
NMEA PHP parser

1.0.0 2017-09-17 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 05:22:11 UTC


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Read a NMEA line, detect the frame type and parse the line to obtain all datas.

Supported frame type :

  • GGA
  • GLL
  • GSA
  • GSV
  • RMC
  • VTG

Install it

Use composer

Add into composer.json file :

    "require": {
        "bulton-fr/nmea-parser": "master",

Use it


//Require composer autoload

//Instanciate the parser
$parser = new Elsayed85\NMEA\Parser;

//Déclare a line to parse
$line = '$GPGGA,064036.289,4836.5375,N,00740.9373,E,1,04,3.2,200.2,M,,,,0000*0E';

//Parse the line
$frame = $parser->readLine($line);

$frame contains all datas about the readed line. If you var_dump($frame) :

class Elsayed85\NMEA\Frames\GGA#2 (19) {
  protected $frameType => string(3) "GGA"
  protected $frameRegex => string(175) "/^([A-Z]{2}[A-Z]{3}),(\d{6}\.\d{2,3}),([0-9\.]+),(N|S),([0-9\.]+),(E|W),(\d{0,1}),(\d{0,2}),([0-9\.]*),([0-9\.]*),([A-Z]{0,1}),([0-9\.-]*),([A-Z]{0,1}),([0-9\.]*),(\d{0,4})$/m"
  protected $utcTime => class DateTime#5 (3) {
    public $date => string(26) "2017-09-29 06:40:36.289000"
    public $timezone_type => int(3)
    public $timezone => string(3) "UTC"
  protected $latitude => string(9) "4836.5375"
  protected $latitudeDirection => string(1) "N"
  protected $longitude => string(10) "00740.9373"
  protected $longitudeDirection => string(1) "E"
  protected $gpsQuality => int(1)
  protected $nbSatellites => int(4)
  protected $horizontalDilutionPrecision => double(3.2)
  protected $altitude => double(200.2)
  protected $altitudeUnit => string(1) "M"
  protected $geoidalSeparation => double(0)
  protected $geoidalSeparationUnit => string(0) ""
  protected $ageGpsData => double(0)
  protected $differentialRefStationId => int(0)
  protected $line => string(70) "$GPGGA,064036.289,4836.5375,N,00740.9373,E,1,04,3.2,200.2,M,,,,0000*0E"
  protected $message => string(66) "GPGGA,064036.289,4836.5375,N,00740.9373,E,1,04,3.2,200.2,M,,,,0000"
  protected $checksum => string(2) "0E"

There is a getter for all properties, except for frameRegex, message and checksum.

Add a new frame type

Add a new class into the namespace Elsayed85\NMEA\Frames. Else, you need to extends Parser class and redefine the method obtainFrameParser.

The name of the class need to be the frame type name. Example GGA for frame type GGA. This class should extends the class \Elsayed85\NMEA\Frame.

You should have properties $frameType and $frameRegex. And the method decodeFrame should be declared.

$frameType should contains the name of the frame type.

$frameRegex is the regex to use for parse the line.

decodeFrame is the method called after the parse of the line with the regex. The argument of this method is the third argument of preg_match function. So this argument contain all part of the message. Into this method, you can populate your properties with the line value.