
Laravel initial event propagation

0.3.2 2025-02-28 08:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 08:42:01 UTC


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Provides a bunch of ready-to use middleware to integrate ensi/initial-event-propagation in Laravel application. You are free to replace any of them with your own implementations.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ensi/laravel-initial-event-propagation

Publish config file like this:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\LaravelInitialEventPropagationServiceProvider"

Version Compatibility

Laravel IEP Laravel PHP
^0.1.0 ^8.x ^8.0
^0.2.0 ^8.x ^8.0
^0.2.5 ^8.x || ^9.x ^8.0
^0.2.6 ^8.x || ^9.x ^8.1
^0.2.9 ^8.x || ^9.x || ^10.x ^8.1
^0.2.11 ^8.x || ^9.x || ^10.x || ^11.x ^8.1
^0.3.0 ^9.x || ^10.x || ^11.x ^8.1

Basic Usage

$holder = resolve(InitialEventHolder::class);
$holder->setInitialEvent(new InitialEventDTO(...));

You must always resolve InitialEventHolder from the service container instead of InitialEventHolder::getInstance. This is made forLaravel Octane compatibility.

HTTP Requests

Setting initial event

You typically create a new initial event when you receive a HTTP request coming from a client you do not own. E.g in an API Gateway.
There is a built-in Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\SetInitialEventHttpMiddleware for that.
It creates an InitialEventDTO and places it to the InitialEventHolder singleton.

  • userId and entrypoint are set from request.
  • app is set according to config options.
  • userType is set from the package config. userType is empty for a not authenticated user.
  • correlationId and timestamp are set from request headers according to config options or generated from scratch.
  • realUserId, realUserType and misc are left empty strings.

Be sure to add the midlleware AFTER Laravel middleware that sets authenticated user.
In practice it likely means that you have to place the middleare at the very bottom of middlewareGroups in app/Http/Kernel

Parsing incoming initial event

Add Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\ParseInitialEventHeaderMiddleware to app/Http/Kernel middleware property.
This middleware parses X-Initial-Event HTTP header, deserializes it into InitialEventDTO object and places it to the InitialEventHolder singleton.

Propagating initial event to outcomming HTTP request

The package provides a Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\PropagateInitialEventLaravelGuzzleMiddleware Guzzle Middleware that converts resolve(InitialEventHolder::class)->getInitialEvent() back to X-Initial-Event header and sets this header for all outcomming guzzle request.

You can add it to your guzzle stack like this:

$handlerStack = new HandlerStack(Utils::chooseHandler());
$handlerStack->push(new PropagateInitialEventLaravelGuzzleMiddleware());


Artisan Commands

There is a custom artisan Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\SetInitialEventArtisanMiddleware that sets new initial event in every artisan command that you run. You can add it to the app\Console\Kernel like that:

public function bootstrap()
    (new SetInitialEventArtisanMiddleware())->handle();

This middleware sets artisan command name (including argument, excluding options) as $initialEventDTO->entrypoint.
If your custom artisan command makes guzzle HTTP requests to other apps the PropagateInitialEventGuzzleMiddleware uses this initial event.
This middleware also works fine for Laravel Task Scheduling.

Queue Jobs

You typically want to persist initial event between incoming HTTP request and queued job.
The package can help you here aswell. Unfortunately you need to touch a given job:

use Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\Job;

// Extend the job from package
class TestJob extends Job implements ShouldQueue 
    public function __construct(protected Customer $customer)
        // Do not forget to call parent constuctor

    public function handle()
        // InitialEvent is automatically persisted to InitialEventHolder via job middleware in parent class, 
        // You do not need to persist it manually

Laravel Queable Actions

If you use spatie/laravel-queueable-action package to dispatch actions instead of jobs you do not need to mess with every job separately.

Just publish laravel-queueable-action config and set the special Job class there:

'job_class' => \Ensi\LaravelInitialEventPropagation\ActionJob::class,


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


  1. composer install
  2. composer test

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.