers by uncommenting them.

Middleware Configuration

Next, add the CaptureReferrerMiddleware to your route:

Using Laravel v11:

use Elegantly\Referrer\CaptureReferrerMiddleware;

->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {

Using Laravel v10:

use Elegantly\Referrer\CaptureReferrerMiddleware;

namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel
    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
            // ...

Once configured, your referrer sources will be automatically captured.

Choosing a Strategy

What happens when a user encounters multiple referrers during their navigation? For example, a user might click on multiple Google Ads campaigns or links with different UTM parameters.

This package supports 3 capture strategies:

  • First: Only capture the first referrer of each source
  • Last: Only capture the last referrer of each source
  • All: Capture all referrers

From the config, you can define a strategy globally using:

use Elegantly\Referrer\Enums\Strategy;

return [
    'strategy' => Strategy::Last,

You can also define the strategy per source like this:

use Elegantly\Referrer\Enums\Strategy;

return [
    'strategy' => Strategy::Last, // Global strategy

    'sources' => [
        \Elegantly\Referrer\Sources\UtmReferrerSource::class => [
            'strategy' => Strategy::First, // Custom strategy for UTM referrers

Retrieving the Visitor Referrer

You can retrieve the referrer sources using the facade:

use \Elegantly\Referrer\Facades\Referrer;

Referrer::getSources(); // Merges all drivers together, with the last one having priority
Referrer::getSourcesByDriver(); // Retrieves all driver values

Retrieve the first or last referrer value:

use \Elegantly\Referrer\Sources\UtmReferrerSource;
use \Elegantly\Referrer\Sources\GoogleClickIdSource;
use \Elegantly\Referrer\Facades\Referrer;

// Returns an instance of UtmReferrerSource

// Returns an instance of GoogleClickIdSource

Retrieve the oldest or latest referrer value from any source:

use \Elegantly\Referrer\Facades\Referrer;

// Returns an instance of ReferrerSource

// Returns an instance of ReferrerSource

Here is a complete example inside a controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\Auth\RegisterRequest;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Elegantly\Referrer\Facades\Referrer;
use \Elegantly\Referrer\Sources\UtmReferrerSource;

class RegisteredUserController extends Controller
    public function store(RegisterRequest $request)
        $validated = $request->validated();

        $user = new User($validated);

         * The value returned will be the latest referrer value captured among all sources
        $user->referrer = (string) Referrer::getSources()->getLatest();

         * The value returned will be the first UTM captured
        $user->utm = (string) Referrer::getSources()->getFirst(UtmReferrerSource::class);



        return redirect("/");


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.