
laravel auditing

0.4.2 2025-02-28 08:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 08:41:00 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Tests Total Downloads

Opiniated fork of owen-it/laravel-auditing


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ensi/laravel-auditing

Publish the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ensi\LaravelAuditing\LaravelAuditingServiceProvider"

Migrate from 0.2.x to 0.3.0

  1. Publish new migration php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ensi\LaravelAuditing\LaravelAuditingServiceProvider" --tag=migrations-0.3
  2. If the config laravel-auditing.php is published, then replace the resolver.uservalue with Ensi\LaravelAuditing\Resolvers\UserResolver::class

Version Compatibility

Laravel Auditing Laravel PHP
^0.1.2 ^7.x || ^8.x ^8.0
^0.2.0 ^7.x || ^8.x ^8.0
^0.3.0 ^7.x || ^8.x ^8.0
^0.3.1 ^8.x || ^9.x ^8.0
^0.3.5 ^8.x || ^9.x || ^10.x || ^11.x ^8.0
^0.4.0 ^9.x || ^10.x || ^11.x ^8.1

Basic Usage

By default, no modification history is saved for models. To enable logging for a specific model, you need to add the Support s Audit trait and the Auditable interface to it

use Ensi\LaravelAuditing\Contracts\Auditable;
use Ensi\LaravelAuditing\SupportsAudit;

class Something extends Model implements Auditable {
    use SupportsAudit;

If we change the data of the child models from a logical point of view and want this change to take place under the parent model in the history, it is necessary to set the root entity (i.e. the model) in the transaction before changing the data. This is done through the Transaction facade or the manager \\Ensi\\LaravelAuditing\\Transactions\\ExtendedTransactionManager

DB::transaction(function () {

To add data to the history about who made the changes (a specific user, or, for example, a console command), again, you need to do this before changing the data, but through the Subject facade or the injection of \\Ensi\\LaravelAuditing\\Resolvers\\SubjectManager

Subject::attach($subject); // $subject - объект реализующий Ensi\LaravelAuditing\Contracts

The subject does not unbind after the transaction is completed. It can be unlinked manually by calling the Subject::detach() method.

When processing http requests, you can set the subject in middleware. In console commands and handlers, event queues are reassigned during execution.

The subject can be any entity that supports the interface \Ensi\LaravelAuditing\Contracts\Principal. If the subject is an ongoing task, for example, importing from a file, then it can return the ID of the user who created the task in the getUserIdentifier() method, and return the name of the imported file as the name.

In the user model, the getAuthIdentifier() and getUserIdentifier() methods return the same identifier.

Also, unlike the original package, not only the changed fields are saved in the history, but also the complete state of the model object at the time of the change.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


  1. composer install
  2. composer test

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.